Learn How To Lose Pregnancy Weight Safely

Knowing just how to lose pregnancy weight can be quite a challenge, yet one really worth taking on.  The first thing new mothers must bear in mind when striving to shed pounds after having a baby is that it will take time.  Nearly all normal women don’t have the seemingly remarkable ability which celebrities have to revert back to their pre-pregnancy figure within weeks.

It is helpful to keep a target in mind for fitting back in pre-pregnancy pants, but make certain that it is an objective which can be quite easily achieved, not one that will result in a feeling of disappointment.  Trying to scale back excessively on calories during this time period can cause the body to hang on to the pregnancy weight a bit longer, especially if breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding can help you slim down, requiring an extra 500 calories from you a day as well as helping eliminate some of the fat you gained during pregnancy.  It is known that women who breastfeed are more likely to lose pregnancy weight compared to those who don’t.

There are healthy and balanced strategies to lose pregnancy weight even with the demands on your time that a newborn baby has.  One area where lots of women fall down whilst trying to lose pregnancy weight is their post birth diet.  During pregnancy women will get used to consuming a lot more, however a few women find that they continue to eat more after they have the baby rendering it extremely hard to lose those undesirable pounds.

From the moment you have your baby, your body begins working to reduce your belly back to its pre-pregnancy state, or something near to it, however it is a slow process.  The first way to lose pregnancy weight rapidly is to drink 10-12 glasses of water.  It can take time for your hips and pelvic region to shift back to their pre-pregnancy condition, thus it’s common for things to be out of whack after having your baby.

It affects everyone differently so don’t throw in the towel if your pregnancy weight takes a bit longer to come off than someone you know.  Once you have had your post pregnancy examination you can begin to increase the amount of exercise you do if the doctor says it is ok.

Occasionally thyroid function can be impaired right after giving birth.  An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) slows down the metabolic process and as a result causes it to be challenging to lose pregnancy weight.

Many moms will begin to do exercise while conforming to their daily routine with great enthusiasm but could get side tracked as time passes by, and procrastination may now take dominance over their commitment to lose weight after having their baby.  You can lose weight after childbirth and take your slender, pre-baby body back, but it’s going to take a bit of effort.

Weight loss after pregnancy depends on healthy and balanced lifestyle decisions.  In spite of this, losing pregnancy weight is definitely an attainable goal.  Do not be discouraged if the weight is slow to disappear.  Take it easy and relish the newborn; extra weight is not as important as this.

For more information on healthy weight loss, visit Reduce Tummy Fat NOW!

Learning More About Low Pregnancy Weight

Are you planning of getting a baby? If you are, then you should also be thinking about losing pregnancy weight. Even if females are weight conscious, there are still a few in number who don’t really care. Still, the weight during pregnancy is something that every females should be wary of.

Study shows that during pregnancy, obese women are highly at risk. The possibilities that a miscarriage or gestational diabetes happens is significantly larger. Once gestational diabetes is diagnosed, this could affect the child even after birth. This is why losing pregnancy weight is one of the things most doctors look at when a woman is carrying a baby.

Now, if you are already pregnant and thinking about losing weight for the health of your baby, then don’t start dieting first. When it comes to pregnant women, dieting takes on a whole new approach. The reason for this is that any weight change can affect the baby. Plus, it’s important to still be able to supply the necessary nutrients for your child even while losing weight. Following are some tips for pregnant women when trying to lose weight.

Don’t skip meals

Skipping meals is definitely out. The only way you can lose weight while still providing for your unborn baby is to make sure that you eat a balanced meal every day. More fruits and vegetables while lessening fatty intakes.


High intensity routines are definitely out. Light exercises is enough like walking a few paces each day. Don’t push yourself too hard and instead rest immediately when you’re tired. Make sure that you drink enough glasses of water each day to stay hydrated.

Ask the help of a professional

Before trying any type of diet, you might first want to consult a nutritionist. After all, your ideal weight would be dependent on a number of factors. With the help of a nutritionist, you would be able to plan a proper diet during pregnancy. Of course, your doctor should also be informed in case you decide to do anything else.

Foods to Eat

Rations that should be eaten by pregnant women include non-starch vegetables. These help alleviate the need for constant snacks plus contain fiber and has high volume of nutrients. Berries and melons are also good options since they are natural anti-oxidants. However, that doesn’t include coffee so steer clear of this drink.

Weight loss medication are something you should never try out. Ingredients in weight loss pills can pose serious harm for you and the baby so make sure that your weight loss method is all natural.

Don’t try to ignore the weight loss tips given by your doctor or nutritionist. After all, your child would depend on your health. As of now, the child is protected by your immune system which means you must also protect your body.


How to Lose Pregnancy Weight–Answered

I see you have given birth to a wonderful boy or girl. I believe congratulations are in order. But wait a minute; you still look like 4 months pregnant! What’s going on? Don’t lose hope! Following are some tips on how to lose that pregnancy weight you’ve been trying to shake off for a long time.

In a few moments, I will give you several tips on how to lose pregnancy weight. Here goes

Breastfeeding your baby is the fastest and most comfortable way to lose pregnancy weight. Nature has given you an easy way out! Getting back your pre-pregnancy form can be done quickly through breastfeeding. Moreover breastfeeding will also burn an extra 500-800 calories a day. 

Eat fruits and vegetables as much as you want! Keep in mind that you are no longer eating for the baby, modify your food consumption and take this into account. Again eat fruits and vegetables as much as you want but try to keep away from sweets, especially chocolate (particularly if you are breastfeeding, as caffeine contained in chocolate is not good for your baby.) Eat lean meat. Stock up on healthy snacks; keep them in drawers, shelves or anywhere else where you can have easy access.       

Start your workouts slowly and always stretch beforehand! Make sure you get an okay for working out from your physician or doctor. When you begin your workouts, please start slowly, especially if you had a tore or a C-section. Never forget to perform warm ups prior to exercising, it is also ideal to do this after breastfeeding the baby for a lighter and comfortable feeling.

 Drink a lot of water. 10 glasses of water is your minimum water consumption every day. Drinking lots of water will also help you shed some calories, not to mention that the liquid itself is the healthiest drink for you.

 Walking helps to lose pregnancy weight, your choice to bring a baby is a choice. If you’re going for a walk to burn off some of those unwanted fat, you might think about carrying the baby with you. Your baby will act as a weight which will help you burn fat more. You will also work up your arm strength if you choose to carry your baby instead of putting your baby in the stroller.

Encourage yourself to stick to the program and it will surely result to a new and much improved physique. You want to lose pregnancy weight in a healthy way. It takes a pregnant woman 9 months to gain all of those weight so don’t be surprised and discouraged if in fact it will take you more than 9 months to lose that pregnancy weight. After all it’s easier to gain compared to losing weight!

Support groups help to motivates you to reach your weight loss goals! You want to have a support group. Ask your husband to help. Try to make him lose weight together with you. It is much easier to lose weight with a partner on a same boat compared to lose weight by yourself.

If you are looking for a good lose pregnancy weight guide, here’s my article on fit yummy mummy review.