Creating the Right Mindset About Dieting and Weight Loss

For any undertaking to be successful, it is important to have a strategy. However, a plan of action is not enough. It needs to be fueled by the right mindset. This is particularly evident in the case of dieters. Many people start out right by setting goals and having the determination to achieve these. Unfortunately though, in certain cases, something happens along the way and then people abandon their weight loss efforts. The reason: Negative and self-defeating thoughts that creep up and eventually take over a dieter like cancer causing him or her to abandon all efforts at weight loss.

Our relationship with food and our perception of it greatly impacts how our weight loss pursuits turn out. In other words, our success or failure depends on these personal concepts. There are certain viewpoints about food that spell failure and a dieter needs to change them if he or she wants to succeed.

Let us look into some helpful ideas that would help you get into the right mindset about dieting and weight loss:

1. Stop being an emotional eater. Try to find out what emotions trigger your bingeing. A lot of times we let our feelings dictate what we eat and how much. This has got to stop because we will continue to face these emotions, negative or positive, throughout our lives and as they come along, our weight issues will likewise continue to worsen. Be more conscientious about your food choices and focus only on what you should be eating regardless of how you are feeling.

2. Do not reward yourself with food. Many people allow themselves to indulge after completing a challenging task or accomplishing a goal. Unfortunately this fleeting moment of uncontrolled eating has long term effects. Such behavior only stresses our system because the wrong food choices and poor portion control cause many different health problems. Be more disciplined and put an end to that destructive behavior of rewarding yourself with food.

3. Do not let your friends get you off track. There are people who, when their friends become involved, lose all common sense. When it comes to dieting, the same thing applies. Cheating on your diet seems justifiable when done with friends and the tendency is to do it more often. If you seriously want to lose weight, stay away from friends who you think are not as determined as you are to succeed.

4. Finally, when you eat out, still eat right. Some people think that it’s okay to cheat whenever they eat in a restaurant or have dinner at a friend’s house. Being disciplined about your eating habits applies to every situation. If you make exceptions, you will not develop self-discipline which is what it takes to successfully lose weight.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Program and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.