The Top Ranked Online Diet Plan For Men Who Want To Lose Weight Easily

Lose Belly Fat with The Day Off Diet

Men and women aren’t the same when it comes to weight loss. Just because a diet works for a woman doesn’t mean it will work for a man. I think the absolute best diet plan for men is a diet that is easy to follow and also allows for some flexibility with a weekly day on which you don’t have to follow it.

The Day Off Diet perfectly meets these criteria and that is why I think it’s the clear choice for any man who needs to burn fat quickly and easily. It’s based on the very easy to follow concepts of “green light foods” and a weekly “day off” from the diet plan.

For 6 days a week a dieter on The Day Off Diet can eat as many of the “green light foods” as he wants. Somewhat similarly to the Atkins diet (which is also very effective for men) someone on The Day Off Diet can consume as much meat as they want. This approach leads to a high protein intake which is good for a man who needs to burn fat fast and replace it with lean muscle.

The weekly “day off” allows you to lose weight while still having a good time on the weekends. You can select any day as your “cheat day” and on that particular day you can really eat anything you want and still be sticking to this online diet program.

But this “day off” is not just to make this diet easy to follow by allowing a “day off” to look forward to weekly,  it also helps the dieter to lose weight more quickly. How is that? Because it speeds up your body’s metabolic rate for quicker fat loss. Many diet plans slow the metabolism down with with what is basically starvation but The Day Off Diet “tricks” the body into speeding up the metabolic rate with a weekly calorie spike.

If you need to build muscle while you burn fat then you should combine this diet with The 7 Minute Muscle Strength Training Program