The Facts Of An Epidemic: Obesity

Estimates show that sixty percent of the American population are either obese or overweight. To be more precise, over thirty percent of the US is obese and sixty four percent of the United States is overweight.. The definition of obesity is that one’s BMI (body mass index) is either equal or greater to twenty percent above the norm.Body Mass Index is basically one’s body weight divided by one’s height.
Obesity will soon take over the number one cause of preventable deaths in the US. It is a true epidemic. Direct health care costs from obesity toppled 75 billion dollars in 2003. Between 1980 and 2000, obesity rates among adults doubled. In addition to adults, the epidemic of obesity is spreading to adolescents too. The rising popularity of video games has caused children to spend more time indoors in front of their television sets. The effects are causing adolescents to add pounds from sedentary habits.
More than three hundred thousand individuals die in the United States each year from illnesses directly related or worsened by obesity. Only about one fourth of adults in the US eat the recommended 5 or more fruit and vegetable servings per day. Under 1/4 of adolescents eat their five recommended fruit and vegetable servings. Over half of American adults are not getting the recommended physical activity to provide health benefits.
Health care costs are elevated by thirty six percent when one is obese along with elevating medication costs by seventy seven percent. The following health issues have been linked to obesity.

  1. Endometrial, Breast, Prostate, and Colon Cancer
  2. Type 2 diabetes
  3. High Blood Pressure
  4. High Cholesterol
  5. Coronary Heart Disease
  6. Congestive Heart Failure
  7. Sleep apnea
  8. Gout
  9. Osteoarthritis
  10. Gallstones
  11. Strokes
  12. Complications of Pregnancy
  13. Bladder Control Problems
  14. Depression
  15. Eating Disorders
  16. Back and Neck Pain that may need
  17. Extremity Joint Pain such as Hip, Knee, and Ankle that may require

The problem is not just relegated to adults. Hospital costs related to overweight and obesity among children and adolescents more than tripled over the past 20 years and are now over $120 million.
Weight loss clinics can fix most of these health problems and also may decrease cancer risk along with it. It can help make depression better, reduce pain in the joints, and prolong life expectancy.