7 Ways To Go Green And Get Lean

When it comes to improving your health, making even just the smallest positive decision can lead to significant results. In the same way, everyday choices can make a big impact on the health of our planet. The interesting thing is that these two are interrelated. The changes you make towards going green will not only mean a healthier you, but a healthier planet Earth as well.

Although I wouldn’t consider myself one of those eco-crazies who always manage to make other less environmentally aware folks guilty for not being “green” enough, I have indeed made some changes as to how I do things in order to be less wasteful and a lot kinder to Mother Earth. Greening my life has enabled me to eat right and burn extra calories while saving some money. With the economic situation in such a bad shape as it is today, the latter is definitely a bonus.

You can do the same thing and reap the same rewards. Below is a list of environment-friendly tips. Following even just one of them is an important step in the right direction. You will see that the benefits you get in return are not only good for you, but for this world we live in as well.

1. Work on your garden. Your garden is the best place to get started in going green. Create a beautiful flower garden or grow your own herbs and vegetables. As you patter about working the earth, you also get to burn calories. Gardening is a relaxing and very rewarding way to stay active. There is also the quiet pleasure you get to experience as you see new things happening in your garden everyday. It will draw you closer to nature which, for some people, can be very spiritually uplifting.

2. Recycle your running shoes. Breathe new and meaningful life into your old pair of sneakers by donating them to people in need. If they are not fit to be given away, they can be recycled into new sports surfaces for playgrounds and basketball courts.

3. Shop locally. When you buy food from local farms or farmers’ markets, you not only help cut back on fossil fuels used to transport food, but you also get to support the small farmers in your region. Aside from all that, you are also more likely to get fresher fruits and vegetables at more affordable prices.

4. Get a reusable water bottle. If you’ve decided to drink more water, you’re on the right track. The next step is to get a reusable water bottle instead of expensive bottled water as the containers end up in our landfills. You can take your reusable water bottle to work and to the gym. There are those which are lightweight and made of stainless steel that do not get that disgusting smell of plastic. You may also want to install a filter on your kitchen sink so that you will always have clean bottle-free water from the tap.

5. Pack your lunch wisely. When you pack your lunch you not only save money, you also reduce waste. Get a reusable lunch bag and keep a set of metal utensils at work. Make sure to prepare yourself controlled-portion snacks that will help you lose weight if you need to, or just allow you to maintain your weight loss.

6. Walk, jog or bike. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, if every American did 30 minutes of walking or cycling instead of driving, the collective effort would cut down carbon emissions by 64 million tons and burn off 3 billion pounds of excess fat. These are staggering facts which should give you more than enough reason to start pedalling your bike around town.

7. Choose the good kind of fish. Fish are a major component of a healthy diet. Unfortunately, many kinds are being overfished and some of them are contaminated with pollutants. Good fish choices which are not overfished are Alaskan salmon, Pacific halibut and mahi-mahi.

About the Author

Charles Alonso Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for www.readysetweightloss.com. He writes and researches actively on Healthy Weight Loss Tips and shares his knowledge at www.readysetweightloss.com where he works as a staff writer.