The Baby Food DIet

Have you heard that eating small portions of baby food instead of regular adult food and meals, can help you lose and keep off weight? 



The thing is, its so popular right now with Hollywood stars, that its become somewhat of a fad with those who follow the examples of the beautifully skinny stars of today.

Jennifer Aniston, Marcia Cross and Lilley Allen are a few of the hot names who are putting their mouth where the baby food is, in a bid to stay slim long term, and ist not just them backing it, their doctors are 100% behind the diet too.

So why is baby food such a great choice? The reasons are easy to understand and make a lot of common sense when you look at them:

  • Baby food is bursting with essential vitimans that the human body needs.
  • Baby Food is non complex, has no GM if its any good, and is free from sugars and salts.
  • Baby Food is made from fruits and veges that are wholesome and yummy.
  • Baby food is designed to be very easily digested, for young tummies, which means its digestive system friendly.
  • Baby food can be made at home with ease
  • Baby food is cheap to buy and is available in a huge range of flavours. 
  • Baby food is easy to take with you to work or sports, in the little jars and puches it comes in.
  • Fresh baby food is really tasty and fun to eat


The responses we get, and our experience shows its great way to keep a trim body, and maintain a healthy balance.

One common query however is when people say “Thats great, but they are slim to begin with, will it work if im overweight already?”?”

A very valid point! And believe me, this answer is worth hearing, no matter if your trim or your overweight, we have the best way to guarantee success with the baby food diet! And the cool part is, you’ll be skinny for life…….We will show you the very best way to start your baby food diet, in a way that will get you major results, and get them fast. My own, personalised and 100% must do baby food diet plan can be found, for FREE here baby food diet plan

Can you pinch an inch? Women, Lose your Body Fat

The number of overweight and obese women are steadily rising. Dr. Beverley Balkau, director of research at INSERM in Villejuif, France led a 2007 global study showing that 30 percent of women are overweight and another 27 percent are obese.

If you ask 10 women: “What is your least favorite body part?”- most would say their belly. Loosing belly fat is hard, but understanding what causes belly fat will help you know what to do. Here are some common causes:

Depression & Stress (emotional eating)
We all deal with depression, stress, anxiety, and anger differently. Many people associate food with comfort and happiness. Therefore, we use it as an emotional anesthetic for unwanted feelings.

Today’s woman is often career oriented and success driven. Double standards in the workplace cause many to be workaholics. Furthermore, some of these women are trying to balance a career with a family.

Nutritional & Awareness Ignorance
Food labels are often misleading. Most people think if something says “low fat,” it is okay to eat, but this is wrong. Manufactures use ticks like: decreasing the calories based on smaller portions, claiming fat free based on food weight vs. content, claiming 0 grams of trans fat per serving vs. 0 grams of trans fat, etc.. If you are not aware of what is making you have belly fat, loosing belly fat is hopeless.

The fast food grab and go is convenience for time, but not so convenient to loosing belly fat. High energy foods provide a one stop meal, but are loaded with sugar and carbohydrates.

Fad Diets
It is a proven fact that fad diets actually cause you to gain more weight. A fad diet either starves you or totally eliminates a food source. Then, when you inevitably do not live up to the diet, you overindulge. Thus, you regain twice the weight that you lost.

Of course, there are other factors like: disease, genetics, life sustaining medication side effects, etc.. that can not be changed. However, all of the listed causes can be eliminated with lifestyle changes. There is not a magical solution loosing belly fat, but here are some suggestions to get you started:

Exercise Five Days/Wk.
Incorporate 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.

Adopt A Healthy & Sustainable Diet.
Ask your doctor to weigh you and give you a guide for caloric intake. Your height, age, and current weight will determine how many calories you need per day. Buy a basic nutrition book that will guide you to know what food sources are saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, etc..

Replace Emotional Eating With Constructive Outlets.
A psychologist, stress management program, or behavior specialist may be needed to help you explore how to do this. Anything from gardening to acupuncture can serve the purpose.

Keep A Diet Diary.
This will help you find your dietary problems and reinforce the changes you make.

Ask About Weight Loss Pills.
These should only be tried after diet and exercise alone does not work. Do not take any OTC weight loss drugs. They are not FDA approved. Talk to your doctor about prescription Orlistat.

Most of us know that we have that extra inch or two, and think about loosing that belly fat all the time. We often claim to lack the motivation or time. But, think about the decreased time when obesity causes diabetes or heart disease!

This article was written by Marc Hill. As always, I am looking for the whole mind/ body approach when it comes to solving life’s problems. My review of weight loss programs can be found at: