Why Green Tea Helps You To Lose Weight And Benefit Your Health

It is said that there are a lot of benefits of a green tea diet but tea does contain caffeine. Caffeine remains in green tea so if you have any reason to think that caffeine affects you it may be best to give it a miss. Changes to your diet may bring complications so if you have any health concerns you should consult with your doctor and be advised by them.

What are the benefits of green tea for dieting and why should we consider drinking green tea? One very bold claim made for green tea is that it could be an aid in the fight against Alzheimers disease and if this proves to be true it would be wonderful news. It has been reported that studies in Great Britain have found a link wherby green tea helps resistance to some chemicals that damage the brain.

Many people increase their intake of orange juice to resist flu but others find that drinking tea helps their resistance. There are some of the opinion that by drinking green tea you help encourage the gamma-delta T cells to increase your immunity to flu and other similar viruses. There is in fact a quite remarkable substance that is found in green tea. To help fight off the effects the T cells release up to ten times their normal output of interferon.

Some people gargle with green tea in the belief that this coats their oral membranes with one of the beneficial ingredients of green tea. Catechins are said to be able to somehow reduce the effects of the virus when you drink green tea.

When you include green tea as part of a normal diet it has been found to help reduce weight and lose pounds. Recent studies have shown that a diet with green tea can help increase the body metabolism and assist in oxidizing fat as well. You would expect this to lead to an increase in heart rate but apparently this is not the case. Increased heart rates can be detrimental to health so if this is proven true that would be very important.

There is one fundemental rule to losing weight and that is the balance of energy intake and burning off more energy than you consume. This would mean that green tea diets give a big help for those who struggle to reduce their weight by other methods.

One more thing that we should not forget about green tea is that it is a very enjoyable drink to consume. Drinking green tea isn’t only about taking in beneficial health drinks or dieting since it is also makes a great cup of tea.