If you want to achieve weight loss , then these 5 steps will make losing weiht a reality and not just a hopeful wish. Success is not based on wishes.
Get Your Mind Right
So many people forget the most important element about weight loss, their minds. If your mind isn't focused on your goal, then forget about losing weight. Every morning spend 5 minutes thinking about why you want to lose weight? What benefit is there for you? How you will be different in a few months down the line? Imagine these pictures in your mind. Avoid focusing on the difficulty of achieving it. We don't feel a sense of achievement after reaching easy goals. The harder the goal, the greater the sense of achievement.
Stay With Your Calories
Before starting your weight loss plan, you should have evaluated how many calories you were eating a day on average. Try a 10% cut in this number. Stick to this and don't be tempted to cut too many more too quickly. If after a period of time your results are less obvious, just make another 5% reduction. Keep in mind that your body prefers to change itself over certain periods of time. Don't try to change too many things too quickly, your body won't like this. Try to stay above 1500 a day, going below this number is not a healthy option and will result in starvation mode.
Always Eat Breakfast
Never ever miss breakfast. It isn't called breakfast for no reason. During your sleeping hours you have been on a fast. You will be breaking your fast with the first meal. Get it, break--fast? So your body is desperate for food first thing in the morning as it has been strved of nutrients for a good number of hours. If you don't provide your body with these calories, then your body will think that there is a problem. Your metabolism will grind to a halt, and so will your weight loss goals. Even if you don't feel hungry, get into the habit of eating something. A little fruit or a couple of slices of toasted bread would be a good start.
Drink Lots of Water
We are always being told about drinking enough water. 6 glasses, 12 glasses, 18 glasses? I'm going to avoid getting all scientific on you, but I will say that water makes up 70% of your body. If all this water was removed from your body, you would look like a big potato skin. Only a reduction of water of around 3% can have a negative effect on you. Weight loss is harder when you are in that mindset. Plenty of water is required to allow your body to work properly. Increae your water intake by half again, and see what effects it has after a few days.
Stick Your Plan Daily
Before you started your diet or weight loss regime, you would have written a plan. You did write a plan didn't you? The world is run on written plans, that is what creates order and makes the world work (well some of the time at least). If there are no plans to adhere to, then everything would be chaotic. A plan is siiar to a roadmap. Losing weight is a goal, so it requires a plan, right? You would have written a daily plan every week. You would keep a record of your food consumption and amounts of exercise that you are performing. Ithink you understand this. When you write stuff down, it becomes a real blueprint to follow.
Remember that what other people are telling you comes from their beliefs about themselves, and has nothing to do with you. If other people don't have any belief in themselves, will not mean that others should have the same beliefs. Create your own thoughts and beliefs, you are not anybody else, you are you. You choose what you will allow into your mind. Tell yourself many times a day that you will succeed, you will finish what you started, if you follow your plan everyday, you will reach your goals. Be positive, accept that you will get negative thoughts now and again, but so what. Let these thoughts wander around in your head on their own, if they don't get any attention, they will go away in a huff. If other people have found it difficult to lose weight, well, that's their problem. You can be like them and sit around talking about why you can't lose weight. Or you can be you, an individual with your own goals, thoughts, and beliefs, who takes action on a daily basis in order to lose weight.