5 Powerful Steps To Bost Your Calorie Burn In Your Workout

Do you know that you can burn 100 calories or more by adding something extra into your workout within spending more time? With 100 calories extra, in 35 sessions, you will be losing an extra one-pound of body fat on top of the total body fat that you will lose from your normal weight loss exercise routine.

This question became very popular because there are so many people out there that are hitting the weight loss plateau. They are exercising hard but yet they are not losing any more weight. This is very frustrating and sometimes can be very demoralizing. But you don't have to worry now, I will share with you methods that I teach with my subscribers on how to burn more calories during your workout.

Step one. Please get out of the fancy machine and hit the free weights and cables. There are many things that these machines cannot offer. Although they are highly engineered and are of latest technologies, they still do not train your muscle on balancing and coordination. The movement path is fixed and all you have to do is push. But with free weights, you need to balance the weights, focus on coordination, and focus on the power and speed of individual arm and also the movement path. This will burn more calories. Not only that, the muscle is worked more intensely. This will require more calories from the body for muscle recovery.

Step two, add in lunges into other exercises. Most of the time, people think that lunges is used only to work the butt, quads and hamstrings. But not many people know that lunges can be integrated into other exercises to make the exercise more complex and intense. A good example is dumbbell shoulder press with lunge. This exercise works the shoulders, the triceps, the core and the entire lower body. Rather than just sitting down on the bench and pressing the weights upwards, why not add in the lunges.

To perform this exercise, start by standing up with your feet side by side. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height with your palms facing forward. And with one fluid movement, step out your right leg and drop vertically downwards until your left knee almost touches the floor. Press the dumbbells all the way up as you lower the left knee. Then step back to original position and repeat with your left leg.

There are many other exercise that you can add lunges to. You can add lunges to your dumbbell bicep curls, to your oblique twist with fitball and many more.

Step 3. Add squats into your other exercise. This is a similar concept of the lunges. By adding leg movements into your upper body movements, you almost double up your calorie burn. This is because the more muscle you exercise, the more calories you burn.

An interesting way you can add squats into your exercise is doing squats with your cable rows. First, stand up straight with the bar in your hands. Take a step back so that the weight stack is up. Then, instead of just bringing the bar to your stomach, squat down first, hold the position then bring the bar to your stomach. Return to the original position by extending your arms fully and the stand back up.

Step 4. You can also add in unrelated exercises in between sets. This means that instead of just resting one minute between a set of pull downs, why not do a set of crunches or a set of triceps press downs. This sort of supersets really can increase the intensity of the exercise and your heart rate.

You can also do chest exercises superset with abs, shoulder exercises superset with leg exercise. To take it another level higher, superset the weight training sets with a 2-minute high intensity cardio like uphill running or the Stairmaster.

Step 5. Stick to large muscle groups and do only compound exercises. Large muscle groups like legs, back, chest and shoulders burns a lot if calories during a session of weight training. This because the size of these muscle groups are far larger than biceps and triceps. Use compound exercises to hammer these muscle groups. Compound exercises like squats, dead lift, chin-ups, barbell bench press and barbell shoulder press utilizes a lot of calories because lots of muscles are being worked at one time.

Use these tips to burn more calories in your workout session. We all could use additional helpful information to help us get our dream body faster.

Tony Leong reveals his 5 secrets to losing weight in his Weight Loss system. He is giving it away for free for a limited time only. Go to http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com/topweightlosssecrets to download it now. Click here to get your free stuff

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7 Low Carb Diet Foods For Rapid Weight Loss

There is some debate among fitness professionals about the best diet food around for weight loss. If you are serious about losing that stubborn fat really desire about getting a flat stomach, getting nice toned legs, losing that back fat and getting an all round well defined body, you have to be serious about understanding and implementing the 3 key foundations on weight loss.

Key number one is you need to do weight training; key number two is that you have to include cardiovascular training and the third one, which a lot of people hate which is dieting.

After reading this article, you will be equipped with some tips on how you can lose load of stubborn body fat. This article demonstrates to you on some low carbohydrate diet foods that you can include into you meals plans conveniently and make your body into a fat burning machine with super high metabolism. You will be saying good-bye to your rebellious belly fat very soon.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 1

Remember when your mum says eating fish is good? Well, she is right again. Include fish into your diet will be a wise choice as they contains loads of protein, low in fat and rich in Omega-3. Try to include tuna and salmon into your meals as they contain loads of iron, which can prevent you from getting anemia as well.  Not only that, they are a variety was that you can cook fish and prepare them in a healthy way. My all time favorite is grilled salmon or just eating tuna out of a can, which I find it extremely handy.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 2

How about shellfish? Make sure you are not allergic to it or you will run into some deep trouble. Include some shrimp, oysters and clams into your diet. Eat them moderately and also perhaps 3 times a week. They are delicious and easy to prepare. Many restaurants out there serve shrimps that you can dip with some sauce. They are tasty and makes your dieting a breeze.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 3

This one is just super easy to prepare and also can be ready to be consume in a jiff. A protein shake can be prepared in just a minutes and provides you with loads of protein and also various vitamins and minerals. A shake will usually contain 20 grams of high BV protein. High BV means the absorption rate of the protein in the body is higher. Make sure you choose high quality brands like Muscle Tech, and Optimum Nutrition. Take it once a day and the best time to consume it is after your workout or first thing in the morning.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 4
The next on the list is the good old fashion eggs. Do not look down on them. They provide high quality protein and the egg whites contain no cholesterol and fats, just pure high protein. Eggs contain a complete amino acid profile and they can be prepared in many ways. I love to eat it scrambled or stir-fry them with tomatoes and onions. I usually eat about 5 egg whites and it makes me feel like a champ!

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 5

The powerful lean ground beef is next on the menu. It is low in fat, high in protein, contains lots of iron and vitamin B12. It also contains creatine, which is extremely valuable to the body if you are doing weight training or any sort of high intensity training. Just make sure you choose the 93 percent lean ground beef and prepare them over the grill for a super healthy meal not just for you but for the whole family. Save it with loads of vegetables and make sure you put aside the sauce and not smoother it.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 6

Cottage cheese is a wonderful low carb snack. It provides loads of protein and it is a food for champions! In 4 oz of cottage cheese, you get 14 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and only 3 grams of carbohydrate. You can eat it just like that, easy and convenient.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 7

The last but not least, get some salad into your diet. You need to have vegetables and you need lots of it. To make the salad much healthier, the vegetables must be dark green and colorful. Just make sure you go easy on the dressing and you can have large bowls of salad and still lose weight. Make your salad lively by adding in lettuce, endives, cucumbers, tomatoes, baby carrots and radishes. You can also add in a hard-boiled egg and shreds of chicken breast.

So you see, I have provided you with one full day menu of low carb diet food. Combine all of them and spread the meals throughout the day and you will boost your metabolism and burn loads of body fat! I am not joking! Make sure you add in weight training, cardiovascular training and some stretching to gain optimum fat loss!

Download your free copy of Tony Leong weight loss system where he reveals the 5 secrets to weight loss. Go to http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com/topweightlosssecrets to download it. Click here to grab your copy.

Could You Be A Suitable Candidate For Lap Banding?

There are several different forms of obesity surgery available now including the reasonably new surgical procedure of gastric lap banding which is rising in popularity and is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for a significant number of morbidly obese individuals. But are you a suitable candidate for gastric lap band weight loss surgery?

In answering this question we will start by presuming that you are suitable for obesity surgery generally and that your only concern is whether or not you should be thinking about lap banding. In very simple terms this would mean that you are over the age of 18, are morbidly obese with a body mass index (BMI) in excess of 40 (or over 35 with one or more co-morbid conditions and that you have already tried traditional weight loss methods (including possible drug treatment) without any success.

It is frequently assumed that people facing weight loss surgery are simply overweight and it is all too easy to forget that people who are severely overweight are often suffering from several other conditions, many of which result from the fact that they are overweight. It is the existence of these other conditions which normally presents a hurdle when it comes to choosing between different surgical options.

Because lap banding is a type of restrictive surgery where the stomach is physically restricted in size to limit the amount of food that can pass through the stomach and digestive system, this form of surgery is probably not going to be suitable if your esophagus, stomach or intestine are abnormal. An abnormality could be inherited or acquired and a common problem seen is a narrowing at some point along the digestive tract.

Problems within the stomach or esophagus which might result in bleeding (such as esophageal or gastric varices – a dilated vein) would also rule out gastric lap band surgery, as will problems at the site where the band is to be placed around the stomach, such as an injury, gastric perforation or scarring.

Problems might also arise if you are suffering from any type of inflammation or inflammatory condition in the gastrointestinal tract like esophagitis, ulcers or Crohn’s disease.

Finally, lap band surgery is not considered suitable for pregnant women or for women who are considering pregnancy. Should pregnancy occur after lap banding the band can be deflated to allow for the higher nutritional requirement however, where deflating the band is not sufficient, the band could need to be removed.

One advantage of lap band surgery is that the procedure is reversible and, if it becomes necessary, the band can be removed returning the stomach to its previous state. This can however also be a disadvantage of the system. Motivation is the key to any type of obesity surgery but is a particular issue when it comes to lap band surgery. Should you have any doubt about how determined you are to succeed then this form of surgery might not be the best choice for you.

Weight Loss VS Muscle Toning

Having a nice lean and sculptured body is the goal or in many cases the dream of many individuals. We often hear people talking about “toning up”, but what does that really mean. If you begin to notice that you have extra “flab” hanging from the back of your arms does this means you need to get to a gym and start working your arms? Most would say yes, but actually the answer is no, although working out and lifting some weights is never a bad idea.

Whether it is the back of your arms or the most popular the abs, working out any particular muscle does not mean you will be able to see that muscle any better at least not until you get rid of the layer of fat that is hiding it. So what does this mean? You can do a hundred sit-ups a day but until you lose weight you will not be able to see your six pack. When you are say working out your abs you are indeed burning calories however they could be coming from the fat around your ankles, you do not get to choose.

So if working out your muscles does not necessarily mean that it is going to stand out and be visible then why weight train? The simple fact is muscle burns more calories than the fat covering those muscles. Therefore if you want to have the overall appearance of being sculptured then you need to get your body burning the calories and the easiest way to get this done is to regularly work your muscles; all your muscles, eat properly, and add in some cardio.

A well rounded workout that includes weight training, will turn your body into a calorie burning machine, strengthen your muscle and preserve the muscle you have which becomes increasing more important as you age. You will have better balance, flexibility,  and stronger, healthier bones; again important especially as you age. You can not choose the area of your body that you want to lose weight from and do specific exercises to make it happen, therefore instead of wanting to lose the belly fat choose to work towards an overall leaner, stronger and healthier body.

If your goal is to strengthen your over all body and to lose your excess body fat then you should be doing weight training at least four times a week. This will enable you to work out each muscle group twice a week and still allow your muscles time to rest (two days is best). Remember it is not the working out of the muscle that causes it to strengthen but instead the recovery and rebuilding after the fact. A weight training plan may look like this:

Day 1: Chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, upper abs, obliques
Day 2: Back, biceps, hamstrings, glutes, lower abs
Day 3: No weight training
Day 4: Chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, upper abs, obliques
Day 5: Back, biceps, hamstrings, glutes, lower abs
Day 6: No weight training
Day 7: No weight training

The days you choose and the order in which you do the activities is entirely up to you, however it is recommended that you group upper body together for one workout and then lower body for another workout.

Water fasting For Weight Loss

Everyday we hear reports that the US population is becoming increasingly overweight, and just as often we are faced with a confusing array of diets, pills and other products, all claiming to help us lose weight. Most of these products are not grounded in sound nutrition. Recently, the benefits of weight loss through water fasting have been touted by certain health-conscious groups, However research does not support this claim.

Before beginning any type of diet, it is a sensible thing to determine if one is really overweight. It is easy to recognize excess weight, however there is a distinction between overweight and being obese. An overweight person is one who has a body mass index (BMI) of 25 to 29.9, while an obese person is one with a BMI of 30 or more.

Some people become overweight because of compulsive eating or food addiction. Drinking copious amounts of water will not help a person lose weight if he/she is constantly eating lots of fried foods and sweet things. During a water fast, a person drinks only water when thirsty. Water fasting is undertaken for spiritual reasons among several religions. Traditionally, Roman Catholics do a water fast before receiving Holy Communion. Muslims and Jews all fast at certain times of the year during special observances, while Christians fast whenever they feel like it.

Some people engage in water fasting as a means of detoxifying the body, with weight loss as its ultimate goal. It is believed that water fasting helps the body to heal and detoxify faster than juice fast. The idea behind this is that less energy is used in digesting food, freeing up energy for the release of toxins. However, doctors and dietitians warn against this practice, saying that the human body is capable of losing toxins through the skin, liver, colon and kidneys. They say that extended water fasts are harmful as the body loses vital nutrients; they also slow down the metabolism.

Proponents of water fasting attribute several health benefits to this type of fast. Among them are:
a. More energy
b. Healthier skin
c. Improved sleep
d. Elimination of headaches
e. Elimination of stored toxins and
f. Weight loss

Another reason given for water fasting is that more fat is burned during a water fast as the body has to draw on its stored fat for energy after the first few days of fasting. Finally, it is advised that water fasting is more effective when accompanied by physical and emotional rest. If this is not possible, then a juice fast is recommended.

Those who find the taste of water boring can drink carbonated water. There is no calories added and there is both neutral and flavored carbonated waters available.

Water by itself is essential to life. We cannot live without water, but like everything else it must not be overdone. Dietitians and nutrition experts maintain that the only way water can help a person lose weight is if they substitute water for high-calorie drinks and foods. While fasting may have some health benefits, the key to these benefits is moderation, and, as always, if in doubt consult your medical practitioner.

Quick Weight Loss and Burning Fat

Oftentimes people use quick weight loss diets to help them lose a few pounds in order to fit into a certain outfit or to help them have a better self-image. Though they are often not the wisest choice, diets created for quick weight loss are very popular. While these kinds of diets may work for the short term, you should always talk to your doctor before changing your eating habits.

Quick weight loss diets are hardly new. However, dramatic change in diet and nurishment can be put stress on your body. A quick weight loss diet lasting longer than a week is not recommended for anyone.

Every quick weight loss diet is created for short term use, and isn’t supposed to be used for a lifestyle change. After two weeks, your body stops responding to the diet, even if you still feel like the diet is effective. Even though you will notice results, these diets are not good for your body long term.

If you starve yourself completely, you body will start to shut down and store up calories to prepare itself for your reduced caloric intake. As a consequence of this, you will find losing weight to be extremely challenging. Therefore, while it is tempting to drastically limit your intake when dieting, it will not result in long term weight loss and is the reason why these types of quick weight loss diets are only able to be used for a short duration of time.

When you achieve positive results with a quick weight loss diet, do not reward yourself by gorging. Perhaps that would be a large mistake. Eating balanced and healthy meals after finishing the quick weight loss diet is highly recommended. Remember that plently of water is recommended. Staying hydrated is also crucial; hunger pangs can sometimes be quelled by drinking water.

Overexerting yourself when finished with the diet isn’t recommended. While you are on the diet, you will feel normal, but you will need to adjust to the change of not dieting. This change may create additional stress for your body. Gradually adjust your eating habits so that you consume the correct number of calories for your height, age and gender. This way, you will be better able to create healthy eating habits for the rest of your life, as opposed to getting into the cycle of yo-yo dieting.

Losing weight can be kicked into gear with a quick weight loss diet. To enhance your results, supplement these diets with moderate exercise. But it’s important to eat a sufficient quantity of healthy food with any diet.

Bart R


Fat Loss For Idiots Review – Is It A Scam?

In comparison to other programs and guides that are out there, the Fat Loss For Idiots guide is one of the best out there. In my experiences with weight loss programs this one gets five out of five stars, because of everything that is offered. In its most basic terms, this is the program to help you lose weight. One thing I really enjoyed about the Fat Loss for Idiots program was the different options available to follow. This is not just blindly following an inflexible diet plan. Nearly every side of fat loss is covered with this total program.

First of all, you will learn to make healthier decisions regarding your diet that will enable you to shed your excess weight and keep off the pounds. You will be given good advice on how to make changes in your diet. I could see that you’d assume that you’ll be told to just eat healthy, exercise and don’t enjoy a cocktail, but that sir is crap! It is different than you might think, you will be suprised. These are truely new ideas (which have been carefully assessed by scientists). Items including the most beneficial meal times, how to pick menu items when you’re in a restaurant, how you can include enjoying alcohol while on a diet and, it goes without saying, a whole lot more. Ok lets not spoil everthing:)

This might be hard to take in but the best part of Fat loss for idiots is their way of “calorie shifting” system which has not been found in any other weight loss program. “Calorie shifting” involves a rotation of the food items that are the top fat burners (no – whatever one you’ve got in your head at the moment, that’s not it), while you are on your diet. By doing this your body’s metabolism never will get used to a special pattern and will not slow down. It is a very potent system to help you lose pounds with ease.

Something to watch for is the Fat Loss For Idiots Online Diet Generator, its a fantastic resource. When you list all your most loved meals & food items, it will propose an 11 day nutrition plan that is tailored to your taste and, of course, is designed to help you shed those pounds. What is truly amazing about this program is on this program you are allowed to eat foods that you really like and not some processed garbage that is supposed to resemble food and is supposed to be healthy but tastes like cardboard. The use of this tool alone is worth five stars within it self. This is probably the easiest thing I have ever done.

There’s no time to lose – just excess weight.

The Fat Loss For Idiots program is really what it says – so easy that an idiot could do it. Go to dietfatloss.net to get started with Fat Loss 4 Idiots!

Weight Loss For Idiots Book: An Unbiased Review

Weight Loss for Idiots is so easy, you won’t have to count how many calories you have taken in.In this diet program, you get to eat four meals a day.You go online and choose the foods that you enjoy eating.It is user friendly, all you need to do is give your food preference and the program will take care of the rest.After your first 11 days on the program, you get 3 days that are called cheat days.You can have whatever food you want (as long as it is in moderation of course) before you start another 11 days with Weight Loss for Idiots.

Weight Loss 4 Idiots follows an ingenious diet program.You have an entire array of healthy and delicious meals to choose from.You can have eggs for breakfast, chicken breast for lunch, fish fillet for dinner, and fruit salad for midnight snack.That is one great way to lose weight.In case you want to read more fat loss for idiots review, there are plenty that you can find online.

You know there are many ways to do this.The best you can do, however, is check on their site where hundreds of reviews are available for your reading pleasure.You can go onto the website where there are literally hundreds of testimonials from people have tried this diet program and have succeeded.

Or you can use any search engine and type in Fat Loss 4 Idiots.The internet is a wonderful place to find the best information on literally everything and anything.Would you believe that there were about 82,000 fat loss for idiots reviews online.And from what I have read so far, about 8 out of 10 people who tried Weight Loss 4 Idiots, are satisfied.

My Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review is basically about what I most appreciate about the program and that is how it makes you lose weight while it takes care of your health at the same time.This does not mean that you cant have a slice of pizza or a piece of cake every now and then or that you cant dine at your favorite establishment.Since you have the tool, the rest is whether or not you really want to commit yourself to lose that extra pounds.If you are totally committed to learning the correct and healthy way to eat, you will be successful with this weight loss 4 idiots.

The most frequently asked question I come across is fat loss 4 idiots a scam or not.The answer in a nutshell is no.Scamming is swindling for profit.This program does not do that.For starters, the program costs $39 and that is the only amount you pay for a lifetime of healthy information.And that is a cheap price for a program that is not only effective but also convenient to use.With weight loss for idiots, you don’t count calories and carbohydrates since the diet calculator has computed everything for you at the onset of the program.Just put in the food you choose and the rest is taken care of.

Weight Loss For Idiots will help you stop your weight loss frustration. Lose Weight Now with Instant Downloads from Today’s Top Fat Loss Diet, Weight Loss For Idiots and find out why 1000s of overweight chose Fat Loss 4 Idiots Get more information at http://www.squidoo.com/-Fat-Loss-For-Idiots

Burn Lots Of Fat And Speed Up Metabolism In Three Steps

Do you know there are three (3) easy steps that you can implement today that can get you into weight loss mode? If you are looking for some technique to get your fat burning furnace roaring, you are in luck because I am going to share with you 3 steps that you can take so your body can burn more body fat.
There are tips and tricks that we can implement so that we can get more from our workout. This means burn more fat and save more time. All of us are looking for methods to lose weight quickly and get the most of our time. So, by implementing these 3 tips, you can definitely burn more body fat and see the results quite quickly. Without wasting more time, lets dive into it.
Step 1
Do your cardio after your intense weight training. This is by far one of the best method I have seen working for my clients. For those who do not know me, I have been doing personal training for more than 7000 hours since the 2004 and I find that my clients that follow my instructions and do their cardio after their weight training lose the most fat!
The reason behind this is because we are glucose depleted after an intense weight training session. Hence when you hit the cardio, your body will start using body fat straight away. If you do cardio before you weight training, you will waste time spending 10 to 15 minutes burning the sugar in your body and then only the body fat. Then when you do weight training, you will not have the power and strength to complete an intense weight training session.
During weight training, you only use sugar. So, it is more effective to do weight training first, burn of the sugar and then hit the cardio machine for maximum fat loss. If you are not use to do your cardio after weight training, you will feel that your body is heavy and find it really tough. Do it slowly. Do your cardio workout at the intensity of 70 % of your max heart rate the after 5 to 7 minutes; you feel that you can go on forever!
Step 2
Now this is a bit of a controversial issue. Some pros do not like this method and some do. I personally experienced great results from it. It is called low card dieting. Yeah, you have heard of it like a thousand times. I am not a dietitian, but for my modeling days, I use to go low carb for 5 days and then eat normal on Saturday and Sunday.
This is not Atkins diet. I do not eat lots of fats. I eat lots of vegetables; eat lots of fish, egg whites and chicken. I also drink lots of soup because I found out that soup could really satisfy my appetite. The bulk of the meals come from vegetables because it is healthy and keeps your stomach full. You will feel a bit tired during your weight training but that is normal. You are not there to do the World’s Strongest Man event.
The key to maintain on this diet is that you have to eat 5 to 6 meals a day. Always plan ahead. I cannot emphasize enough. You need to plan what time you eat and what you will eat. This will help you cope up with all the hunger pangs. If you fail to plan you plan to fail.
Step 3
This tips is actually very easy. It won’t need you to put in more time into you workout or change your lifestyle. If you have been doing cardio religiously 3 to 5 times a week, why not supercharge your fat loss by using a heart rate monitor. By using a heart rate monitor, you can laser target you fat burning zone. With the heart rate monitor you would also know whether you are really tired or pure lazy. I workout too, I know. In some days, I feel really tired and do not have the stamina to run but when I checked my heart rate, it is just fine. So, I know I am just cheating myself if I stop.
There you have it. Three tips for you to get into weight loss mode that you can implement today. The biggest killer I think is procrastinating. Get started today and look great faster.
Tony Leong reveals his 5 secrets to losing weight in his Weight Loss system. He is giving it away for free for a limited time only. Go to http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com/topweightlosssecrets to download it now. Click here to get your free stuff