9 Days to a Cleaner, Fitter You!

Worn out and stressed? Do you want to drop that extra weight? There is a simple and effective way to start.

This may be the programme to jump start the healthy lifestyle you’ve been thinking about – and it might do it quicker than you think!

The Clean 9 Detox Diet is a 9-day programme that cleanses your body of harmful toxins while providing essential nutrition for boosting the system. During this process, it helps burn off excess fat both safely and effectively.

The Clean 9 programme contains:

Aloe Vera Gel – which has the body’s building blocks – essential amino acids or proteins that the body can’t manufacture itself. It can gently ‘detox’ or break down the residues that are built up in the digestive tract. Aloe not only minimises bad bacteria and yeasts in the bowel but it will also help to increase protein absorption.

Forever Lite is one of the main products in the programme – a delicious vanilla nutritional shake. Much of the leading health and dietary research has supported that a protein and low-carb diet can build and create a lean and healthy body. Forever Lite is a delicious meal-replacement shake with the right balance of protein and carbs for optimum effectiveness!

Bee Pollen – a gift from the beehive of one of the most complete foods on earth. Bee pollen contains B-complex vitamins as well as Vitamin C. These are absorbed by the colon for a healthy body. It also has lecithin which is key in fat metabolism.

Garcinia Plus – contains a number of ingredients that can aid in natural weight loss. One of its primary ingredients is Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), which is derived from the rind of the Garcinia cambogia fruit. HCA has demonstrated its ability to reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fats, in many laboratory tests. This means the body may burn existing fat stores more easily. Garcinia has also been shown to suppress the appetite naturally. Centuries of culinary and herbal use have proven that Garcinia is safe and effective.

The Clean 9 Weightloss Diet has it all. It provides a step-by-step process along with all the nutritional supplements you need to successfully detox your body. It has your complete guide with charts, meal and exercise planners, and even a section to write how you are feeling during the process which is essential.

Once you’ve detoxed with the Clean 9 programme, you’ll be in a totally new place to view your health. With a new vibrancy you will be able to continue with your weight loss programme or to maintain and continue healthy living. 

This could really be the year to get in shape and energise your life. Why not now? Now is the time!

For more information please go to: The Clean 9 Diet & Weight Loss site.

The Advantages of the Medifast Diet

There are a lot of fad diet plans available out there in the market, such as the medifast diet. Meal plans have become an alternative solution to diet pills and starving oneself to death when it comes to losing weight. But the question is, do these programs really work? When you find yourself frustrated at how your pills just are not doing you any good or that your current diet over the past few months have contributed very little to your weight loss goals, you will be surprised at how being in the Medifast diet program will do the exact opposite. In just a few days’ time of following the program strictly, you will be seeing appreciable changes in yourself that will excite you to stay in the program and make it a part of your lifestyle.

One of the major benefits that you will be noticing while undergoing the diet plan is a noticeable change in your body weight. No, this does not mean that you will lose 5 pounds in 3 days’ time. Rather, you will begin to feel better about yourself, as though there is something real good but you just cannot quite put your finger on it as to what it is exactly. But it will feel as though you are leaner, lighter, fit and right. These are symptoms of an upcoming beautiful body and lifestyle, and you sure are bound to have both in the weeks to come.

If you think that maybe you will have to starve yourself in the Medifast program just so that you can attain your desired weight, the answer is no. Instead, you will actually be eating 6 meals per day—one meal every 2 to 3 hours. But what you will be eating are pre-designed low-calorie meal replacements that will ease away your cravings for junk food, keep you full, and enhance your metabolism. It will take some getting used to—but once you have already grown accustomed to the taste and the kinds of food that you eat, you will notice how healthy and good you feel inside out. Well, that is just natural because in essence, you are actually consuming foods that are good for your health in the Medifast meal plan. Best of all, it is sustainable because your cravings for bad stuff will eventually go away.

In line with all that, you will generally feel better. Not only will you see yourself with a more slender body in front of a mirror and a lower weight count on the weighing scale, but you will also feel lighter and much better from within—a feeling that is something spiritual and seemingly profound.

Compared to taking in diet pills, fasting or purposely going hungry just to shake off those unwanted fat deposits in your tummy, going on a healthy diet plan is a much better and more sound and sustainable alternative. With the Medifast meal plan most especially, you will be amazed at how it under-promises but actually over-delivers.

For more tips and information about medifast, please check out: medifast diet


Answering the Sustainability Issues Behind Meal Plan Diets

The trends in today’s market are gearing towards health—and weight loss happens to be at the forefront of the major drift. Because fast foods have made high calorie meals with bad carbs almost unavoidable and just about at every corner, making weight loss endeavours even harder than they normally should be. To address this issue, diet plans have emerged throughout the years such as medifast1.com’s MediFast Diet Plan and 9thlawdiet.com’s 9th Law Diet Plan which seek to make losing weight simpler. Instead of trying so hard to avoid almost unavoidable, tempting foods that are rampant in society today, meal plans have designed healthier alternative meals.

However, are these diet plans the best solution to weight loss in the 21st century? Especially for the many people on the go and who have very busy lifestyles, having scheduled set meals for a somewhat hefty price does not look very attractive compared to taking in weight loss pills which you can just take out of your pocket and drink with a glass of water at any time. Suddenly ending the kind of diet people have already gotten used to such as pizza, burgers and fries can be very uncomfortable. However, with the statistics that show how much people are actually spending for these diet plans, it appears that the promise of millions of pills have become bland already, and people find the science behind meal plans a much attractive alternative—and they would do just about anything to get to their ideal weight, even sacrificing a little by following a strict set of meals.

With all this in mind, is this a sustainable solution to weight loss? We see before and after testimonials and pictures from very satisfied customers here and there claiming that losing weight through these programs was not so hard at all. Of course, there are also those who are against the effectiveness of diet plans, claiming that despite having taken the low-calorie shakes offered in medifast1.com or the positive reinforcements that are heavily given away in “Lose X number of pounds in X number of days” program ads, they still are not satisfied.

The main problem in this scenario actually is not the programs themselves—but the dieter. These meal plans are not designed to be a cure-all solution. You will not be losing weight if you take these meals irresponsibly by skipping meals or consuming other foodstuff that are prohibited in the diet. Before the program works for you, you have to work for it first. People who have long had discipline problems when it comes to dieting will most probably have complaints with these programs. Meal plans are not to be treated as diet pills. They are to be treated as a part of your lifestyle.

Dieting requires a huge amount of commitment. It will not work if you just rely everything on it. However, as long as you do your part and follow the diets properly, you are bound to get the results that you want. For instance, if you are under the medifast1.com diet, do not skip a meal and then make up for it by eating more on the next scheduled meal. Even the smallest things that you think will not have any effect on your diet, can actually drastically affect your end result. Yes, these diets are sustainable, for as long as you sustain a good kind of discipline, too.

For more tips and information about medifast1.com, please check out: medifast

Face It, You’re Fat – But We Have a Way You Can Take Care of It

Are you tired of all those lose weight in 5 minutes programs? If you are one of today’s over weight people, most likely you’ve heard diet gurus telling you not to eat certain food. You have those who suggest vigorous exercises as a way to rev up your metabolism, which is only putting wear and tear on your heart and system.

Getting Rid Of Man Boobs With Fat Burning Foods

Few Fat Burning Foods

Knowing how to burn fat is the first step in getting rid of man boobs.  By burning fat all over the body it will help to lose man boobs, and what better way then through a good diet.Excellent fat burning foods are high fiber fruit, vegetables, and whole grains assist to burn fat by maintaining the digestive system on track and regular insulin contents that in turn forbids fat storage. Also, thin protein feeds the muscles which are known to burn fat.

Get Rid Of Man Boobs

A List of Some Good Fat Burning Foods

Salmon: Salmon is know as one of the best fish products around, and it can take the heat and live up to all the hoopla. This cold water fish is one of the best sources for omega-3 fatty acids; a wholesome polyunsaturated fat that decreases which may assists in reducing the risk of weight gain. Salmon also has a nice fatty tone to it to fill you up faster and will as well help to burn fat.


Get Rid Of Man Boobs


Chicken – Turkey – Egg Whites: Lean proteins such as turkey, egg whites, and chicken breasts are very powerful fat burning foods. They enhance the metabolism and then in turn burns more calories. One of the most vital facets of these fat burning foods is that protein feeds muscle, and muscle mass is known to burn fat. A 3-ounce servicing of boneless, skinless lean turkey breast weighs in at 120 calories and gives 26 grams of appetite-controlling protein, 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of saturated fat.


Water: A awesome new research shows that water actually gears the body up to burn fat. Researches in Germany ascertained that all subjects raised their rates (the rate at which calories are burned) by 30 percent after taking approximately 17 ounces of water. Water is will also suppress your appetite and help cleanse your body from all those nasty toxins that cause you to bloat such as sodium.


Green Tea: Research show that green tea is a fat burning food in that it enhances metabolism. This voguish drink because it has many anti-cancer properties and will help stop heart illness.


Soup: Soup is one of the best unknown fat burning foods because it helps in suppressing cravings. According to a Penn State University study, soup is a great appetite suppressant because it’s comprised up of a hunger- fulfilling combination of liquids and solids. In the research, women pick one of three 270-calorie snacks ahead lunch. Women who had chicken and rice soup as a bite ate up an average of 100 less calories than those in the research who chooses for a chicken and rice casserole or the casserole and a glass of water.

Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Home Remedy for Obesity and Diabetes

When people have lived a sedentary way of life for a long time and poor eating choices, there is a great chance that these people are already suffering from obesity. This is a condition wherein an individual has already exceeded their body mass index of thirty. It can also be a possibility that these people are already stricken with diabetes which has been known tailed to this condition.

Diabetes is a chronic condition wherein an individual is in a permanent state of resistance to insulin which should have made use of glucose found in the blood that is to be utilized as energy. What happens when a person becomes diabetic is that the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin and as such, the outcome is that abnormally high levels of glucose get stuck into the bloodstream. This is a dangerous thing when allowed to happen permanently, because high levels of blood glucose in the blood can impair the other systems and organs in the body, such as the heart, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, and the feet can be subjected to amputation as well.

Since glucose is not utilized it is accumulated in the body and can cause grave damage to the arteries and the veins. Its sets off the over production of enzymes known as PKC and results in a fast cell growth and production. This then affects hardening of the arteries which can make it prone to breakage. This is one of the common causes why people with diabetes suffer from blindness and even heart diseases and stroke.

In some research it has been known that these complications brought about by diabetes is somehow linked with the formation of free radicals in the body. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have shown great potentials in neutralizing free radicals and provide nutrition that is truly beneficial for diabetics. This type of nutrition is best obtained through medicinal and organic sources.

One herb known to be a great source of fatty acids is the Purslane. It is actually an herbaceous garden weed with fleshy succulent leaves that is rich in nutrients such as tocopherals that can aid in managing diabetes due to its antioxidant properties. Aside from this, it also contains essential vitamins such as Vitamins C, A and E; minerals including phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese and silicon. A good advice in consuming Purslane is incorporating it in salads.

There are also some essential oils that ease the pain of diabetics. As mentioned, they are not an ultimate solution but they can reduce some adverse effects and alleviate the stress of coping with associated diseases of diabetes such as ulcers, loss of skin integrity, and skin infections. These essential oils include Palma Rosa, Rosemary, Juniper, Lavender, Tea-tree, and Peppermint. For aromatherapy or stress relieving aid, the essentials oils to be considered are Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Lemon, Bergamot, Neroli and Germanium.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for http://www.skinnyasap.com/. He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Programs and shares his knowledge at http://www.skinnyasap.com/ where he works as a staff writer.

Myths About How to Lose Weight

The most believed myth about how to lose weight is that you should go on a crash diet in order to lose weight. You cannot be more wrong. Crash diets are usually nothing but mere starvation. Your body needs energy to survive. You cannot deny the basic nutrition and still be healthy. Your body works on calories. The body measures everything that goes in as calories. The body knows to convert that into energy necessary to run the human engine. It also has a built in fat reserve system out of the calories it gets, for emergencies. In case of dieting, it still will reserve the fat portion in your bodies.

Right Lifestyle Preferences Makes Us Healthy

A weight loss technique that promises to boost metabolism and build up rapid weight loss is not new to the ears of the avid dieters who want to get rid of the extra pounds they have on their bodies. Nevertheless, when a new weight loss method promotes itself by making such claims, dieters from all over the world cannot help but feel a glimpse of hope that maybe this time, they have already discovered the magical tool that would help them achieve their ideal body weight and measurement. Oftentimes though, their weight management methods are still bound for failure.

What we have to remember always is that losing weight is not all that easy. It entails a lot of understanding of certain views so that a dieter can decipher once and for all which diet concepts so he or she can pursue; and which of the said concepts cannot bring the right results.

Eating wrong options of foods makes it worse to some personalities who cannot eliminate their body wastes properly, until four days or so. It is bad because the toxics get accumulated and crowded inside.

Digestive care has long since given out their resolutions. According to them, we should encourage entity to consume a well balanced diet, rich in whole foods. Such a diet favors fare high in macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, as well as phyto-nutrients and antioxidants. In the modern age, we can apply the lessons from our healthy ancestors, and adjust our diet so that we too can support our avenue of elimination.

Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat, whole grains, bran, oat and rye are the right food options with high nutritive contents. Eat gradually while shifting to a high fiber diet for useful impact that cause your system to boost, your heart functions to be more regular and a more optimized consequence in weight loss.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for http://www.skinnyasap.com/. He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Reviews and shares his knowledge at http://www.skinnyasap.com/ where he works as a staff writer.