My step blog for June 28, 2009

As it is too hot outside today, I spent most of the day at home. So how can I reach my 10,000 steps goal for today? I just need to be more creative. First I’ll walk as much as I can at home, go get tea, clothes, for me and for others too. All those small number of steps adds up.
I turn on a dancing DVD/VCD and do exercises with it. When watching TV I do exercises at my traedmill while it is running ads.
I even do “walk” when I am washing dishes. Crazy and fun.
Lastly when the outside cooled off around 8:30PM and my Omron hj 112 pedmeter already showed 8,800 steps , we went outside and took a walk. Oops, while still on the road my pedometer showed 10,700 already _ I reached my 10,000 steps goal today! When we got home, Omron hj 112 pedmeter showed that I walked 11,625 steps – that is, roughly 3.66 miles!

Goal: 10,000 steps a day with help of Omron HJ 112 pedometer

Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer
Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer

Last Thursday (three days ago, June 25) I bought a new battery for my Omron HJ 112 pedometer. I have used this pedometer for a long time but stop using it since it ran out of battery. The result? I gained 10 pounds and growing. Two days ago started using it and made up my mind to use it to help controling my weight.
My goal: 10,000 steps a day. Simple and easy.
Friday I walked over 11,000 steps, weighs 162.5 pounds;
Saturday, I wlaked over 10,700 steps.
Today I’ll walk at least 10,000 steps.
I found out if I walked all around my sub-division it is about 1,700 steps. I calculated it twice yesterday. But somehow on Friday my impression is it is just 1,200 steps. Anyhow, I am still surprised that it is only 1,700 steps if I walk around my subdivision since it is really a LONG walk!
I started to use my Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer because years ago at my work we started a “Walk across America” campaign. Our colleagues started discussing which is the best pedometer at the beginning, and the concensus is Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer. It was later becoming our “official” pedometer to be used in our contest. During the campaign, each of us enters the number of steps and finally we ran the total for each team, which was really fun.
I have to say, my colleages and I really liked this pedometer. It is one of the best investments if you think your health is your most important asset. How much is it for an Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer? About $20 bucks. A bargain for a fun filled weight control activity.