The Best Fat Burning Food

Vitamin Dense Diet

When determining the best fat burning food to include into your meals, it has to be food that has a high concentration of anti-oxidants.  There is no sense in adding foods that are poor in vitamin content.  Also rich nutritious food is great for turning food into energy.  There is a direct connection between your level of energy and the weight loss success you will achieve.  Food that provides rich amounts of vitamins and minerals are Raisins, Raspberries, Strawberries, Watermelon, Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, and Cranberries.

Vitamin and Mineral Dense Foods

Foods that are nutrient dense are the finest fat burning foods available.  Good quality dense food provides the body with the nutrients required for long life. Certainly not all food can say this.  It is obvious that not all foods will be thought to be nutritious.   An example would be oranges which supply all the daily requirement of the all essential vitamin C.  Densely nutritious food doesn’t require you eat a lot of it to get the benefit of its nutritional value.  Many foods contain hidden fats or salts that you don’t see in nutrient dense foods.  Try some of these nutritionally dense foods: Spinach, Squash, Swiss chard, Squash, winter, Sweet potatoes Olives, Onions, Potatoes, Romaine lettuce, Tomatoes, Turnip greens, and Yams.

Nutrition Dense Foods

The very best fat burning food is high in vitamins and minerals.  The food is picked straight off the vine or tree and is never processed in a factory.  Food processing is done mainly to prolong shelf life and only reduces nutritional value.  To make up for this reduction of nutritional value synthetic vitamins are employed as additives.  Whole foods hang on to their dense levels of vitamins and minerals by remaining whole and unprocessed.   Be careful when you choose your foods and make sure they are not processed.  Examples of fresh foods are; Lima beans, Tofu, Black beans, Peas, Garbanzo beans (chickpeas), Kidney beans, Lentils, Navy beans, Pinto beans, and Soybeans.

Very Low in Fat Foods

The top fat burning food is also going to be low in fat.  The top foods of course are going to be very low in fat but this doesn’t mean no-fat either.  The fat content should however be quite low.  Closing off all sources of fat, is wrong as the body will hang on to its fat reserves.  Control is the key and good food options are going to have low fat content anyway.  So be careful about how the quantity of fat you add when fixing meals.  Include these foods which are low in fat into your daily snacks or meals; Flaxseeds, Olive oil, extra virgin, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews and Sesame seeds.