Ways To Lose Waist Fat and Hip Fat in a Couple of Months

If you want to lose waist fat and remove that hip fat that you have been carrying around, then using the right methods will get you there in the quickest time possible.

By following these methods you will lose waist fat, hip fat, and fat from other areas of your body. You simply cannot just reduce fat from individual parts of the body. Simply because your body is one complete organism and works as one.

You will need to cut down on calories if you want to get rid of the fat from your waist and hips. I can sense you groaning because it sounds like a typical diet. If you want real success, then I advise you to do this. If you don't want to do this, then thats ok. You just won't get the rewards of a sleeker body.

The next step is to cut back around 500 daily calories from your normal food consumption. Missing meals will not be the answer. This is done by reducing the portion size of your meals.Doing this on its own will reduce hip fat and waist fat. What you then need to do is to add some exercise, as this will really speed things up (is that another sigh? ). Exercising will greatly shorten the time to get the results that you want.

Normally to lose fat you would embark on a program of cardio work. Doing cardio for hours on end is not the most productive method to reduce fat. If you begin to use interval training in your workouts, you will lose waist fat and reduce hip fat in a much shorter time period.

Interval training is means that you do cardio at a normal pace for a few minutes and then speed up the pace, so you are going fast as you can for about 60-120 seconds. You return to a steady pace for 3-4 minutes. This not only helps in losing fat quicker, you give your metabolism a great boost. This results in your metabolism burning more calories.

After a couple of weeks of doing this, decrease your calories again, but only by about 200. Make the time that you speed up in your training even longer. After a couple of weeks repeat this. However be careful not to go under fifteen hundred calories. Also add some abs routines into your training. Simply because when you have lost your waist fat, and hip fat, you will be able to see some good definition of the stomach area.

The cardio exercise that you choose to do will be your preference. Choose something that you think you will enjoy and persevere with. The secret is to stick with this for just a couple of months. Do this and it will only be a matter of time when you can say “I used to have waist fat and hip fat, but I lost it”.

How to Lose Waist Fat – 3 Sure Fire Ways

Call it what you may love handles, muffin top, or spare tire, waist fat is one of the first areas that you want to skinny down. Unfortunately, it is one of the first areas to usually fatten up. If you learn how to lose waist fat you can take care of those troubles. Of course there are many who proclaim to know what the best ways to lose waist fat are but are using outdated information. This article debunks some of those rumors and reveals little known tips to lose waist fat.

Lose Waist Fat Tip 1

You probably have heard the phrase you are what you eat. Diet is usually the key to any weight loss success. If you choose a diet plan steer clear from the fad diets. With fad diets you will assuredly gain weight as fast as you lose it. Diets that work the best have a variety. Specifically, alternate between a carbohydrate and protein in your diet. While switching between carbs and protein, make sure to do it every ten days to optimally have your body burn calories. Here is a recommended diet

Lose Waist Fat Tip 2

Exercise when put together with a great diet is a sure fire combination. There is no better exercise to lose waist fat then Latin dancing. Because the waist is in constant motion when latin dancing, it burns more fat in that region. You are bound to lose waist fat as a result. there are other exercises that arnt as effective but still are great a targeting the waist line. So if dancing is not an option try doing side bends or oblique tilts.

Lose Waist Fat Tip 3

Not many people know that sleeping regularly affects your weight. studies have proved that sleeping patterns and obesity have a correlation. Bad sleeping habit affects the health in many ways but more often affects your metabolic rate or burning calories. When your metabolic rate is slowed down, calories are stored as fat. Most often the fat that the body stores is put right at the waist line. So get into the habit of sleeping at a certain time and waking up at a certain time with at least 6-8 hours. Not only will you feel healthier, you will lose waist fat a lot faster. Give these tips a try when trying to lose waist fat and you will see greater results guaranteed.

This article is only a summary of the many weight loss methods at Weekend Weight Loss. For more tips and advice on how to lose weight quickly and effectively, click here.