Help With SparkPeople on Weightloss

Americans are caught between a rock and hard place. They need to lose weight and they desperately want to lose weight. However, it seems that the resources just aren’t there. Joining a gym could easily cost hundreds of dollars each year and weight loss programs generally cost even more. Without suggested daily meal plans, group support and added motivation to reach their goals, many Americans feel their attempts to lose weight will be unfruitful. Luckily, the website exists to fill that void and provide free customized weight loss help to those who need it. In this article, you’ll learn why has attracted 7 million American members so far, with 6,000 new sign-ups each day.

Once visitors arrive at, they’ll be asked to complete a quick, free registration form to receive their free weight loss help. What makes this site unique is that members are not hassled to buy anything and 100% of the site’s revenue comes from very subtle advertisers and sponsors. Users enter their height, weight, amount they intend to exercise, weight and target date to receive recommendations for calorie, fat and carb intake. The main interface promotes three main areas of interest: My Tools, My Content and My Community. In the Tools section, individuals can track their nutritional intake, their fitness and exercise regimens and weigh-in or measure themselves every so often to chart their progress. At the top, the “My Nutrition” tab takes people who are interested in losing weight naturally to a page where they can input the foods they eat throughout the day, which automatically calculates how much calories, carbs, fats and protein they’ve consumed. There are also customized meal plans and weekly shopping lists for people who do better with a structured routine.

There are several different sections of weight loss help. For instance, the “Fast Break” stage gives users an easy goal to start with — such as eating a high fiber/high protein breakfast, eating two fruits or veggies, tracking your calories, drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day or skipping soda. These small goals will help users work their way up to bigger goals. Users can progress to the “Healthy Diet Habits” stage, where they learn more about portion control, consistent exercise, drinking more water and being mindful of calories. They can receive customized meal plans or simply log what they’re eating to gain more insight. The third stage is “Lifestyle Change,” which teaches consistency and constant motivation to pursue health and weight loss goals. The “Spread the Spark” stage encourages people to write in a journal, share their goals with others and participate in communities which keep them on track with their efforts.

The weight loss help site may not be for everyone. Of course, there is no true substitute for working one-on-one with a registered dietician who has spent four to eight years in medical school, learning all there is to know about nutrition, exercise and how the body loses weight naturally. Dieters who are looking for quick, easy, pre-prepared meals to squeeze into their busy lives will not find what they’re looking for here. Also, people hoping to find “magic bullet” supplements will not find those weight loss products here either. You’ll receive tools, do it yourself natural weight loss information and community support, but ultimately it’s still up to you to stick with your goals. For some people, it’s much too easy to avoid the computer and fall back into old habits again.

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Motivation For Your Diet

Are you self motivated to exercise and lose weight or do you struggle like most people do when it comes to sticking to an exercise and diet program.

Desire is the key. That's right…if you desire something strongly enough, you will work until you get it. This is as true for weight loss as for all other desires in life.

Keeping routines simple is the best thing to do for changine your shape completely or just losing a few pounds. You can start at a level that suits you and then progress as you get fitter and stronger. Weight loss exercises are not hard to do if you stay focused. Hitting the gym or walking around your neighborhood is hard when you let 'life' get in the way.

Unfortunately, many dieters don’t plan ahead. Instead, they take things as they come, and rely upon two things: their initial enthusiasm, and (when this wears off) their willpower. But enthusiasm and willpower aren’t enough to overcome the temptations and difficulties which we face when we try to change our eating habits and lifestyle.

Boredom is the most common problem when dieting. This typically occurs when our initial enthusiasm for losing weight wears off, and we become tired of watching what we eat. We become dispirited, and slightly depressed at the idea of having to maintain our “sensible eating habits” while everyone else seems to be having a good time.

Here’s a better way to look at keeping motivated while dieting.

“Hmm, my diet isn’t going as smoothly as I thought it would. Never mind, I’m sure this is quite normal. No one can be expected to change their eating habits without a few bumps in the road. Anyhow, it would be nice to have more than several minutes of pleasure from filling up on junk. I want pleasure throughout my lifetime from looking great and being considered as a serious person and maybe finding my partner. I know other people see me as a fat person – goodness, at times I do too! – but this is exactly WHY I want to change. I’m tired of being fat. Real tired. And if this means learning how to eat good food, then let’s do it!