Green Tea For Diet Purpose – Is It Doable?

Is green tea really have weight loss effect like some people believe? If you’ve looked about it in many sources, you are going to discover different opinions. There are people who think the weight loss effect from drinking green tea is just infomercial propaganda, but there are also people that truly believe that they can lose weight by drinking green tea.

The truth is you CAN have green tea on regular basis in order to lose weight. Studies have shown that drinking five cups of green tea per day will make you burn extra 70-80 calories without moving a muscle or modifying your eating habit.

While burning extra 80 calories per day is a good addition to your weight loss effort, you can’t expect to see significant result by just drinking green tea and spend the rest of the day on a couch watching TV without at least have a diet plan that also healthy. This is why most people think that using green tea for weight loss is just a myth; they expect it to do all the work while they’re do nothing with their body.

Drinking green tea has many effects that will boost your weight loss effort; it can boost your metabolic rate which mean faster weight loss and easier weight management. Studies have shown that regular use of green tea can improve your metabolism by almost 4% which is very nice because you get it almost without significant effort.

Blocking the absorption of fat is another nice effect from drinking green tea regularly. This is based on a research that shows green tea can hinder the movement of glucose into fat cells. It also slowing the rise of blood sugar after a meal and prevents high insulin spike; this is certainly useful for someone who has high blood pressure.

People at the University of Chicago also have tested green tea effects on rats. Rats that injected with green tea lost their appetite and consume 60% less food after seven days of daily injection. There is possibility that human can have this nice effect too, but so far, there is no study that can prove it.

Then, what is the best way to utilize green tea as weight loss means? You should have a solid diet or exercise program to shed that extra fat from your body; read more about this at get rid of fat quickly. Adding green tea in it will be very nice boost since you can burn extra 80 calories simply by drink it regularly, thus speed up your weight loss process.

While we’re at it, let me tell you that the great thing about green tea is not limited to its ability to complement your weight loss program. People in China, Korea, and Japan have used it for beverage and traditional medicine for over than 4000 years; the result is they live longer healthier life. How is that possible? Well, beside the metabolism boosting, green tea also contain high concentration of antioxidant, enzymes that capture and neutralize free radicals; thus prevent cellular aging and some life threatening diseases like cancer and heart conditions.

Eventually, you must realize that even though drinking green tea can help you to lose weight, you must not expect significant result from it alone. Drinking green regularly tea to boost your diet program is the best way to lose weight while having a lot of benefits from the habit. Check the best weight loss program to find a suitable program for your need and boost the progress by drinking green tea on daily basis.