Liposuction Without Surgery: Beauty Treatment Without Pain?

Many people have this misconception that liposuction without surgery is painless and non-invasive. Unfortunately, liposuction without surgery is not totally painless or absolutely non-invasive. However, compared to regular liposuction procedure, liposuction without surgery has relatively milder side effects. Yes, there will still be bruising and the swelling around the treated area for a few days but since liposuction without surgery works without cutting through your skin, you will experience less discomforts after the treatment. Moreover, non-surgical liposuction cosmetic surgery is generally safer compared to regular procedures.

Non-surgical Liposuction Treatments

As more and more people clamor for liposuction without surgery, scientists and doctors scrambled to come up with new technology that can cater to the growing demands for less invasive treatment. Over the years, medical professionals have developed several non-surgical liposuction treatments. A popular way of non-surgical liposuction is injection of medicines and enzymes into some parts of the body. These medicines and enzymes dissolve the stubborn fats. The dissolved fats are then flushed out from the body through urine. Technically, this type of liposuction without surgery is considered as safe. However, people who have liver or renal problems should never attempt to undergo this type of treatment. People with renal and liver problems may not be able to process the medicines and enzymes efficiently so there is a possibility that they will suffer from mild to moderate side effects.

Another popular form of liposuction without surgery is mesotherapy. This type of treatment is now widely used in Europe and in South America. The treatment involves the injection of amino acids and compounds that dissolve fatty tissues in the body. Usually, these amino acids and other compounds are administered on the different parts of the body using tiny needles so the whole treatment process is relatively painless. The results of this type of treatment are quite good. A lot of people who have undergone this type of liposuction without surgery are quite satisfied and happy with the results.

Aside from injecting enzymes, amino acids and other chemicals to dissolve fatty tissues, medical experts also developed the use of laser to administer liposuction without surgery. By using heated laser beams to melt fatty tissues, doctors can do contour the different areas of the human body easily. This type of procedure is relatively fast and easy to perform. A lot of well known plastic surgeons around the country are now using this technique to perform facelifts and other forms of cosmetic surgery.

Super Effective Ways to Become Thin and Sexy! Here is How to Lose Those Ugly Pounds Fast

At present, a lot of people are desperately trying to find ways on how they can trim down their body. Being healthy and fit are the motivating factors on why a lot of men and women strive to get slim. This holds true, especially among people with diabetes wherein being slim puts them in an advantageous position.

Herpes: Ways to Relieve the Symptoms

Herpes is a virus that results in oral or genital blisters among those who contract it. These outbreaks are usually very unpredictable and can be quite uncomfortable. For this reason, it is very important to find a herpes natural remedy that will assist in alleviating outbreaks.

Many foods will assist in keeping the herpes virus dormant. Foods that will be of benefit the immune system include berries, kiwi, garlic, and sweet potatoes. These foods normally help to keep the herpes virus at bay.

Herpes causes tender sores and ulcers to erupt on sensitive areas of the body. The pain and discomfort can be relieved through basic good hygiene, home remedies, herbs, and medication. A patient should not only treat the lesions but also avoid or at least manage stress because it is one of the factors that triggers outbreaks.

In caring for the sores, always make sure they are clean and dry. Do not apply an over the-counter cream or ointment because it will not allow the sores to dry properly. Use soap, salt water or bicarbonate of soda to clean them. Sores should never be popped or skinned using the fingernails or any sharp object. To allow airing, avoid wearing tight clothing and always use loose cotton underwear. Using a hairdryer to dry the genitals will prevent the sores from being touched. To make them dry faster, compress the blister with vinegar and tepid water for 10 minutes twice daily. Ice wrapped in a clean cloth will relieve the pain. This should be alternately applied for ten minutes, and removed for five minutes. Taking a warm bath two three times everyday is especially soothing. Covering the lesions with a non-stick dressing when going out will keep them from becoming aggravated when exposed to sunlight. A dressing will also prevent rubbing and will keep the virus from being transmitted to others.

Nutritional supplements help one to be more equipped to fight the symptoms. Taking Vitamin C and zinc aid in preventing outbreaks. Vitamin E shortens their duration and also relieves pain. Beta-carotene boosts the immune system and deters viruses from entering. Lysine is another pain reliever which also does the same thing. One excellent food is yogurt because it contains the live microorganism lactobacillus acidophilus that combats the disease. Foods that should be avoided are those that have high arginine content such as seeds, chocolate, oatmeal, raisins, nuts, etc.

A good home remedy that provides relief is carrot poultice (grated carrots wrapped in a hot moist cloth and applied to a sore or inflamed body part). This speeds up the healing of blisters, relieves pain and reduces glandular swelling. Herbal solutions for pain include lemon balm, lavender, Solanum nigrum, olive leaf extract, horsetail, gentian, hyssop, myrrh and many others. Herpes medications that doctors prescribe are pain killers, anti viral and anti-inflammatory drugs.

About the Author

Charles Volcalatte is a health and fitness researcher for .  He enjoys finding natural solutions to stop herpes.

Lose Weight Really Fast – Is it Possible Or Will You End Up Hurting Your Health & Killing Yourself?

So you want to lose weight really fast. You’re fed up with people staring at you on the street. You hate not being able to walk around the block without wheezing. You’re sick of your nice clothes getting “too small” for you. And you’re scared by your doctor’s prediction that you will suffer from various medical conditions unless you lose some weight soon.

Weight Loss Struggles – Where to Start to Make Sure You Succeed The First Time

Most people feel helpless about their lives and their health, especially when it comes to weight loss. Helplessness has been taught to us. We rely on doctors to look after us when we are sick and to tell us what we need to get better. We often blame someone else for our problems and rarely take responsibility.

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Lose Fifteen Pounds This Year!

Anybody who tells you that losing extra fat is easy is probably one of those annoying skinny people who have five percent body fat and can eat anything in sight without gaining an ounce. Losing weight is never easy, but it can be simple, because weight changes follow the basic laws of physics. In order to gain or lose weight, you have to cause an imbalance in your body’s use of energy. To lose weight, you have to take in fewer calories in food than you burn in your daily activities. To gain weight, more calories must be taken in than burned off. Simple, even if not easy.

In order to lose a pound of body weight, you have to burn about 3500 more calories than you eat. Taking in 500 calories less every week than you burn, you will lose a pound about every seven weeks. In order to lose fifteen pounds in a year, you need to eat about 1000 fewer calories per week than you burn. A calorie deficit can be created by either eating less, exercising more, or some combination of the two.

Let’s consider a simple approach to losing fifteen pounds in the next year. To lose those fifteen pounds, you need to achieve a calorie deficit of 52,500 calories in the next year. This may seem like an enormous number, but you can achieve this by simply combining exercise with a reduced calorie intake.

If you normally drink the equivalent of two sweetened soft drinks every day, at a whopping calorie count of 150 calories per twelve ounce can, all you have to do is cut one of those out every day to lose 15 pounds in a year (150 calories times 365 days divided by 3500 calories per pound equals just over fifteen pounds). Be careful, though, what you substitute for that daily soft drink. There is increasing evidence that drinking diet sodas contributes to weight gain, so it is better to drink pure water or unsweetened tea or coffee instead of regular soda.

If you increase your daily exercise by walking an extra one and a half miles (a 155 pound person walking three miles per hour burns about 100 calories per mile), you will also lose fifteen pounds in a year.

You could also combine the two by eliminating one soda every other day and walking an extra mile and a half every other day in order to get the identical result. Even better, eat less and exercise more every day and lose thirty pounds over the course of a year!

Although this is an example of how simple it is in theory to lose weight. In the real world, it is much more complicated. The key to achieving this weight loss through cutting calories or increased exercise is not to inadvertently add new calories somewhere else. You may need to adjust your eating habits or consider using glucomannan supplements to help with cravings. It’s important to have the correct mindset to be successful in losing weight. It may help to have a good weight loss program at hand to help you develop your personal weight loss program.

What Is The Fuss About Burning Calories In A Day

One of the most vital point to understand when you are in a weight loss program is the number of calories burned in a day.  Appropriately, it should be remembered that in order to lose weight, caloric intake should now exceed the amount of calories that you burn.  The key is to realize this and fully understand it.

One of your body’s greatest gift is its power to use calories throughout the day.  To do certain functions, your body uses energy..  According to recent research, nearly 2,000 calories in a day can be burned by a person.  So if your interest is to lose weight,then you would need to log the number of how many calories you burn in a day.  To explain further…

So do your part and make all this information help you with your goal.  The fact that you engage yourself in rigid exercise activity and you limit your food intake per se is insufficient, losing weight will be impossible if your caloric intake is more than what you can actually burn.  This is why it is crucial to figure out the number of calories you consume and burn every day, that way you can adjust your food consumption and your exercise to balance the need.  You cannot possibly lose weight if you lose 2,000 calories then consume 3,000 calories afterwards.  Your must agree that in today’s high technology and busy lifestyle, it is so easy to consume 3,000 calories.  The number of calories burn in a day needs to be calculated, but how?  Let me tell you how…

As discussed earlier, energy is needed by your body in order for you to be able to do things.  And by burning calories,  your body can get energy.  Simply put, your body need energy in order to breath, digest food and even to blink an eye.  Although you may not be moving, your body is still burning calories.  Although the amount burned is not significant.

The Rasal Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the total number of calories that you burn in a day when you are at rest.  You have to determine your RMR before you commit yourself into any weight loss program.  There are many health related websites that can assist in calculating that number.  To maintain your weight, all you need to do is consume the amount of calories equal to your RMR.

There are three basic categories of physical activities and they are light, moderate and heavy.

Light workouts include walking, gardening and household chores.  Minimum of 4 calories per minute can be utilized in these activities.

Aerobics, light weight training, cycling fall under moderate workouts which can make your body burn about 6 calories per minute.

Finally, in heavy workouts like power walking, high intensity training, high impact sports, hardcore mountain biking and heavy lifting can burn almost 10 calories per minute.

To lose weight, you will need to add the number of calories that you burn in a day to your personal RMR.  Also, make it a point that the calories you consumed in that day does not exceed the newly calculated (RMR plus calories burned) number.

Performing the right physical activities together with a healthy diet will help you achieve your desired weight.  It is important that you make these changes an integral part of your being.  If you are a busy mom and you are looking for ways to lose weight, these is a very popular program called Fit Yummy Mummy.

Fit Yummy Mummy enhances your will to lose weight as it is not complicated like the other weight loss programs out there.  It is specially designed for busy moms who cannot engage themselves into long trainings in the gym, thus the short 30 minute workouts that this program provides is essential.  These effective short exercises will enhances weight loss and it will also keep your energy up throughout the day.

Performing these exercises three to four times a week will definitely get you back into shape andshed off those excess weight.  It is best that you monitor your calories burned and intake every day to make adjustments as you work towards your weight loss goals.

If you are looking for more ideas, have a look at how to lose belly fat.