Understanding Soda Water For Weight Loss

Soda water is a alternative to sugar filled drinks when losing weight. Because obese people often avoid plain water, it does not taste good enough when life circulate around eating. Carbonated soda water taste great and when tired of the plain water, one can add Aromhuset good tasting flavors that hold no calories sugars or carbohydrates.

Soda water, or carbonated water, is plain water to which carbon dioxide gas has been added; it is also called sparkling water by many people. It is the predominant ingredient of most “soft drinks.”. This process — carbonation — produces carbonic acid, better known as soda pop.

Soda water is also known as club soda; it can be produced at home by using a seltzer bottle filled with water and then “charged” with carbon dioxide. Club soda may be the same as plain old carbonated water; but it can have a small amount of table salts and sodium trace minerals. These additives could possibly make the taste of home made soda water a bit salty. This process often produces carbonated mineral water and occurs naturally in many areas.

A little dental decay may sometimes be caused by sparkling mineral water. Sparkling water’s potential affects on dental problems are somewhat greater than with non-sparkling water, but the difference is not drastic. Drinking regular soft drinks can cause a much higher rate of tooth decay than drinking sparkling water. The rate is so low that carbonated drinks may be a much smaller factor in dental decay than commonly believed.

Artesian wells can be the source for waters that filter among layers of minerals in the ground; the layers contain forms of carbonates, and the waters absorb the carbon dioxide gases released by those carbonates. The result? Natural sparkling water. Shoud the water also pick up enough different minerals to add a flavor to the water it becomes sparkling mineral water.

Basically, water + carbon dioxide = soda water. Are you familiar with sparkling mineral water? It’s a naturally-occuring product of carbonation. In the year 1794, a jeweler invented a different kind of device — one to produce artificial carbonated mineral water.

A taste test of several carbonated drinks determined that Perrier, a sparkling natural mineral water, kept its fizz the longest.

The gentle fizz of club soda may be a welcome alternative for consumers who feel seltzer to be a bit harsh. As part of the tasting test, it was found that club soda seemed to be milder and a little sweeter tasting than standard carbonate water.

Club soda, sparkling mineral water, seltzer and carbonate water have no calories, which make them a dieter’s choice over soda pop and tonic water.

Another carbonated drink, tonic water, is produced by mixing water, sugar, carbon dioxide and quinine. Quinine’s original use in tonic water was medicinal — as an additive to help cure or prevent malaria. Today it is often mixed with gin and lemon or lime to create an alcoholic drink.

Understanding soda water is made easier by these basic facts and terms.