7 Low Carb Diet Foods For Rapid Weight Loss

There is some debate among fitness professionals about the best diet food around for weight loss. If you are serious about losing that stubborn fat really desire about getting a flat stomach, getting nice toned legs, losing that back fat and getting an all round well defined body, you have to be serious about understanding and implementing the 3 key foundations on weight loss.

Key number one is you need to do weight training; key number two is that you have to include cardiovascular training and the third one, which a lot of people hate which is dieting.

After reading this article, you will be equipped with some tips on how you can lose load of stubborn body fat. This article demonstrates to you on some low carbohydrate diet foods that you can include into you meals plans conveniently and make your body into a fat burning machine with super high metabolism. You will be saying good-bye to your rebellious belly fat very soon.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 1

Remember when your mum says eating fish is good? Well, she is right again. Include fish into your diet will be a wise choice as they contains loads of protein, low in fat and rich in Omega-3. Try to include tuna and salmon into your meals as they contain loads of iron, which can prevent you from getting anemia as well.  Not only that, they are a variety was that you can cook fish and prepare them in a healthy way. My all time favorite is grilled salmon or just eating tuna out of a can, which I find it extremely handy.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 2

How about shellfish? Make sure you are not allergic to it or you will run into some deep trouble. Include some shrimp, oysters and clams into your diet. Eat them moderately and also perhaps 3 times a week. They are delicious and easy to prepare. Many restaurants out there serve shrimps that you can dip with some sauce. They are tasty and makes your dieting a breeze.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 3

This one is just super easy to prepare and also can be ready to be consume in a jiff. A protein shake can be prepared in just a minutes and provides you with loads of protein and also various vitamins and minerals. A shake will usually contain 20 grams of high BV protein. High BV means the absorption rate of the protein in the body is higher. Make sure you choose high quality brands like Muscle Tech, and Optimum Nutrition. Take it once a day and the best time to consume it is after your workout or first thing in the morning.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 4
The next on the list is the good old fashion eggs. Do not look down on them. They provide high quality protein and the egg whites contain no cholesterol and fats, just pure high protein. Eggs contain a complete amino acid profile and they can be prepared in many ways. I love to eat it scrambled or stir-fry them with tomatoes and onions. I usually eat about 5 egg whites and it makes me feel like a champ!

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 5

The powerful lean ground beef is next on the menu. It is low in fat, high in protein, contains lots of iron and vitamin B12. It also contains creatine, which is extremely valuable to the body if you are doing weight training or any sort of high intensity training. Just make sure you choose the 93 percent lean ground beef and prepare them over the grill for a super healthy meal not just for you but for the whole family. Save it with loads of vegetables and make sure you put aside the sauce and not smoother it.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 6

Cottage cheese is a wonderful low carb snack. It provides loads of protein and it is a food for champions! In 4 oz of cottage cheese, you get 14 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and only 3 grams of carbohydrate. You can eat it just like that, easy and convenient.

Must Have Low Carb Diet Food 7

The last but not least, get some salad into your diet. You need to have vegetables and you need lots of it. To make the salad much healthier, the vegetables must be dark green and colorful. Just make sure you go easy on the dressing and you can have large bowls of salad and still lose weight. Make your salad lively by adding in lettuce, endives, cucumbers, tomatoes, baby carrots and radishes. You can also add in a hard-boiled egg and shreds of chicken breast.

So you see, I have provided you with one full day menu of low carb diet food. Combine all of them and spread the meals throughout the day and you will boost your metabolism and burn loads of body fat! I am not joking! Make sure you add in weight training, cardiovascular training and some stretching to gain optimum fat loss!

Download your free copy of Tony Leong weight loss system where he reveals the 5 secrets to weight loss. Go to http://www.tonyleongweightloss.com/topweightlosssecrets to download it. Click here to grab your copy.

5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

When you are ready to lose weight it is easy to run into road blocks that get in your way. Here are 10 weight loss tips that will help you keep going so you will reach your weight loss goal.


It can be so easy to get distracted by that favorite food of yours that you forget your diet. Then it happens again and before long you have left your diet in the dust. To contour act this you should get very clear in your mind why it is that you want to lose weight. Be sure to put down on paper why you want to lose weight. What is it that you are wanting to avoid and what do you want. Get clear on your reasons for losing weight and you will have a great head start.


Using your focus and keeping your reasons for losing weight clearly in mind you will gain determination. As you begin to see some weight loss focus your mind on this and realize what you have done. Praise yourself for your success. This will help keep you determined to keep on losing weight. You will be well on your weight to your goal.


So many people want to lose weight without any effort it is crazy yet a reality. The problem is that in all reality weight loss takes some effort. You have to do some thing in order to shed those extra pounds. By getting started with a greater level of fitness in your life you can give yourself a great solid foundation for reaching your goal.


After you get some exercise going in your life then you will be ready to start making changes to your diet. This is where you can choose the diet you think will give you the results you want. There are so many options when it comes to diets that it is almost crazy. In the end pick a diet that you can stay with for at least a couple of weeks so you can lose some weight. It may not be the only diet plan you use and switching to another one is not bad. What is bad is if you stop the diet and stop the exercise and lose your determination and focus!

Calorie Shifting

Calorie Shifting is a very successful diet that many people have found to help them achieve the weight loss goals they desire. Get started today and lose the weight with a Calorie Shifting Diet.

What Kind of Role Does Water Play In Weight Loss?

You wanted to lose weight and you wanted to reduce weight as fast as possible. Ever wondering how does water affect your success? You got to the right place and here is what I wanted to talk about it today.
As we all know, water plays a very important role (if not the most important) in our lives. Your body is made up of 70% to 75% of water. That means you have more water in your body than anything else. Why so much water? Water is essential to proper body functions like flushing toxins out of your body, transporting nutrients, lubricates and cushions your organs, helps with digestion, helps you metabolize fat and assists in maintaining your body temperature.
Now that is just the broad range of areas of what water does for you. If you wanted to dig deeper then you would discover the finer points of all that water does for you body.
Each of the aspects that water helps with is very important but the ones you probably should be aware of are the metabolizing of fat and the flushing of toxins and transporting nutrients. These are all essential to your weight loss goals.
As you lose weight you want to be sure you are getting the essential nutrients you need and water will help on this. But you do have to put them in your body. The ability to help you get ride of the toxins as the weight comes off is also important. But what you really want is the help in metabolizing the fat you want to say goodbye too.
Drinking enough water is essential to help you lose weight. How much water? It is best to drink at least 8 ounces of water 8 times per day. This is the basic amount. If you are active or larger you will likely need more then this. Some people drink a gallon of water a day. Yes, you will need to work your way up to drinking more water rather then just trying to down a gallon.
The best way to get the water down is to have a jug or bottle of water with you during the day and keep sipping from it all day long. This way you will be able to constantly supply your body with water. This will help your body to not retain water. Yes it will get ride of any extra water as you are now giving it all it needs.
So go grab a bottle of water and get started ensuring that you get enough water your body needs.
You may also find out how to leverage your weight loss with Calorie Shifting. Lose even more weight fast with a Calorie Shifting Diet Today!

Basics of the Perricone Diet

The focus of the Perricone diet i.e. the diet plan set by renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone is on looking younger and increasing longevity rather than on bringing about weight loss. These are a host of benefits that such diet plan provides. Here are the commonly observed gains reaped by resorting to the diet plan-

  • Decreasing of inflammation in all organ systems of the body.
  • Improving body metabolism.
  • Improving the heart condition and making it resistant to diseases.
  • Improving bone density.
  • Bringing about a rejuvenation of the immune system.
  • Decreasing the risk of cancer.
  • Helping in repairing the skin.
  • Helping to bring weight loss.

These are significant health benefits indeed and these account for the popularity of the diet plan the world over. People following it have been acclaiming the Perricone diet plan and have been recommending it to others too.
The Perricone diet plan basics
The Perricone diet is set based on Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s Inflammation Theory of Aging that points out that the food that is eaten by us leads to inflammations being caused and it is this inflammation that leads to aging. Just as in case of other fad diets there is a ‘villain’ in case of Perricone diet too. The ‘villain’ or ‘culprit’ that is to be dealt with/combated by the Perricone diet is inflammation.
Inflammations or the swellings are the causative factors of wrinkles, acne and other skin problems. These are the causes of a number of other medical problems too. The root cause of the inflammations or swellings lies in taking in the wrong foods. It is the bad or wrong choices of foods that are directly responsible for the wrinkles, degenerative diseases etc. as also of the hastening of the aging process.
According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, by adhering to the diet schedule as set by him- following his diet and regimen of supplements and lotions the process of aging can actually be reversed. The Perricone diet assures to make anyone look younger within a time period of even just three days.
It must be remembered that the Perricone diet is a costly diet and requires strict adherence. The diet classifies inflammatory foods as the ones that include high carbohydrate and high glycerin items. Bread, pasta and sugar or sugar containing foods are some common inflammatory foods. As per the diet plan such foods ought to be totally excluded from the diet for a continuous period of 28 days and in their place anti inflammatory food items like salmon, avocado, berries etc. are to be taken in. This will ensure better health and will benefit the skin too. So, a healthier and more attractive body and skin is what is achieved by having recourse to the Perricone diet.
Some Perricone diet suggestions seem sensible and rest on accepted scientific bases while others may seem not explanatory enough. However, though the diet is unproven to a large extent yet its benefits being apparent qualifies it as a worthy diet plan to follow.

Habits Are Dieting Challenges

When it comes to dieting there are several challenges that want to prevent you from succeeding. One of those is your habits. Habits have a nasty way of interfering with your weight loss goals. You can absolutly break your habits if you want too!

Habits are a good thing as long as they help you reach your goals. Unfortunately in many areas of life you may have developed some habits that do not benefit you. Since we are dealing with dieting and weight loss here we will focus on habits that make it more difficult to reach your dieting goals.

Maybe you can identify with this habit – watching TV or movies for hours. Hum, this does not contribute to fat lose or the building up of muscle but rather leads to muscle loss. Muscle loss further slows your body’s metabolism which reduces your bodies ability to burn fat.

Now do you just sit there or do you eat while you watch. You know the munchies, something to keep your fingers busy and your jaw a chewing! Yea, well that is another habit that does not lead to further weight loss.

You likely have other habits that will limit your fat loss goals also. If you stop and think about it for a few moments you can probably put your finger on at least one or two more areas that your habits control. Even if you do not identify with the above habits think about your own – yes you do have them – be honest with yourself.

These types of habits are major road blocks when it comes to losing weight. When you start the diet you have some initial will power and you do okay for a short period of time. But sooner then you desire the habits are back at work causing problems.

To be honest with you this is probably the biggest reason diets fail. Yes diets usually fail because of you! Ouch, the truth hurts sometimes, but be honest with yourself it is the main reason for your diet failings.

The biggest challenge is finding a system that can help you achieve your goals but even beyond that you may find that you need help with bigger issues like making mental changes that can lead to new habits.

A great diet you can follow for quick weight loss is a calorie shifting diet. It is a bit weird but it gets results. You can also learn about beating your habits at lose 15 pounds fast.