This is a brief article covering how much does la weight loss cost, and if it’s really worth it.
The LA weight loss plan is one of the more expensive weight loss programs available - this is simply as each client they take on is different, and accordingly they design a unique weight loss plan for every person. It is not like just any old slimmers club where you join and calculate your food intake based on their one for all system.
This type of program can be effective, but it is not uniquely tailored, so what works for one person will not necessarily work for everyone.
This is why the la weight loss program is so expensive – when you join they give you a personal consultation and assign you your own guide who will consult with you about your weight loss history and preferences etc – such as:
- Medical problems which need to be considered
- Your current eating habits
- Your current average daily / weekly calorie intake
- Any types of exercise you find especially difficult, or that you find boring.
- Any sports you enjoy.
- Any food allergies
- Food types you don’t like
- Your weight gain and loss history – what has worked for you, and what hasn’t
- Anything that has caused you to slip off your previous weight loss programs
This is an extra service that you don’t get with most weight loss programs, and you certainly don’t get when you read a diet book, or join a gym.
They use this information to create a complex plan of healthy eating and exercise with specific weight estimates to guide you and motivate you.
This might sound brilliant, but the program has received some criticism in recent years, manily that some of the guides / coaches are better than others. So if you might get one who is comitted, then great, but it can be a lot of money to pay for someone who either hasn't got the deidcation or knowledge that they should. The bottom line is that you need to check into your local centre before joining - try and speak to people who go there and get a recommendation for a specific coach.
It is hard to answer the question how much does la weight loss cost as the cost varies between centre to centre, and on how intensive your program will be and how often you will visit – it is more than the proce of a monthly gym membership, and has a joining fee and a monthly recurring fee thereafter – to find out an exact price you have to call your local centre as prices change vary depending on your needs.
This article was brought to you by Real Subliminal – View our subliminal weight loss cd – this is not an instant weight loss plan, but it will help you stay, motivated and boost your willpower, it will give you the mental strength to succeed this time if you really want it.