How To Lose Pounds Quickly – Without Starving!

Most people today are not just wondering how to lose weight. It is well known that you have to eat fewer calories than you burn off over the course of weeks and months, but the real question is how to lose pounds quickly without starving yourself.

The smart answer is to focus on what you eat and when you take it in, rather than trying not to eat at all. Your body needs food for energy to sustain your organs and to get through your workouts and daily activity. It is only when you feed it more than it needs for that energy that you start to store it as fat.

Ideally, each meal will give your body just a little less than what it will need for sustenance until the next feeding. Obviously, you will not burn off 1,000 calories while watching TV in the evening so eating a meal that large before plopping on the couch is a surefire way to gain weight.

The time of day that you eat particular foods is another issue. You need carbohydrates because they are your main source of fuel for long workout sessions. The problem is you don’t need very many of them because they take longer to break down and provide more energy over a longer period of time.

To lose weight fast you need to limit carbs to earlier in the day, cutting them out completely in the afternoon so they can be burned off before you wind down in the evening. You can also use them as a snack prior to a long, intense workout where the energy will be needed.

The rest of your meals and snacks should be focused on foods that provide a lot of energy without high calorie content, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein.

To ensure that you always feel full while learning how to lose pounds quickly, drink a glass of water just before a meal and throughout the day. Don’t let your body confuse dehydration with hunger and throw you off track.