Hypnosis Weight Loss Book Review: Real World Hypnosis

Today’s New Book: Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists
This book is a real hypnosis book by real hypnotists. It was written by eight experienced, professional, hypnotists. They shared their observations and views about hypnosis in this book titled “Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists”.
The book covers many aspects of hypnosis such as smoking cessation, and sports performance enhancement, self-hypnosis, weight loss. It even covers how hypnotists start their own business from scratch.
The book editor is Steve Roh. In the book he points out that hypnosis is often misunderstood by the public partially because of Hollywood movies and the internet. He tries to give readers an understanding of what hypnosis actually is, and how it can help them solve problems like weight gain.
The book is well written. It explains many things in plain English in an understandable way. I am grateful to the book authors for having shared their knowledge with laymen like mw with so many misconceptions about hypnosis weight loss. I believe by spreading the knowledge about hypnosis, more people will benefit from this powerful and valuable tool way to get weight loss more effectively. That’s the very value of this book.
I knew editor Steve Roh since he started featuring on KYW 1060 Newsradio and the Comcast Network as an expert hypnotist. I also know that he himself is also in hypnosis weight loss practice by running Center City Hypnosis in Philadelphia, PA. There he was reported to have helped many Delaware Valley residents take back in control of their own lives.
The book authors are all real, active, hypnotists with many years of experiences. They are: Garrett Buttel, Marc Carlin, Robert Dunscomb, Celeste Hackett, Debbie Lane, Wendy Merron, Tobin Slaven and Deborah Yaffee.
If you are interested in hypnosis in general, or hypnosis for weight loss in particular, you may want to read this book.