Your Health And The Master Cleanse

The MasterCleanse diet has been popularized by the like of Beyonce. She had used the diet to get in shape for her role in the movie “Dreamgirls”.

But before that, people really didn’t know about this diet which was created in 1941.

The Master Cleanse diet was created by Stanley Burroughs in the year 1941. He claimed that this diet could aid in weight loss as well as cure diseases like ulcers in as little as 10 days.

According to him, the diet can allow the body to be cleansed of toxins that are accumulated by smoking, drinking alcohol and even eating junk and unhealthy foods. This diet was introduced to the 21st century by weight loss author Peter Glickman.

The diet revolves basically on one central thing which is that dieters are only allowed to take in the lemonade which is made up of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper dissolved in water for the entire duration that the dieter wants to stay in the diet.

The dieter will have to take in laxatives to help in the effectiveness of the diet. Dieters may choose to drink tea but may also opt for the salt water flush. What the salt water flush does is to allow the dieter to excrete including all the stored wastes in his system.

The Master Cleanse diet is primarily a detox diet. It aims to help the dieter expel all the toxins inside his body. This aims to help the entire digestive tract since it is ridding it of all the wastes that have been lying around. Since it is detoxifying, it can also purify cells of the body. In doing so, it can help clean up the blood stream.

Another benefit to the diet is that it can clear away acne. It can also clean the sinus cavity which means that dieters will be able to have a decreased incidence in asthma, flu, colds and other respiratory problems.