Which is the safer choice? Weight loss surgeries or diet pills

Looking for successful weight loss there are many paths that you can choose to follow but you should be looking for one that is stress free and painless, this is why weight loss supplements are a good choice and can offer you long term weight loss results.

Even more so when you consider one of the other alternatives is surgery.

Search the internet and you will find that there are 4 types of weight loss surgery. Each carrying there own risks and drawbacks.

Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) – In this procedure the stomach itself is stapled into two parts, with the upper part being made smaller in order to reduce the space available for food.

Upon being consumed the food arrives in the lower pouchand is stored there through a small opening. To stop this hole from expanding, a band is put in place to stop the stomach from stretching

RISKS: the band is subject to wearing; the staples can breakdown and there have been cases where stomach acids have leaked into the abdomen causing infection and even death

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap-Band) – this procedure is intended only for patents that are over 100lbs overweight, it works by placing an inflatable band around the upper part of the stomach.

The band itself can be altered in size by changing the amount of salt there is in the saline solution in the band, but overall this band is intended to be permanent.

RISKS: the band can lead to nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, band slippage and pouch enlargement

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB) – In this procedure the surgeon makes the stomach smaller by stapling it and creating a smaller stomach pouch. This pouch is then re-attached to the middle section of the small intestine.

This is done to One: limit how much you can eat and Two: to reduce the amount of nutrients that are absorbed via the small intestine.

RISKS: this procedure runs the risk of the patent developing ‘dumping syndrome’ where the food moves too rapidly through the small intestine. Other side effects include – nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, diarrhoea, infection, pulmonary embolism, gall stones and nutritional deficiency.

Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) – this high-risk surgery is rarely used. In it surgeons remove a large part of the patents stomach, this limits the amount of stomach acid production. This ! pouch is then attached to the final segment of the small intestine. A common channel is kept in order to allow the bile and pancreatic digestive juices to continue to mix with the food before it enters the intestine.

RISKS: this method can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

So you can see each of these surgeries comes with risks. Risks that when you consider the natural alternatives available are impossible to ignore.

Ok, while there are many different weight loss supplements on the market that can have similarly side effects as those of the surgeries listed above as well as many others, Alli, Reductil and Xenical are just a few of these.

Then there is the fact that they can only be used for a limited amount of time. Varying from 3 months to a year, for those seeking long term weight loss results, such dietary pills as these just cannot help.

Yet there is hope.

Natural fat binders exist that offer you an easier route to weight loss minus the risks of bogus pills or surgery.

There are many clinically proven tablets out there to help you the consumer reduce your dietary fat intake by up to 28% with the added bonus of also suppressing your appetite. This perfect combination allows you to take control of your weight loss, without the hassles of worrying about the risks to your body.

Compared to most other weight loss pills you’ll find online, Proactol™ comes highly recommended as natural weight loss supplement within the media.

Proactol™ has been featured in the Telegraph, the Daily Mail, as well as the New York Times and most recently in bridal magazine YouAndYourWedding. So if you are looking for a weight loss supplement. Why not offer your body a natural solution, risk free and get some great weight loss tablets that are today.