The Idiot Proof Diet Review

Reviewer: Tim Jeffer
Website Review:
Idiot Proof Diet

This is a complete idiot proof diet reviews

The idiot proof diet is a strictly diet handbook that claims that they can help you lose 9 pounds every 11 days. Not just the very first 11 days, but EVERY 11 days. Is it real? Does the weight loss handbook really work?

I was rather skeptical when I first heard about it from my brother.

However, after searching so long for something that will work, I went ahead and bought. The handbook is a diet cycle that lasts 11 days and you can repeat it with different food to continue losing the pounds. So now, after the first cycle of the idiot proof diet, here is my idiot proof diet reviews.

Did the diet work? Did I Manage to Lose 9 Pounds?

Though I did not lose the 9 pounds as claimed by the handbook, my results came pretty close. I lost 8.3 pounds from the very first cycle of the idiot proof diet. And most impressively, I even started seeing the results of the diet within the first week.

The diet handbook is really easy to follow as there isn’t any complicated rules or procedures. Plus, besides that that I paid for the weight loss guide book, there wasn’t other programs that I had to purchase besides that.

The food on the diet is simple everyday food that can be located easily in supermarkets. Also, as there is not much cooking required, I could get my food ready and eat them in less than 5 minutes.

Diet…Is there a need to Starve Myself?

The moment I speak about my weight loss diet, my friends would start questioning on whether there was a need to starve themselves.

However, in this diet, there is no need to starve. And…each day, you will get to eat four meals! Yes, simply by eating more meals, your body will be constantly working on the food. This increase the metabolism rate of your body, thereby making sure that your body burns more calories as compared to before.

After that, comes the following question…what are the types of fodd we needed to shun?

Of course you can’t be stuffing yourself with deep fried chicken wings everyday and still expect to lose weight. But you will still be able to eat your favourite food before the second cycle of the idiot proof diet. I will get to that part later.

Now you will be able to eat your carbohydrates. You will be able to choose from a wide range of food like cheese and eggs, meat (which I will not be able to survive one day without) and of course your fruits and vegetables. This idiot proof diet helps you to lose weight without affecting your health. Hence, there is no need to worry about the risk of fainting in the streets in midst of your diet.

Alright..Here’s the Exciting Part

You know how you can never stay on one diet for too long? In the end, you will crave for food that you cannot have. Yes, it is true that what you can’t have always make it so much more desirable.

I’ve been on so many diets and failed so many times simple because I would try to last as long as I can without certain food or following certain diet. However, after a month or so, I would usually give up as I don’t see the results and it is just too much sacrifice to give up all my food for something that barely works!

Here is where the diet gets real awesome. Once the 11 days of the idiot proof diet is over, you will be able to enjoy 3 days of “cheat” from the diet. In the 3 days of cheat from the idiot proof diet, you will be able to indulge in ANYTHING you want. I’m on my 3 days of cheat right now and am totally enjoying myself!

Will I Gain Back My Weight while on the 3 Days Break from the Idiot Proof Diet?

If you had followed the diet guide well, your body will already be attuned to burning more calories than you normally do so no matter what you eat, it is burning lots of calories off your body.

Also, during the 3 days of cheat in the diet, I didn’t crave much for unhealthy food, I actually craved quite a lot for fruits. Perhaps it was a new habit from the 11 days of diet. Besides that, I don’t seem to have the appetite to eat too much due to the habit of eating 4 times a day.

My close circle of friends joined me in the weight loss journey and it worked great for us. There was no desire to wolf down all the unhealthy food we could lay our hands on as there was no need to starve ourselves during the weight loss diet. We did eat till we were satisfied and when the break came, it just allowed us to indulge in the food we love so that we wouldn’t end up bingeing on them like what people normally do at the end of a long diet.

So the three days mini break from the weight loss diet is an absolutely fantastic idea…especially for a person like me. I really don’t have lots of self-discipline so usually, I end up cheating in all the diets I had been on.

It was the very first diet that I could go through without cheating. I was able to sail through the weight loss diet without much effort and I also lost the weight easily!

More Awesome Info

One reason why I didn’t have to cheat was the fact that they didn’t have strict rules like you can only eat this or that today. The weight loss diet allows much flexibility, giving you the choice to choose the food depending on your own preference.

Plus….you get to have night snacks!

Yes! I was completely elated when I saw that. I am a night owl and those normal diets always make my stomach growl in hunger. I would be so hungry that with my growling stomach, I would not be able to sleep properly. I would normally end up so hungry that I would get up in the middle of the night and wolf down whatever I find in the fridge, usually eating more than I should.

And…You will be able to drink wine!

I’m sorry if I got you thinking that you can drink bottles of beer each day. You will be able to enjoy your drinks, but not too much. It is alright to drink one glass of wine each day.

Is this not a cool diet?!

Will the Diet be Suitable for Me?

It has easy rules that beginners will be able to follow and start losing weight. It truly is one idiot proof diet.

When you see how easy it is, you will understand how really anyone will be able to do it.

Well, here is all. I hope theidiot proof diet reviews helped!