How Parents Can Get in Shape

There are a lot of parents who struggle with finding time for exercising and dieting, especially when they have younger kids. Daily responsibilities such as work, family commitments, school, and other things can make it hectic for many parents to find the time to exercise and diet. If your kids are leaving you exhausted, it may be even more difficult for many parents to feel hopeful about getting in shape.

If you want to get in shape with kids, here are some tips to help you:

1. Consult Your Doctor: Checking with your doctor before proceeding with any diet and fitness program is very important. For example, if you are a new mother, it is likely that you may have restrictions on how soon you start exercising after having a baby. Most doctors are in agreement that all new moms should weight at least six weeks after delivery before resuming your usual exercise habits. Your doctor will also be able to screen you for conditions such as diabetes or thyroid disorders that could put you at risk.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet: A lot of people do not know what eating healthy exactly means. You may be surprised to find out that eating right isn’t as hard as you thought it would be. The USDA Food Pyramid is a great way to learn more about what a healthy and well balanced diet consists of. For many parents, cutting out extra sweets and high fat foods can greatly help as well. If you’re confused as to where to start on nutrition, there are a number of free diet meal plans available online.

3. Consider a Jogging Stroller: You might be able to get a workout with younger children by using a jogging stroller. What’s a jogging stroller? Strollers for joggers, as they are sometimes called, are much like regular strollers, except they have features intended to help improve performance while pushing. A double jogging stroller system may be a good option for you if you have multiple chilren . Many kids and parents find it to be a very enjoyable experience!

4. Find a Support Network: There are many great organizations and clubs that offer programs for both parents and kids. Whether you find another parent who is willing to trade babysitting so you can workout or you join a parent and child fitness class, this can help make it much easier for you. Another added benefit to helping you get in shape, you may even make a new friend.

5. Create a Routine: Several Children do best on a regular schedule. When you have a routine and your exercise time is a part of it, it won’t seem unusual or strange at all – just a normal part of an everyday routine. Having a schedule helps you also minimize the interruptions it might cause other activities the family enjoys.

While it may seem overwhelming at first to lose weight and get in shape with kids, these tips can greatly help make it easier – and help you become healthier, too!