A Professional Nurse Comes to the Conclusion to Quit Drinking, Stop Smoking, Start Exercising, and Go on a Diet

For the past twenty-five years Natalie has been a registered nurse at a inner city hospital. As a licensed practical nurse, she undoubtedly knew what to tell her patients when it came to their health difficulties but in her off-duty life, then again, she clearly didn’t practice what she preached. For instance, she characteristically drank quite extensively, she frowned upon doing any physical exercise, she smoked nearly two packs of cigarettes everyday, and she was more or less twenty-seven pounds overweight.

Natalie Gets Into A Vehicle Accident, Fails An Alcohol Test, and Goes to The Community Jail

One afternoon on her way to the hospital, Natalie got into an automobile accident. Because the accident was her fault and since her speech was garbled when she talked, the arresting policewoman administered a breathalyzer test. As per standard police policy, when an individual becomes involved in a traffic accident and does not pass an alcohol test, the person has to spend at least four hours in the local jail.

In fact, Natalie should have known better than to drive after she was drinking because she recently attended an “alcohol awareness” class at the hospital that centered on information about alcohol facts such as the following: binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, DUIs, and the key differences between alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

Natalie is Experiencing Quite a Bit of Shame About Her Vehicle Accident

It almost goes without saying that Natalie felt disgraced about her traffic accident. Not only this but she was embarrassed about the fact that the accident was her fault. And conceivably worst of all, she experienced quite a bit of shame about the fact that she was driving while under the influence. As Natalie reflected on this event, however, she realized that it could have been far worse because at the hospital, when a alcohol blood test is administered and failed, the individual has to go to mandatory alcohol therapy and is placed on non-pay status. This was actually one of the alcohol facts that was a reality at the hospital and not much could be expected to change this fact.

Natalie’s Embarrassment About Her Car Accident Helps Persuade Her To Reevaluate Her Life and Make Some Substantial and Positive Alterations

At any rate, Natalie’s humiliation about her automobile accident encouraged her to reconsider her life and make some significant and beneficial modifications. First, she was going to refrain from drinking in an excessive and hazardous manner. Second, she was going to quit smoking. Third, she was going to go on a diet. And fourth, she was going to start exercising.

As troubled as Natalie was about the entire traffic accident situation, she used this upsetting experience as a trigger for beneficial change. Moreover, she used her painful experience as a real source of revelation that she had been neglecting her own health while she openly told others how to live in a more healthy manner. At the end of the day, she eventually saw the two-facedness in her actions and came to a decision that she would live her life as a constructive source of hope for the patients at the hospital.