Learn How to Get Rid of Love Handles


One of the hardest areas to lose weight is around the hips,those love handles. These are something that almost everyone deals with,and they can be really har to get rid of. Good news though, there are a few exercises that you can to that are going to work to get rid of love handles.


There are also many other tips, that are going to be very helpful if you want to get rid of those love handles.


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Trunk Twists

 A great exercisethat any one that wants to get rid of love handles needs to know is he trunk twist. These twist are an awesome work out because they focus right on the problem area, those love handles that you want to get rid of. These are also awesome because it is a good way to warm up your muscles and keep you from pulling anything, so if you want to know how to get rid of love handles then it is essential to do these at the beginning of your routine to warm up.


Oblique Crunches

 This is another really good exercise that you need to do to get rid of your love handles. If you want to know how to get rid of love handles then focus on doing some oblique crunches because they too are going to target right on those problem areas.


You can do these exercises by lying on the floor with your legs bent on about a 90 degree angle, and you want to have the bottom of your feet vertical. The next step your are going to want to put your hands on the back of your head, and then you lift your shoulder blades off the ground and do this until your right elbow touches your left knee.


Now you want to squeeze your abs for a minute, and make sure that you really focus on this if you want to get results. Now you slowly return to the starting position and repeat the steps again so you are repetitive with this exercise.


There are lots of other exercises you need to do as well if you want to get rid of your love handles, but just as important as exercises that you are doing is the way that you are eating because you have to make sure that you are eating the right foods.

More Ways To Lose Those Love Handles and Beer Bellies Are Just A Click Away!!