HCG Diet Plan: The Five-hundred Calorie A Day Diet (Stage 2)

Stage 2 the five hundred calorie diet commences immediately after the calorie load-up period and during your second day of HCG ingestion. Every day you’re to ingest 125 to 200 IUs of the HCG hormone and firmly stick to the diet recipe that you’ll see in the book “Pounds and Inches”.

Offered in this post is the exact recipe for your morning meal, the afternoon meal and dinner.

For your morning meal you can select from the list of foods offered and you may ingest any of them in any amount you choose: black coffee (if possible organic), or organically grown green teas, or Yerba or organic chamomile tea, or organic Wu Long tea

In preparing your tea in no way use normal water from the tap. Work with 100 % pure water as you’d not wish to absorb the fflouride, chlorine and other substances present in tap water.

For lunch one hundred grams (weighed uncooked) of grilled (no oil or fat) meats of any of the following are permitted: organically fed veal or beef, or chicken breast (skinless), wild Chilean sea bass, or flounder, sole or halibut

You are permitted any of the listed organic vegetables: Spinach, Chard, teet, all kinds of lettuces, fennel, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage or asparagus. You may eat the veggies grilled, raw, boiled or steamed.

Fruits are also allowed: apple, grapefruit, and strawberries.

Evening meal is pretty much the same as the same as lunch however ensure you do not feed on exactly the same foods you dined on during lunch.

Selected seasonings are allowed to make your meals less tiresome. The following are allowed: 1 / 2 of an organic lemon, white or black pepper, all-natural raw apple cider vinegar, sea rock salt organic garlic, organic basil, organic thyme or parsley, organic marjoram, or any other organic herb. Simply no butter, dressings, oil, and anything else!

Water helps a good deal in cleansing your system of poisons. You’re expected to drink at the very least two liters everyday.

In case you are into Dr. Simeon’s regime, phase 2 extends until the 26th day or 2 days after the last HCG ingestions. If you are following Kevin Trudeau’s then it keeps going until the 45th day after which you start the protection diet.

To learn more about the HCG diet food list and where tobuy HCGplease visit http://www.hcgdietcommunity.com/ for more information and help.