Surviving the Holidays Without Weight Gain


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How to lose more ponunds? weight loss, orovo detox, weight loss secrets...

In between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, most of us spend our time hopping from one party to another. The holiday season seems like such a booby trap for people conscious about weight control. After all, it’s the time of year to eat, drink and be merry. Is it possible for one to enjoy the bounty of the holidays without gaining unwanted pounds? If yes, how can one go about accomplish that goal? Below are some of the tips and tricks gleaned from health magazines.
• Have a low-calorie snack before the party to take the edge of your hunger off. Good choices are an apple, a piece of whole-grain bread, a small bowl of cereal, or soup. When you are already filled up somewhat, you are less likely to lose control at the party.
• At the party, serve yourself instead of letting the host or hostess to heap your plate full.
• Eat healthier foods, such as fruits and veggies, first. When you are not that ravenous, you won’t overindulge in the other stuff.
• In a restaurant setting, ask the waiter not to put bread on the table. Leave more room for your other favorite holiday treats instead.
• Choose foods that leave evidence of how much you have eaten. Keep the chicken wing bones and shrimp tails. When you see how much you already had, you’re less likely to eat more.
• Avoid wolfing down. Talk to fellow party-goers or make a habit of taking a sip of water every bite or two. When you go slow, you minimize the chances of going for seconds.
• Use a small plate. The smaller the dish, the less likely you’re going to take more than you want to.
• Instead of butter and cheese, use unsweetened fruit jam or low-fat yogurt to dress things up.
• Watch the alcohol, which not only packs a lot of calories but also slow down metabolism. Since overdrinking affects judgment, the more you drink, the more likely you’re to overeat.
• Have only a few bites of dessert. The first bite always tastes best, any way.
• Take a stroll afterwards. My husband and I like to do some window-shopping after a full meal because walking not only burns calories but also prevents bloating and heartburn.