Discover The Use Of Detoxification For Fast Healthy Weight Loss

What many dieticians recommend is to gradually shed excess pounds using a long term weight loss diet. Loosing excess weight too rapidly in general can be considered as dangerous and this is not really recommended. Furthermore, losing weight quickly often means gaining it all back again later on. The thing is, we all want to look great especially at special occassions and events like weddings or when we are on vacation on the beach wearing a bikini. If you really intend to lose around seven or more pounds and lose them safely for your next vacation or holiday, then you can actually do it without compromising your health.

What Is The Monotrophic Diet

The monotrophic diet is a fast health weight loss plan that anyone can try. This type of diet basically lets you consume only a single type of fruit per meal over the course of one week. For example you could eat apples for breakfast, oranges for lunch and bananas for dinner. On the monotrophic fast healthy weight loss diet you are allowed to eat as much fruit as it takes to feel full. This diet plan appeals to anybody who loves to eat fruit. Nevertheless, the monotrophic diet isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. Because you are not allowed to consume toxins such as the caffeine commonly found in coffee and chocolate, your body will go into withdrawal. Consequently you may feel tired and suffer from headaches. There are a lot of difficulties with completing this fast healthy weight loss diet, however in the end it will be good for you as it provides the body cells the change to eliminate unhealthy toxins and be able to replace them with higher quality nutrients.

Making Use Of The Fiber Diet

Another fast healthy weight loss diet involves eating nothing but fiber for a week. High fiber foods include certain fruits and vegetables. Grains, pasta, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds are also foods that generally have high fiber content. This kind of fast healthy weight loss diet works because the human body cannot digest fiber. Therefore the body tries to eliminate the fiber as quickly as possible by stimulating the colon so that you expel waste more rapidly and frequently. This action also works to cleanse the colon which indicates that it is actuallu good for you. You will need to increase your water intake during a high fiber diet to avoid dehydration that can be caused by the frequent elimination of waste.

Prevent Yourself From Going To Extremes

You should not continue a fast healthy weight loss diet like the two described above for too long a period of time. Our bodies still need carbohydrates, protein, fat and essential vitamins and minerals in order to properly funtion. Malnutrition and other effect that can lead to serious health problems could occur if you maintain a fast healthy weight loss diet for longer than the recommended period.