The Reality About Fad Diets.

The promise of effortlessly losing weight is very seductive and it’s as simple as following a formula of ‘only bananas before lunch’ or ‘eat two eggs every day. It’s easy!  When you hear about one of these simple fad diets it’s only natural to want to do it. It’s very enticing to try the new fad especially if the celebs are having great achievements with it.

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Let’s look and see if these fads really work.

Let’s first see why they actually don’t work.

Unlike fad diets, proven weight loss methods usually give exact instructions on what you have to do in order to lose weight. The thing fad diets all have that’s the same, however, is a ‘gimmick’.

Let’s take the popular fad, the ‘banana diet’. The fact that this diet instructed people to just eat bananas for breakfast is its gimmick. Now there’s nothing unusual with eating fruit for breakfast, but for many people it’s just not substantial enough for the morning meal. There would be very few people who wouldn’t be fed up with bananas after having them every day for a week or two!

All these fad diets don’t work because the gimmick means crash dieting which seriously restricts the calorie intake. Using these fads can significantly slow down the metabolism and that means muscle loss rather than fat loss.

Instead of giving actual guidance these fad diets are more interested in the gimmick to grab attention. People have to know that weight loss and/or body transformation is not an easy thing to do, but neither does it need to be complicated. If you look at the fad diets it makes it out to be uncomplicated, unfortunately most of the time the results are only short-term.

Even if they don’t work why do they continue?

They exist because the aim is to sell a product. Fad diets are really quite simple to put together and people can make a lot of money from them.

The fact that it seems easy to follow one of these diets is what appeals to the vast majority of those who are wanting to lose weight. Instead of doing something hard it’s easier to lie to ourselves and believe that it’s just a matter of following a simple system in order to lose the weight. It is so much better for the long term to face the fact that weight loss is hard and not going for the gimmicky methods of the fad diets. Have a look at the product I recommend

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