Water Consumption and Weight Loss

losing body fat

Not everybody is aware of this fact; even people trying to lose 10 pounds fast, but water and weight loss are closely connected. We need water to survive and it is vital to our health. You can live for weeks with no food, but only days with no water. You can live for a lot longer with no food than you can with no water. Water helps to keep our bodies free of toxins and impurities and allows our system to carry nutrients and oxygen to where they are needed in the body.

Water and weight loss are closely related, so anyone trying to lose weight needs to be conscious of their water consumption. Water can help you feel full, reducing the likeliness of overeating. If you deprive your body of much needed water consumption it can cause dehydration.

If not treated quickly, dehydration can cause permanent tissue damage and death. Replacing lost fluids as soon as possible is vitally important when dehydration occurs.

Medical treatment for dehydrated patients consists of introducing fluids by IV as well as through drinking small quantities of water frequently.

A common question is, ‘how much water should I drink to lose weight?’ It is always taught by the medical profession that the suggested amount is eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

For this reason, people often ask ‘how much water should I drink each day?’ Doctors and nutritionists suggest that everyone drink at least 48 and preferably 64 ounces (about eight glasses) of water daily Proper hydration helps your metabolism to work at peak efficiency; metabolic rate may be as much 30% higher than if you were not properly hydrated. Simply getting enough water every day goes a long way towards helping you lose weight.

Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day not only keeps your body properly hydrated but also flushes waste and toxins from the body. Drinking a glass of water approximately 10 to 15 minutes before each meal with a glass in between each meal will be beneficial in our weight loss attempts.

Don’t wait until tomorrow to start getting the water your body needs. Get up and go drink one glass of water. You will feel the difference immediately. That snack that you wanted a few minutes ago will not seem as appealing as it did as previously though. Best of all, that snack you might have had could contain hundreds of calories, while that glass of water you had instead had zero!

When you wake in the morning, drink a glass of water. Have another glass shortly before each meal and again about an hour after. This is an easy to remember method of getting the recommended 64 ounces of water your body needs every day. Drink tap water, drink spring water, filtered water, whatever you prefer; just make sure to get those eight glasses. When your body has the water it needs, you’ll feel better as you naturally detoxify and you’ll start to see yourself lose weight much quicker than before. water and weight loss are inextricably related and when you’re well hydrated, losing weight will be much less challenging.

What Kind of Role Does Water Play In Weight Loss?

You wanted to lose weight and you wanted to reduce weight as fast as possible. Ever wondering how does water affect your success? You got to the right place and here is what I wanted to talk about it today.
As we all know, water plays a very important role (if not the most important) in our lives. Your body is made up of 70% to 75% of water. That means you have more water in your body than anything else. Why so much water? Water is essential to proper body functions like flushing toxins out of your body, transporting nutrients, lubricates and cushions your organs, helps with digestion, helps you metabolize fat and assists in maintaining your body temperature.
Now that is just the broad range of areas of what water does for you. If you wanted to dig deeper then you would discover the finer points of all that water does for you body.
Each of the aspects that water helps with is very important but the ones you probably should be aware of are the metabolizing of fat and the flushing of toxins and transporting nutrients. These are all essential to your weight loss goals.
As you lose weight you want to be sure you are getting the essential nutrients you need and water will help on this. But you do have to put them in your body. The ability to help you get ride of the toxins as the weight comes off is also important. But what you really want is the help in metabolizing the fat you want to say goodbye too.
Drinking enough water is essential to help you lose weight. How much water? It is best to drink at least 8 ounces of water 8 times per day. This is the basic amount. If you are active or larger you will likely need more then this. Some people drink a gallon of water a day. Yes, you will need to work your way up to drinking more water rather then just trying to down a gallon.
The best way to get the water down is to have a jug or bottle of water with you during the day and keep sipping from it all day long. This way you will be able to constantly supply your body with water. This will help your body to not retain water. Yes it will get ride of any extra water as you are now giving it all it needs.
So go grab a bottle of water and get started ensuring that you get enough water your body needs.
You may also find out how to leverage your weight loss with Calorie Shifting. Lose even more weight fast with a Calorie Shifting Diet Today!