How Lose Weight Hypnosis Can Help You Shed Those Pounds Easily!

We all losing weight is by far one thing that a lot of people have issues with. Most of the time, the usual diets and fads simply do not do it for a lot of people. If you are like most, you have tired everything from crash diets all the way to weight loss pills and dietary supplements without any results. You are probably at your wits end now and are willing to try weight control hypnosis, even though it might seem a little strange at first.

One of the first things that you need to make sure that you are doing is be completely and totally honest with yourself. It might just be some of the lose weight tactics that you have been using are not working for you. For instance, you will need to come clean about the fact that diets themselves can only do so much for your health if you are not pairing it with an exercising schedule. On the flip side, if you are not eating correctly but exercising a lot, that will not to a lot for you either. Keep in mind that you should certainly try the right weight loss tactics before you get yourself hypnotized.

Diet and exercise is not for everyone and it does not work for every single person. While most people believe it has to do with will power, which is not always the case. This is certainly one of the biggest misconceptions that people have.

Now it is time to look for a hypnotist with a good reputation. They should be licensed as well, and legitimately so. It is better to look for a hypnotist who specializes in aiding people in their hypnosis weight loss endeavors. Ask around and talk to the people you know for advice.

A great idea before you get hypnotized is checking up on the potential person that could be hypnotizing you. This means digging into their business and ensuring that they are a member of the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists and that their business is credible and solid.

You also need to understand how you can lose weight with the help of hypnosis. To put it simply, it helps to change the way you feel about food, the way you think about it, and the way you react to it. Most of us have deep seeded reasons for overeating. Hypnosis can illuminate those reasons.

Hypnosis Weight Loss: Reprogram Your Thoughts

Hypnosis is a different kind of method, generally therapeutic that involves giving proposals to the hypnotized individual who has been put into an altered frame of mind with the plan of beginning constructive changes in their thinking as well as actions. Once the hypnotized patient regains consciousness he or she will begin to act according to the suggestions made to their intuitive mind while they were hypnotized. It is normal practice for a therapist to interact with a patient’s subconscious mind and try to identify the underlying and real reasons causing the patient’s wrong behavior.
If you are having difficulty maintaining an healthy body weight you should think about using hypnosis for weight loss. In your unaltered state you will likely have a very hard (if not impossible) time guarding against overeating. You will try but the habit, so firmly ingrained, will probably engulf your best plans and challenge you in your mission to lose weight. You must, with these conditions, seriously seriously consider using hypnotherapy for weight loss as you will then be able to fight your urges without your conscious mind negating your efforts. All that hypnotherapy for weight loss means is to place positive ideas into the subliminal mind instead of trying to accomplish things consciously.
Hypnosis weight loss has a better chance of reaching your goal as you will be skewwing your thinking from the inside going out and by also being able to refocus your underlying mind, you can change things around for the good and with less hardship from your conscious mind. With the help of weight loss hypnosis, you will find that following an otherwise seemingly impossible eating plan will be very attainable and the reason for this change for the good is that your relationship with your diet will have undergone a change- without your even having felt it – consciously. You will likely begin to realize that weight loss hypnosis tapes has made it possible for you to live life in a healthier fashion and you will also not find it impossible to make the right decision with regard to sticking with a healthy weight loss plan.
In fact, you will most likely feel a lot of contentment and joy from your new way of thinking. What’s more, when the mind signals to the body its new instructions, you might even notice alterations (positive) taking place at the cell level as well. Hypnotherapy for weight loss has often been successful where other more conventional solutions to control weight have not measured up.
You can also achieve a number of benefits by using hypnotherapy for weight loss including stopping the urges to overeat, enjoying a great feeling of self-empowerment, boosting self-esteem, lending to a more positive image of you, reducing stress levels and finally, finding out what triggered you to overeat in the first place.

Hypnosis Weight Loss Book Review: Real World Hypnosis

Today’s New Book: Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists
This book is a real hypnosis book by real hypnotists. It was written by eight experienced, professional, hypnotists. They shared their observations and views about hypnosis in this book titled “Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists”.
The book covers many aspects of hypnosis such as smoking cessation, and sports performance enhancement, self-hypnosis, weight loss. It even covers how hypnotists start their own business from scratch.
The book editor is Steve Roh. In the book he points out that hypnosis is often misunderstood by the public partially because of Hollywood movies and the internet. He tries to give readers an understanding of what hypnosis actually is, and how it can help them solve problems like weight gain.
The book is well written. It explains many things in plain English in an understandable way. I am grateful to the book authors for having shared their knowledge with laymen like mw with so many misconceptions about hypnosis weight loss. I believe by spreading the knowledge about hypnosis, more people will benefit from this powerful and valuable tool way to get weight loss more effectively. That’s the very value of this book.
I knew editor Steve Roh since he started featuring on KYW 1060 Newsradio and the Comcast Network as an expert hypnotist. I also know that he himself is also in hypnosis weight loss practice by running Center City Hypnosis in Philadelphia, PA. There he was reported to have helped many Delaware Valley residents take back in control of their own lives.
The book authors are all real, active, hypnotists with many years of experiences. They are: Garrett Buttel, Marc Carlin, Robert Dunscomb, Celeste Hackett, Debbie Lane, Wendy Merron, Tobin Slaven and Deborah Yaffee.
If you are interested in hypnosis in general, or hypnosis for weight loss in particular, you may want to read this book.

Natural Flavor Enhancers for Healthy Eating


Although many variables influence how much you eat, flavor matters most. When trying to lose weight, we should take advantage of what flavor has to offer and make sure it works for us, instead of against us. In earliest posts, I talked about ways in which the taste of vegetables can be improved by cooking them with canola oil or with meat. If you incorporate the following ingredients in your cooking, you can further cut down on the amount of cooking oil or meat needed to flavor up your vegetable dishes. All of these ingredients are fat-free, cholesterol-free, and rich in anti-toxicants and nutrients.


Green Scallion is a young onion with a white base (not yet a bulb) and long green leaves. Available in Asian grocery stores, it is perfect for sautes and soups. When preparing green scallions, first cut them into halves lengthwise and then chop the halves up into half-an-inch long strips. Since they overcook easily, green onions should be added last, about 1 minute away from the completion of the cooking, to preserve their green color and crispy texture.


Garlic is most suitable for salads and stir-fries. For Salads, I like to use minced garlic. For stir-fries, I like to use sliced garlic. At our house, we consume large amounts of stir-fried leafy vegetables, almost all of which are seasoned with garlic. I generally add 2 cloves worth of sliced garlic to each dish. Garlic, when picked in salt, also tastes wonderful.


Ginger is yet another spice that I use frequently in my cooking. I seldom peel it although some people do. Ginger can get rid of the fishy smell of seafood so I use it a lot when preparing seafood dishes. 


The struggle for weight loss does not have to be tedious or joyless. By tapping into the flavor factor, you can make sure you stay on the right foods and at the same time keep on enjoying delicious food.



Weekend Fun Read: Misspelling-how far they can go? An example of “hypnosis weight loss”

Just came across some web sites and I am astonished to find that the misspelling is so wide spread. Take an example for “hypnosis weight loss“:

Skipped letters

Ypnosis-weight-loss, Hpnosis-weight-loss, Hynosis-weight-loss, Hyposis-weight-loss, Hypnsis-weight-loss, Hypnois-weight-loss, Hypnoss-weight-loss, Hypnosi-weight-loss, Hypnosisweight-loss, Hypnosis-eight-loss, Hypnosis-wight-loss, Hypnosis-weght-loss, Hypnosis-weiht-loss, Hypnosis-weigt-loss, Hypnosis-weigh-loss, Hypnosis-weightloss, Hypnosis-weight-oss, Hypnosis-weight-lss, Hypnosis-weight-los, Hypnosis-weight-los, and maybe more.

Reverse Letters

Yhpnosis-weight-loss, Hpynosis-weight-loss, Hynposis-weight-loss, Hyponsis-weight-loss, Hypnsois-weight-loss, Hypnoiss-weight-loss, Hypnossi-weight-loss, Hypnosi-sweight-loss, Hypnosisw-eight-loss, Hypnosis-ewight-loss, Hypnosis-wieght-loss, Hypnosis-wegiht-loss, Hypnosis-weihgt-loss, Hypnosis-weigth-loss, Hypnosis-weigh-tloss, Hypnosis-weightl-oss, Hypnosis-weight-olss, Hypnosis-weight-lsos, Hypnosis-weight-los, or did we miss anything?

Double Letters

Hhypnosis-weight-loss, Hyypnosis-weight-loss, Hyppnosis-weight-loss, Hypnnosis-weight-loss, Hypnoosis-weight-loss, Hypnossis-weight-loss, Hypnosiis-weight-loss, Hypnosiss-weight-loss, Hypnosis–weight-loss, Hypnosis-wweight-loss, Hypnosis-weeight-loss, Hypnosis-weiight-loss, Hypnosis-weigght-loss, Hypnosis-weighht-loss, Hypnosis-weightt-loss, Hypnosis-weight–loss, Hypnosis-weight-lloss, Hypnosis-weight-looss, Hypnosis-weight-losss, Hypnosis-weight-losss, and how about triple letters?

Common Wrong Letters

Gypnosis-weight-loss, Jypnosis-weight-loss, Htpnosis-weight-loss, Hupnosis-weight-loss, Hyonosis-weight-loss, Hypbosis-weight-loss, Hypmosis-weight-loss, Hypnisis-weight-loss, Hypnpsis-weight-loss, Hypnoais-weight-loss, Hypnodis-weight-loss, Hypnosus-weight-loss, Hypnosos-weight-loss, Hypnosia-weight-loss, Hypnosid-weight-loss, Hypnosis-qeight-loss, Hypnosis-eeight-loss, Hypnosis-wwight-loss, Hypnosis-wright-loss, Hypnosis-weught-loss, Hypnosis-weoght-loss, Hypnosis-weifht-loss, Hypnosis-weihht-loss, Hypnosis-weiggt-loss, Hypnosis-weigjt-loss, Hypnosis-weighr-loss, Hypnosis-weighy-loss, Hypnosis-weight-koss, Hypnosis-weight-liss, Hypnosis-weight-lpss, Hypnosis-weight-loas, Hypnosis-weight-lods, Hypnosis-weight-losa, Hypnosis-weight-losd, and much more, and you may still be able to continue and add more. (Source:, hypnosis-weight-loss)
Wow, almost anything is possible with the spelling in the internet using search engines, you see. Is this just a creative activity, or a sign of a lack of education?
Really sad to see that there are so many web pages having so many spelling issues…
Once I read an articles claiming that spelling is not important. They said that the article below demonstrates that the brain can easily decode and understand the message of the text without reading each letter in a word. Why? Because our brain is wired to search for and comprehend the meaning of what is read rather than being concerned with each letter placement of a word. So for speed readers, it’s true, fixating on every letter while reading only serves to dramatically slow down ones reading. The incorrect article is:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Or rather…

According to a researcher (sic) at Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.
(Taken from, which is not necessarily the source of the information; this is widespread on the Internet)

However, I can not agree with that. Spellling is still important. It shows if you are well educated and caring for others. I can not stand bad spelling, or all capitals. They just seem rude to me.
The rule of thumb is, forgive someone’s articles if not spelled correctly as fortunately, you don’t need to know the exact letter placement of each element of a word to understand it – this is the foundation for speed reading. But be more strict to yourself: spell your words correctly when writing an article, like for “hypnosis weight loss“, I’d like you, for the benefit of your readers, to write each word, letter by letter, correctly.

Planning on starting a hypnosis weight loss group

I am recently planning on starting a hypnosis weight loss group. Here is the draft I may post in some online platform:
Hypnosis weight loss interest group meetup
We wanted to start a hypnosis weight loss group and meet up somewhere regularly. Topics could include:
1) For those who are new to this weight loss approach, we’ll present basic knowledge about hypnosis weight loss and how would this could help you in losing weight;
2) For those who knew hypnosis weight loss or had experiences with hypnosis weight loss method, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of hypnosis for weight loss, which product is more effective, what is the best way to use hypnosis weight loss method, etc..
The meet up is free to all members and open to the public. For those who are interested, please reply to this thread at

Hypnosis Weight Loss Book: Your Chance for Some Real Money

hypnosis weight loss frog

(Image Source:

Hi folks. I need a one-page online press release for a book my friend just finished for using Hypnosis for Weight Loss. The book was well written whose topics are about the mind and successes – it is not diet related as most weight loss books did. I’ll send you a copy of that book, if you are insterested – please leave a comment here and email me. Maximum word count is about 500. My friend really needs it quickly. Thanks and do leave YOUR comments below!

Hypnosis Weight Loss: How to make it a success?

Since Hypnosis Weight Loss is a cooperative process, that means, you, and the practitioner of your choice, need to come up with an agreed upon plan.
This involves lots of discussions and a deep level of mutual understanding.
For examle, your Hypnosis Weight Loss expert/therapist may ask you questions such as, what kind of medications you are currently taking, or, how much time you can be dedicated in this Hypnosis Weight Loss effort, what your habits are concerning eating, what type of eating plan you have for reducing the excess weight, etc..
One thing though, keep this in mind that, you’d be honest and straightforard upfront. If, say, you are planning on a vegetarian lifestyle and your practitioner is giving hypnosis weight loss suggestions including having lean cuts of meat, it may be counterproductive. So be sure to let your therapist know about the lifestyle you are going to choose.

healthy eating pyramid
healthy eating pyramid

With all pertinent information in hand, your hypnotherapist now can design and implement a hypnosis weight loss program just for YOU, and guide you through in the entire process. All you need is practice, practice and practice. For the majority of people walking into Hypnosis Weight Loss clinic, while working closely with their therapists , the program works pretty well. But everybody’s situation is different so you need to talk upfront with your therapists, and the results could vary to some extent. But if you really wowrk towards it, you should see the improvements down the road.
I hope the above info can help you in achieving your weigh loss goal in a cost-effective way.

Hypnosis and Weight Loss


Self-imposed restrictive diets that produce quick and dramatic results have a tendency to boomerang with a subsequent weight gain. Instead of merely a diet or exercise plan for a set number of weeks, permanent weight loss occurs only with long-term lifestyle changes. According to many people, hypnosis can help you make those changes, quickly and more easily than you ever imagined possible.

Hypnosis refers to a procedure that induces a sleep like state in which the subject acts only on external suggestions. The rationale behind hypnotherapy is that the mind and body are intimately interlinked and influencing one never fails to affect the other. If you suggest to the subconscious mind that the body is free of pain or disease, it will actually bring about that change. In a hypnotic state, you are awake and alert, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you and focus intently on the subject at hand, to the near exclusion of any other thought.


Overeating often occurs because of the cravings and impulses we have about certain foods, on certain occasions. By reeducating the part of your brain responsible for creating cravings and impulses, hypnosis is believed to give you back choice in what you eat.

In a typical hypnotherapy weight loss session, you are first put into a relaxed state. You feel that tingly feeling like you are floating on air. It doesn’t feel heavy, and you feel like you can’t even move because you can’t even lift your finger all the way. This is also where you will start moving into the hypnotic trance progressively using imagery, non-verbal induction, or verbal induction, depending on which training the therapist actually has. Then you go through a deep breathing technique which allows you to go into a deeper level of trance. The next thing after that is what is known as the suggestion phase. That is where the therapist tunes into the food trap that gets in the way of your weight loss, be it sugar, comfort eating, boredom eating, or TV snacks (“Imagine your favorite apple pie covered with flies.”) The final step is awakening, where you will be brought out of hypnosis slowly.

Since hypnotism does not involve drugs, it is touted as natural and risk-free by many advertisers on the Internet. Critics argue, however, that many of the claims about weight loss through hypnosis are overly optimistic at best and openly deceptive at worst.