Weekend Fun Read: Misspelling-how far they can go? An example of “hypnosis weight loss”

Just came across some web sites and I am astonished to find that the misspelling is so wide spread. Take an example for “hypnosis weight loss“:

Skipped letters

Ypnosis-weight-loss, Hpnosis-weight-loss, Hynosis-weight-loss, Hyposis-weight-loss, Hypnsis-weight-loss, Hypnois-weight-loss, Hypnoss-weight-loss, Hypnosi-weight-loss, Hypnosisweight-loss, Hypnosis-eight-loss, Hypnosis-wight-loss, Hypnosis-weght-loss, Hypnosis-weiht-loss, Hypnosis-weigt-loss, Hypnosis-weigh-loss, Hypnosis-weightloss, Hypnosis-weight-oss, Hypnosis-weight-lss, Hypnosis-weight-los, Hypnosis-weight-los, and maybe more.

Reverse Letters

Yhpnosis-weight-loss, Hpynosis-weight-loss, Hynposis-weight-loss, Hyponsis-weight-loss, Hypnsois-weight-loss, Hypnoiss-weight-loss, Hypnossi-weight-loss, Hypnosi-sweight-loss, Hypnosisw-eight-loss, Hypnosis-ewight-loss, Hypnosis-wieght-loss, Hypnosis-wegiht-loss, Hypnosis-weihgt-loss, Hypnosis-weigth-loss, Hypnosis-weigh-tloss, Hypnosis-weightl-oss, Hypnosis-weight-olss, Hypnosis-weight-lsos, Hypnosis-weight-los, or did we miss anything?

Double Letters

Hhypnosis-weight-loss, Hyypnosis-weight-loss, Hyppnosis-weight-loss, Hypnnosis-weight-loss, Hypnoosis-weight-loss, Hypnossis-weight-loss, Hypnosiis-weight-loss, Hypnosiss-weight-loss, Hypnosis–weight-loss, Hypnosis-wweight-loss, Hypnosis-weeight-loss, Hypnosis-weiight-loss, Hypnosis-weigght-loss, Hypnosis-weighht-loss, Hypnosis-weightt-loss, Hypnosis-weight–loss, Hypnosis-weight-lloss, Hypnosis-weight-looss, Hypnosis-weight-losss, Hypnosis-weight-losss, and how about triple letters?

Common Wrong Letters

Gypnosis-weight-loss, Jypnosis-weight-loss, Htpnosis-weight-loss, Hupnosis-weight-loss, Hyonosis-weight-loss, Hypbosis-weight-loss, Hypmosis-weight-loss, Hypnisis-weight-loss, Hypnpsis-weight-loss, Hypnoais-weight-loss, Hypnodis-weight-loss, Hypnosus-weight-loss, Hypnosos-weight-loss, Hypnosia-weight-loss, Hypnosid-weight-loss, Hypnosis-qeight-loss, Hypnosis-eeight-loss, Hypnosis-wwight-loss, Hypnosis-wright-loss, Hypnosis-weught-loss, Hypnosis-weoght-loss, Hypnosis-weifht-loss, Hypnosis-weihht-loss, Hypnosis-weiggt-loss, Hypnosis-weigjt-loss, Hypnosis-weighr-loss, Hypnosis-weighy-loss, Hypnosis-weight-koss, Hypnosis-weight-liss, Hypnosis-weight-lpss, Hypnosis-weight-loas, Hypnosis-weight-lods, Hypnosis-weight-losa, Hypnosis-weight-losd, and much more, and you may still be able to continue and add more. (Source: http://misspelt.org, hypnosis-weight-loss)
Wow, almost anything is possible with the spelling in the internet using search engines, you see. Is this just a creative activity, or a sign of a lack of education?
Really sad to see that there are so many web pages having so many spelling issues…
Once I read an articles claiming that spelling is not important. They said that the article below demonstrates that the brain can easily decode and understand the message of the text without reading each letter in a word. Why? Because our brain is wired to search for and comprehend the meaning of what is read rather than being concerned with each letter placement of a word. So for speed readers, it’s true, fixating on every letter while reading only serves to dramatically slow down ones reading. The incorrect article is:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Or rather…

According to a researcher (sic) at Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.
(Taken from http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/~mattd/Cmabrigde/, which is not necessarily the source of the information; this is widespread on the Internet)

However, I can not agree with that. Spellling is still important. It shows if you are well educated and caring for others. I can not stand bad spelling, or all capitals. They just seem rude to me.
The rule of thumb is, forgive someone’s articles if not spelled correctly as fortunately, you don’t need to know the exact letter placement of each element of a word to understand it – this is the foundation for speed reading. But be more strict to yourself: spell your words correctly when writing an article, like for “hypnosis weight loss“, I’d like you, for the benefit of your readers, to write each word, letter by letter, correctly.