Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals

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By Jim Nettleton

Too often when we go on a diet we set the bar too high and impose goals on ourselves that are unrealistic. This course of action is a recipe for failure. It’s important to realize that cutting just one hundred odd calories a day from your diet can result in substantial weight loss over the period of twelve months and will also result in a decrease in body fat.

Now admittedly most dieters want faster results than that, but you need to realize that you have to be comfortable with the level of discipline you establish. If you’ve decided to cut your normal food intake in half, for example, that plan probably doesn’t have a realistic chance of succeeding because you’ll be constantly in discomfort fighting hunger pains and yearning for more food intake.

If you’re part of the population that is obese, remember that it took a long time to get that way, and it’s going to take a similar amount of time to undo the damage. Even if you’re only moderately overweight, there is still a relatively lengthy time frame involved.

So develop a plan that gradually sheds pounds with the ultimate aim of keeping them off permanently. A sensible way to go about this is to slightly reduce the portions of the food you eat. If you eat three meals a day, plan to reduce the caloric content in each of those meals by around thirty to forty units. That will get you one hundred calories or slightly more per day.

Drink more water between meals. That will help you feel a little more full and reduce those cravings that lead to snacking between meals. Eat foods higher in nutritional value than you’ve been accustomed to.

The important thing to remember is that the old saying ‘everything in moderation’ refers to achieving weight loss as well as most everything else. Rapid weight loss is not necessarily the way to go unless there are serious health issues involved with not losing weight fast.

We’re all aware that most people who go on diets, especially those that aim to lose weight quickly, wind up failing. If you don’t want to be in that group, take it slow and easy. Make sure that your weight loss plan is one that you can comfortably handle without having to grit you teeth against hunger pains everyday.

It’s equally important to set goals for every week that you plan to diet. For example, using the one hundred calorie daily elimination plan, use readily available charts to determine just how much weight you should lose weekly and stick with it. Tape a chart to your refrigerator and keep it current. When you can physically see the progress you’re making, you’ll be much more likely to stick with the program.

As you lose weight, another good tip is to periodically purchase a new wardrobe in successively smaller sizes. You don’t want to waste all that money, so that will provide an additional incentive to keep that weight off.

About the author:

Jim Nettleton is a radio & TV professional with over 40 years of major market experience. His wide range of interests include nutrition and working with natural health clinics for many years. He recommends the diet program Fat Loss 4 Idiots – click this link: Check his comprehensive diet site at:

Stay Healthy and Live More

Staying healthy at all times is one of the best ways possible to make sure that you live a longer life. This is why all your activities need to be combined with the right amount of rest and combine everything with the right amounts of exercise. All this will actually aid you live longer, healthier and happier.


One thing that a lot of people are neglecting stands in laughter. Believe it or not, laughing is a huge aid for both our physical state and mental state. A sense of humor is highly important for every individual out there, especially when talking about social life. Combine laughter with killing stress at all times. This is because stress will basically destroy your body and we do not want this to happen. Stress can lead to a number of huge problems like gastric illnesses, asthma, stroke, heart attacks, angina, menstrual disorders, ulcers, headaches and a whole lot more.


Stress is different from one moment to the other. You can get emotional stress, physical stress or mental stress. The one that will do most damage is emotional stress. We are not saying that stress is 100% bad as it does make life more interesting but if we suffer from too much stress the result is not great. Our body would end up needing healing. Take a look at a regular week of your life at the moment and see what causes stress. Simply eliminate that and you will end up living a healthier and longer life.


Worrying never aids! You need to understand that serious problems are not a reality for chronic worriers. It is all in their head. In most cases such individuals think about how to not think about what is worrying them and this will make it only worse. According to lead doctors in the industry you should think about your problems and this will help out eventually.

Exercising for Weight Loss

If you have too many pounds on, do not forget to exercise to lose weight. This is because when you are fit you simply feel better and look better. All good training regimens out there will make you live longer. Aging can be delayed through improving your own physicl appearance.To put it simple, you need to do something that involves you physically on a daily basis.


Eating right is highly important for you to live a longer and healthier life. Do not be tricked by the industry and do not believe what is said. Taking on a low carb diet will not make you feel better. What you are eating is highly important if you want to have a healthy life. This is maintained through a proper diet that contains everything your body needs.

Weight Loss

Active at Any Size

WOULD you like to be more physically active, but are not sure if you can do it? Good news—if you are a very large person, you can be physically active—and you can have fun and feel good doing it. THERE may be special challenges for very large people who are physically active. You may not be able to bend or move in the same way that other people can. It may be hard to find clothes and equipment for exercising. You may feel self-conscious being physically active around other people. Facing these challenges is hard—but it can be done! The information in this booklet may help you start being more active and healthier—no matter what your size!

Why should I be active?

Do you suffer from: * type 2 diabetes * heart disease * stroke * high blood pressure ? REGULAR physical activity helps you feel better because it:

  • Lowers your stress and boosts your mood.
  • Increases your strength, movement, balance, and flexibility.
  • Helps control blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • Helps build healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
  • Helps your heart and lungs work better.
  • Improves your self-esteem.
  • Boosts energy during the day and may aid in sleep at night.

How do I get started?

TO start being more active, try these tips:

  • Think about your barriers to being active. Then try to come up with creative ways to solve them.
  • Start slowly. Your body needs time to get used to your new activity.
  • Warm up. Warm-ups get your body ready for action. Shrug your shoulders, tap your toes, swing your arms, or march in place. You should spend a few minutes warming up for any physical activity—even walking. Walk slowly for the first few minutes.
  • Cool down. Slow down little by little. If you have been walking fast, walk slowly or stretch for a few minutes to cool down. Cooling down may protect your heart, relax your muscles, and keep you from getting hurt.

Appreciate yourself!

If you cannot do an activity, do not be hard on yourself. Feel good about what you can do. Be proud of pushing yourself up out of a chair or walking a short distance.

Pat yourself on the back for trying even if you cannot do it the first time. It may be easier the next time!

How do I continue to be active?

TO maintain your active lifestyle, try these suggestions:

  • Set goals. Set short-term and long-term goals. A short-term goal may be to walk 5 to 10 minutes, 5 days a week. It may not seem like a lot, but any activity is better than none. A long-term goal should be to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week. You can accumulate your physical activity in shorter segments of 10 minutes or more. An example of a long-term goal is to walk briskly on 5 days of the week by the end of 6 months.
  • Set rewards. Whether your goal was to be active for 15 minutes a day, to walk farther than you did last week, or simply to stay positive, you deserve recognition for your efforts. Some ideas for rewards include a new CD to motivate you, new walking shoes, or a new outfit.
  • Get support. Get a family member or friend to be physically active with you. It may be more fun, and your buddy can cheer you on and help you stick with it.
  • Track progress. Keep a journal of your physical activity. You may not feel like you are making progress but when you look back at where you started, you may be pleasantly surprised! You can make copies of the blank journal at the end of this booklet to keep track of your efforts.

Excellent Manage WeightLoss Advice here !

Eat Stop Eat Review

Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon has taken the media by a storm the past few months. If you have come across his website, then you probably have the idea that it is a “lose fat without diet” approach. It could NOT be further from the truth. Read this Eat Stop Eat review for more details on the system.

Many religions have been following fasting for quite a while. Some even fast for months from dusk till evening for like a month. Intermittent fasting has been mentioned here and there as well in terms of fitness but Eat Stop Eat has taken it a step further, and you are going to find out how.

Do you know who came up with the “eat 5 to 6 meals a day” approach? It was called the “bodybuilders secret” since bodybuilders used to eat more frequently to manage high calorie intakes to maintain muscle mass. It was easy for them since they needed to go over 3000 calories, but imagine splitting a 1600 calorie diet to 5 meals? The the EatStopEat diet breaks this law and you’ll get more theory about this proof in the book.

The supplement industry exploited this technique by implementing theories that the best way to burn a lot of fat is by constantly feed the muscle every 2 to 3 hours to prevent it from entering Starvation MODE.

Eat Stop Eat is a new approach that breaks this theory by stating that there is no such thing as starvation mode. Fasting for 24 hours gives your body the break required to accelerate fat loss. Consider this calculation – You need to burn 3500 calories every week to safely burn 1 to 2 lbs of pure fat. You fast for 24 hours, 2 days a week and you just saved yourself 3400 to 3600 calories!

Eat Stop Eat will not make you lose muscle but if you want to burn more fat, you need to do at least 3 strength training workouts per week. This way you keep the muscle and watch that felt just come off the body using this flexible method.

There is one special advantage to the Eat Stop Eat diet. There is no necessity to count carbs or watch the food you shove into your mouth. Even though eating clean will definitely boost fat loss, you don’t have to fear processed carbs or your favourite food anymore by blaming “diet”. As long as you perform at least one 24 hour fast per week with 3 intense resistance training sessions per week, you are good to go with your fat loss goals.

Growing waistline, stop the middle age spread

Women beginning to start menopause often hear about the middle age spread. Around this time in a woman’s life, her body goes through a lot of hormonal changes. These changes usually began to take place during a woman’s early to mid-forties. When menopause starts, the metabolism begins to slow, and people put on pounds. Thus begins the dreaded middle age spread.
The most obvious affect the middle age spread has on women is the signs of an increasing bulge surrounding their stomach and waistline areas. Though this is often uncomfortable and unattractive, this should be the last thing a woman should be worried about. The middle age spread is associated with a plethora of other risks. Because the weight gain is in such close proximity to so many vital organs, it leaves many vulnerable to many health issues. These risks include heart disease and diabetes, but can be avoided if the proper steps are taken to avoid the middle age spread to begin with.
The two best ways to combat the middle age spread is, not surprisingly, through a healthy and light to moderate exercise. The biggest thing to keep in mind as menopause starts is that women will burn anywhere between one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty calories less per day. Cutting out those extra few hundred calories per day will go a long way and help to make sure your body is able burn all the calories you consume on a daily basis.
The next best thing to consider when maintaining a healthy diet to avoid the middle age spread is portion control. Most restaurant meals portions are considerably over the FDA’s recommended sizes. This makes it seem difficult when ordering out as even the healthiest meal can contain double or even triple the recommended portion size.
Many women beginning menopause will also start with a calcium supplement on a daily basis. This not only helps to prevent osteoporosis, but has also been shown to help minimize the weight gain associated with the middle age spread.
Of course with the middle age spread and all diets the biggest key is to eat smart. There are many ways to avoid foods that will cause biggest weight gains. Cutting out all white, processed foods and breads a great way to start. Switch white bread for whole wheat, high fiber breads. Try to prepare foods naturally instead of frying or sautéing, which adds calories. Eating fruits and vegetables, particularly those high and switching the dairy in a diet to low-fat and fat-free versions will really help. Often times the little changes made to a diet will have a more permanent effect and better results than a crash diet.
This article was written by Marc Hill. As always, I am looking for the whole mind/ body approach when it comes to solving life’s problems. My review of weight loss programs can be found at:

Eat Slowly To Aid Your Diet

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By Jim Nettleton

There are many little tricks you can use to help yourself in your weight loss quest. For example, did you realize that slowing down your eating speed can have a positive effect in a diet? It’s true, but it’s an underutilized method that can be an important part of any dieting effort.

The more time you take to eat, the less food you’ll need to eat in order to satisfy your hunger. Here are some tips that can help break a bad habit of eating too rapidly, which can lead to eating too much food and, as a result, sabotaging your good intentions.

First of all, wait until you’ve finished the food you’re chewing before loading up that utensil again. It helps to physically put down your spoon or fork while you’re chewing what’s in your mouth. This sounds simple, but it’s a very effective technique.

Another simplistic sounding technique is to chew your food a little longer before finally swallowing. This accomplishes two things; it helps you digest food better and also allows you to feel more satisfied because of the additional time that it takes you to chew. As a result, you won’t need as large a quantity of food.

These simple techniques will help you break the habit of over eating because of consuming food too fast. The majority of us in this country probably all eat too fast. Other countries dine more leisurely than we. For example, even though the typical French diet is richer than ours, their method of eating brings balance to their diets. As a rule, they eat smaller portions but take a lot longer to eat their food than we do. This practice helps them to stay slim.

It’s a matter of getting yourself in the habit of slowing down. Once you do start eating a little slower, chances are you will enjoy your food a lot more. It will give you more time to savor and enjoy the tastes in your food.

Let’s not forget a simple rule that will help with our efforts to lose weight. Remember that your body does not react immediately to let you know you’ve had enough. It takes a little while following your meal for the body to signal that it needs no more. As a result, many of us overeat if we eat too fast, sort of blowing right by the stop sign. We feel that we are still hungry. So adopt this rule; never eat until you are full. The smart thing to do is eat until you feel comfortable that you have had enough. Don’t wait for your body to put up that stop sign.

About the author:

Jim Nettleton is a radio & TV professional with over 40 years of major market experience. His wide range of interests include nutrition and working with natural health clinics for many years. He recommends the diet program Fat Loss 4 Idiots – click this link Check out his comprehensive diet site at

Get Trim Fast – The Right Way

You might be wondering how you’ll ever going to fit into that wedding dress or tryout for the sports team if you don’t get trim fast. The answer to your dilemma is really simple – discipline. There might be countless weight loss programs out there, but if you can’t stick to one program then you’ll never get trim fast. Here are some tips to make you slimmer in no time at all.

How do I know what food I should and shouldn’t eat?

While it is true that you need to eat in smaller amounts to get trim quickly, you also have to remember that watching out on the foods you eat is also of equal importance. Since our diet consists mainly of carbohydrates, you must take into consideration its source – is it a good or bad source? Examples of bad sources of carbohydrates are those foods that are sweetened like candy, pies, donuts, and white bread. It would be a great idea to substitute these foods with complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal. In brief, you should hold back on the sugar if you want to get trim fast.

You should keep in mind that not all calories in foods are the same. The calories that are found in French fries are not necessarily the same with the calories found in lean meat. The difference is that French fries are a bad source for your caloric needs – it makes you even fatter and contributes to countless health problems. The calories in lean meat, however, can be converted into energy by our bodies. That’s how important it is to distinguish the source of calories in foods that we eat – good choices will help you get trim quicker.

Also, drinking adequate amounts of water is a great way to make you slimmer. Sometimes, a simple case of thirstiness might be mistaken for hunger – all you really need is a glass of water. So, if you want to get trim fast, drinking a glass of water helps compensate the amount of food you take in at each meal. In this way, it’ll help in appetite suppression and get you that slimmer built that you always wanted.

A good technique to help you identify the proper amount of water you should drink is to divide your weight (pounds) by 2. For example, your weight is 200 pounds; by dividing this by 2 you’ll get an answer of 100. 100 is the number of ounces of water you should drink – about 12 glasses. Just remember to drink enough amounts of water to help you get trim in a hurry.

How much time should I allocate for exercising?

It is often advised that a person should at least spend 30 minutes of exercise every day. But, if you want to get trim fast, you should double the amount of time you spend to exercise. Some studies show that overweight people who spend as much as an hour each day for five days a week to exercise were able to attain (and maintain) a slimmer built by 10% of their body weights. But those people who spend less than the usual amount of time exercising found themselves having a rough time continuing to any measures of weight loss.

This tells you that a simple use of the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to a convenience store doesn’t entirely get you as trim as you want. Unless you really exert effort on activities that would make you sweat a lot, there would be greater chance to lose that extra weight. You really don’t need to go to the gym – jogging or brisk walking in your neighborhood would be sufficient to some people to get trim more quickly.

Should there be other things I need to know?

Sufficient amounts of sleep should be part of your weight loss regimen. Since lack of sleep could get you cranky and exhausted the entire day, there would be more tendencies for you to eat more. You need to establish a lifestyle that would accommodate enough sleeping hours; so that you’ll be energetic the next day. Before you know it, you’ll have that slimmer figure you always dreamt of.

Find out more about this subject at

Quick Ways To Lose Weight

Have you been having a hard time with sticking to your ideal weight? Do you consider your self to be seriously overweight or even obese and confused about how to lose the weight? The path to your weight loss goals could be in figuring out how to have a positive approach to losing then managing your weight.

The first step in having a positive approach to weight loss and weight management is to make up your mind to achieve it. Only then, when you have decided you are going to achieve your ideal weight, it is important to be committed to your goal. Losing weight is never going to be easy and is always going to have it’s challenges. It’s amazing how many people lose hope and give up before getting down to their ideal weight. Some people achieve the goal by using unhealthy diets, or fad diet pills, or quick weight loss diets programs but realise that not longer after they stop the diet they start piling the weight back on again. Healthy weight management is a way of life that will give you the best results when it is attacked with a positive attitude.

As a tip to help you begin, one of the easy ways to lose weight fast (or at least give you something to focus on right now) is about some highly acclaimed green tea weight loss tips. It seems green tea can help kick start your weight loss program, and add a considerable health boost into the bargain.

The real secrets to successful weight loss is understanding how your body works, learning from your mistakes, and support because you will be making positive lifestyle changes that will support you in creating your new healthy eating habits and lifestyle which will ultimately result in you achieving your weight loss goals. Because weight management and weight loss is a process, and quite likely you will struggle and have set backs along the way, your outlook and attitude will determine your ability to overcome them, and the speed at which you pick up the program again.

Having a positive attitude leads to better and more consistent efforts, and much better results with regards to achieving the smaller steps along the path to reaching your weight goal. Success is guaranteed if you expect nothing else and if you don’t plan to succeed you’re actually planning for failure. In just the same way that your muscles get stronger when you exercise regularly, when you use your brain and emotions to stay positive the powerful emotions have a way of growing stronger in your life and you can achieve more.

Learn how to drop negativity and be more positive about everything in your life. Replace negative self-image with statements of self-worth and study different techniques to recognize and emphasize your unique strengths and talents.

There’s more to losing weight that just a healthy diet, although that is a very big part of it, it is also about your lifestyle and getting plenty of sleep, drinking your daily 2 liters of water and getting enough exercise. Feeling good about yourself ultimately means you’ll be kinder to yourself. The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of good health.

A positive approach to life is not just about you; a positive support group will greatly enhance your experience and success rate. A support system can include family, friends, a weight management group, your doctor and other team members like a nutritionist.

Think about how you’re making your weight loss goal seem achievable. Look at everything you could possibly do to guarantee your success. Are you prepared to lose weight and adopt a new lifestyle where you will be happy and healthy for the rest of your life?

How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain!

Every year the Holidays come – for many this means adding a few pounds. Sure it tastes good so you tell your self you will work it off later. Some do, some do not. What can you do to prevent those extra Holida pounds?

Portion Size

It is really easy to say but harder to do! All you have to do it watch your portions and do not overeat. You can also add in an exercise program if you are not exercising all ready. Hey get a head start on the New Year Resolutions.


Okay, so how can you keep your portions under control when everything tastes so good? That is where it can be more difficult as you know. You can make it easier by planning ahead before the Holiday meal.


Before you go to the meal, think about what why you would not want to gain weight. Think about how you will feel if you overeat and gain weight. Plan on what you will eat and visualize the correct portions on your plate. This will help you stick with your plan when you get to the meal.


You need to also prepare for how much you will drink. It doesn’t matter what beverage you drink, if it is not water, it will add calories. Oh and by the way the sugar free beverages are not any healthier.


How about appetizers? This is a deadly weapon that can shatter your plan. So plan ahead and determine how many appetizers you will allow yourself along with the beverage(s) and the meal. Holiday meals are a total package and you need to cover all your bases.


How about dessert? The best thing you could do would be to skip it. But that will be so hard to do for many of you. If you prefer savory foods over desserts you will have an advantage in this area. If you just can not say no then ask for a small piece. Even if you end up with a big piece you only have to take a bite or two. It is your body, you can leave the rest.

Put all this together and plan ahead before those Holiday meals so you can avoid the weight gain blues!

Now if you should happen to put on a few pounds in spite of your best efforts then take advantage of a weight loss method called calorie shifting to help you quickly lose those extra pounds. Discover how a calorie shifting diet can help you lose the Holiday pounds!

Hoodia Diet

Currently one of the most publicized forms of natural weight loss products in America, the hoodia diet has been hailed by some as a miracle weight loss program. With features on major news networks such as CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and BBC it has become one of the most talked about new diet programs. Even Oprah has shown support on her “O” Magazine. For the most part it has received positive reviews and is now in higher demand than ever before.


What is Hoodia?


Hoodia gordonii, also known as hoodia, xhooba, khoba, Ghaap, South African desert cactus, is a rare botanical that grows exclusively in the semi-deserts of South Africa. A cactus like plant, it grows in clumps of upright stems is considered a succulent and not a cactus. It can take approximately 5 years before the plant produces its pale-purple flowers and is ready for harvest. While there are over 20 types of hoodia, only the hoodia gordonii variety is believed to have appetite-suppressing properties.


How Does It Work?


Used by the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert for numerous years to ward of hunger and thirst during hunting trips, hoodia has only recently been recognized in the United States and Europe as an effective dietary supplement.


Scientists have found several compounds in the plant that helps with appetite suppression. It contains a steroidal glycoside molecule known as P57 that is 10,000 times as active as glucose, resulting in the nerve cells in the mid-brain trigging the feeling of fullness. Simply put, the compounds in the plant trick your body into believing it is full.


Hoodia in the Marketplace


A mainstay of all hoodia diet programs, Hoodia supplements can be purchased in various forms including pills and liquid extracts. These supplements may be noted as having pure hoodia or the hoodia may be only part of the complete makeup of the supplement. These supplements can be purchased from representatives of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) certified manufacturers. Check your local drug store or check out hoodia products available on the Internet.


Keeping it Real


Due to the rarity of the plant and its limited growing area, fakes and counterfeits as well as diluted hoodia products are running rampant in the marketplace. Real hoodia is very rare, controlled and expensive. The South African government has strictly regulated exportation of hoodia to the rest of the world. Hoodia is a CITES – an international agreement between countries to protect and regulate international trade of animals and plants – making it impossible for all the products advertising themselves as a hoodia supplement to be, in fact, real. Studies have shown that as many as 50% of hoodia products contain little or no hoodia at all.


Is Hoodia For You?


If you want a low to no risk dietary supplement the hoodia diet could be for you. But due to strict guidelines and growing restrictions, hoodia is not as available as it seems and can be quite expensive. And be sure to keep in mind that what you see may not be always be what you get – just because it says hoodia that does not mean that it is hoodia. Shop for reputation as well as product to help guarantee you are getting what you paid for.