Lose Weight Easy As Pie

Weight loss surgery is for seriously fat patients who aren't able to loose weight thru the general weight reduction srategies like dieting, exercise and medication.

Severely fat are ones having weight atleast 100 pounds or more in excess in the event of men and 80 pounds or even more in case of girls. Grim obesity is most common factor of deaths in US. Grim obesity is very hard to treat thru medication since it is a lingering condition.

Weight Loss Surgery is a trusted cure for serious obesity and commonly employs either or both of 2 procedures – Bariatric Surgery and Malabsorbtive Surgery. Bariatric surgery helps to constrict or reduce intake of food.

Limiting surgery is a process of making one’s stomach smaller (Gastric Banding), by removing a section of stomach so it limits the amount of food it can hold and make one feel full shortly. One can loose as much weight as one can constrict eating.

The other procedure i.e. Malabsorptive surgery shortens the length of small intestines, where almost all of the digestion and absorption happens.

This is the cause of malabsorption (limits the quantity of food that is absorbed) therefore promoting weight loss. This surgery may also be performed together with restrictive surgery.

There are extra benefits of Weight Loss Surgery. More than 80% of patients have got their diabetes cured and effected reduction in medication dose in the first 3 months itself post surgery.

It also eases high blood pressure so reducing their raised blood pressure medication to single medication inside a month.

It also helps to govern triglycerides and cholesterol levels, reduce abnomalities in lipids and resolve obstructive sleep disorders. It helps in improvement of osseous rheumatism by reducing discomfort.

It's also beneficial in eradication of skin problems like contagions and dermatitis.

It also helps in promoting cure of many other conditions such as gall bladder illness, cardiovascular disease, cancer, pulmonary dysfunction, osteoarthritis, ankle swelling, asthma, obesity related heart disasters, infertility and lymphedema. Studies suggest that it has reduced the rate of mortality too.

Weight Loss Surgery therefore improves overall way of living of an individual by giving a fresh lease of healthy life.

John Wright is sometimes known as an internationally successful author, voicing his opinion about a definite collection of themes, which go from weight loss surgery to politics, religion to bariatric surgery in high places. His insightful work is available from web sites worldwide.

How Will Gastric Sleeve Surgery Affect My Diet?

A Gastric sleeve surgery is one way for obese people to lose considerable weight quickly and easily. The surgery entails removing a part of the stomach so that less food intake will be possible. Thus, the patient will feel that he or she has had enough, in spite of the reduced food intake. It also helps to reduce the triggers for food cravings because of the expected hormonal changes that will happen after the surgery. Of course, strict diet is enforced for post-surgery patients, and the doctor will be on hand to provide guidance. Nonetheless, here is a list of some changes that will be expected of you.

Right After Surgery

After a gastric sleeve procedure, you will be required to make some immediate dietary changes. This will initially consist of a diet of fluids, including low-sugar liquids, sugar-free gelatin, water or tea.

Week One

On your first week, the liquid diet continues. Your stomach will not be able to handle solid food. You may not even want to eat solids because of the discomfort of the surgery. A from reducing the size of your stomach, this surgery also staples the stomach and could result in some pain. Eating solids before the stomach heals can damage the staples. Thus, your first week’s diet will consist mainly of sugar free, water-based desserts and food, low-fat yogurt, and fruit drinks.

From The Second to Fourth Weeks

After the first week from your gastric sleeve surgery, you can start eating food such as chicken, but keep in mind that it is still important that your food must be mashed and eaten at a slow pace. If you do not do this, an obstruction at the entrance to the stomach may happen. During this time, it is still advisable to stay away from fruit drinks from concentrate and processed sugars.

Month 1-3

Your first three months after your gastric sleeve surgery shifts to solid food, although it has to be the kind that is still soft. You should get a list of menu items from your doctor or your nutritionist. Don’t be surprised if it is detailed and long. This is to give you more options. You will also be instructed to start with diet food items like fat-free cottage cheese and low sugar content vegetables. Again, be careful to eat slowly and space your meals properly.

Month Four to Six

You should be on your way to a normal, complete diet at around four months after your weight loss surgery. You will still be required to avoid carbohydrate-rich foods, but you can start eating fruits, vegetable, eggs and lean meat during this time after your gastric sleeve surgery.

A potential patient must be completely prepared to adhere to the strict diet that comes with a weight loss surgery. To minimize the risk of complications and to increase the possibility of long-term positive gastric sleeve surgery results are the main goals of this diet. Although there are so many drastic changes that you must make in your diet, there are many more rewards that you can enjoy when you adhere to the recommended diet.

Are You A Candidate Who Really Needs Weight Loss Surgery?

One should carefully look at the gains and risks of a bariatric operation prior to deciding that an operation is the plan of action you want to follow. The dangers involved are significant and must not be dismissed because of your great need to reduce weight. About 20% of obese people who have gone for the weight loss procedure experience nutrition based shortcomings. This is the result of the inherent insufficiency to correct the side effects of the fat loss procedure in the regular food that you eat.
The above issues may lead to osteoporosis and other problems as you grow older. Some ramifications result from the weight loss procedure itself. You can have discomfort for the rest of your days if you eat a lot of improper types of food, and some patients who find their goal body mass then find out that their excessive body mass can return under certain circumstances. As with everything else in life, there is no 100% warranty with obesity surgery.
If you want to know whether or not you need a bariatric operation, you have to ask yourself some of the following questions, they may help you to arrive at the right decision for yourself. The kind of questions you should ask are: Is my extra body mass hampering my daily activities to a substantial extent? Is my additional body mass causing any other secondary effect which may be impairing my health? Is my additional weight a thing that I feel I should keep under control all by myself? Will I be able to address the effects of the bariatric procedure and all the follow up steps that are necessary? The main problem with most persons who need to fall back onto a bariatric procedure is the fact that they struggle to take control of their bodies in any case.
The probabilities of a prospect for bariatric surgery getting rid of his or her body mass in his or her own way are not very good, as the person most likely have tried and failed with every other diet he or she came across. When all is said and done you are the only person that can decide if a bariatric operation is a good option for your problem with fatness.
Your safest choice is of course to prevent yourself from getting so fat that you should consider bariatric surgery. If you’re seeking truly functional fat reduction advice, you ought to seek nothing further than Fat Loss 4 Idiots. It recommends an amazing but genuinely efficient weight loss program. For more information you can read a comprehensive review of Fat Loss in this web site.

Effective Results In a Weight Loss Program

Looking for a good way to lose weight, but don’t have alot of money to spend? There are several excellent plans you can choose from that really do help you lose weight rapidly.I am going to tell you where you can buy a cheap and fast weight loss diet plan – that works!

Let me first explain a little about this diet, if you can really even call it a diet. This plan allows you to eat real foods, not rabbit food like lettuce and celery sticks.You always feel satisfied, your body starts burning calories like crazy, and you lose weight without any hunger.No diet shakes, pre-packaged foods, or low calorie snack bars involved.Sound ideal?

This is one of the most popular methods of losing weight over the past few years, and many people have never heard of it.  There is no use of dangerous diet pills, and you can eat the foods you love – in moderation.This plan involves a process called “shifting calories”.  It tricks your body and in turn increases metabolism.

If you truly want to buy a cheap fast weight loss diet plan, this one works. You will lose up to 9 pounds. every 11 days!I have never seen a plan where you can lose this much weight in such a quick time.With most diets you won’t lose this amount of weight, and it’s done in a very healthy way.In fact, your body will be healthier after you start this diet!

We all know people that are skinny and eat like a horse.That’s because they already utilize this secret weight loss strategy, and they don’t even realize it!This is so easy, and you will see just how quickly you can drop the pounds eating the foods you love.You won’t believe how this will improve your life, now and forever.You will never be overweight again if you stay true to this super-easy plan.

This affordable plan is for anyone.So if you’re ready to buy an inexpensive and fast weight loss diet plan, here it is!

Should I Consider Bariatric Surgery?

invasive surgery

The health dangers of severe obesity have been well documented, but statistics also show that severely obese people have only a small chance of losing weight on conventional diets. Bariatric surgery is an option for some of these people. However, you should also know that having this weight loss surgery does not mean it is a guaranteed solution to obesity.

What types of people are good candidates for this procedure? Some surgeons accept patients in their 60’s and some will even operate on teens, but since this is considered to be a last-step treatment for obesity, it is used only when all other conventional methods such as dieting, or even an abdominoplasty treatment have failed. Candidates must have severe obesity-related health problems.

There are 3 different stages or classifications of obesity that use the Body Mass Index (BMI). Morbid obesity (BMI 40+), super-obesity (BMI 50+) and end-stage obesity (BMI 60+). Severe obesity is a chronic, frequently progressive, life threatening disease. Does this mean that undergoing surgery is more of a risk than the actual disease itself?

Surgery for any reason carries a certain risk, but do the benefits of Bariatric surgery outweigh these risks? According to published studies there is a much higher mortality rate for people who are 100 percent over their ideal weight than those who are within their ideal range. So doctors agree that the benefits do outweigh the risks. But it also depends on each individual patient’s ability to follow the after surgery instructions regarding diet and exercise.

When asked if the result of this type of invasive surgery was worth the potential risks involved, most patients said yes. According to some studies there were possibly more psychological benefits rather than physical. Or as one doctor suggested, perhaps the physical benefits were that much better because of the psychological benefits.

Have you been considering Bariatric surgery as a way to deal with being overweight? Have you spoken with your doctor about the possibility of this type of procedure? If you are perhaps thinking about having it done, then you may want to do some in-depth research on the subject. Perhaps family or friends know the name of a doctor with whom you can speak about your questions and concerns. Write them down as you think of them prior to your appointment. As this is likely to be a life changing decision, be sure to get several opinions before you make the final decision.

Mini Gastric Bypass – Will It Work For You?

mini gastric bypass surgery

Recently in the United States, a new form of weight loss surgery was approved. Previously, your choices were limited to a Biliopancreatic Diversion or the Lap Band procedure. This new surgery is the Mini Gastric Bypass or otherwise known as the MGB.

It has met with phenomenal success and many people are turning to the MGB as a way to lose substantial weight and keep it off. You need to understand how the surgery works and what you can expect from it if you're considering the MGB.

The Mini Gastric Bypass, when compared to the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, has had phenomenal results. It is a surgery that is similar to RNY in that the stomach is rerouted to a portion of the intestines.

That is where the similarities end. RNY is an invasive procedure that takes hours to perform and can leave the patient in the hospital for an extended amount of time.

MGB works by taking the esophageal tube and a minor portion of the stomach. Then a length of the intestine is connected to the newly formed stomach. The stomach and intestine are not as lengthy as in the RNY surgery.

The obvious advantages of this procedure are that the surgery normally takes less than 30 minutes and the hospital stay is under 24 hours. Many patients report that they are up and walking around two hours after the surgery.

This is far better than the days you could spend in the hospital for the Biliopancreatic Diversion surgery. It is on par with the Lap Band weight loss surgery though.

If you are considering the MGB or the Lap Band weight loss surgery, then you can be assured that your doctor will keep you informed of the advantages and disadvantages. The Lap Band surgery is also less invasive than RNY surgery and has excellent results.

You will have to review the facts and make the decision yourself. It may also be in the hands of your insurance carrier as to which surgery is approved by them.

Yes, the Mini Gastric Bypass is an option to consider when you are tired and frustrated with traditional diets and exercise programs that do not work for you. You will lose the excess weight with this procedure and hopefully you will keep it off over time.

You need to follow the proper gastric bypass diet or else you should expect complications. It won't always be easy and you will have to work at it to become healthier.

Could You Be A Suitable Candidate For Lap Banding?

There are several different forms of obesity surgery available now including the reasonably new surgical procedure of gastric lap banding which is rising in popularity and is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for a significant number of morbidly obese individuals. But are you a suitable candidate for gastric lap band weight loss surgery?

In answering this question we will start by presuming that you are suitable for obesity surgery generally and that your only concern is whether or not you should be thinking about lap banding. In very simple terms this would mean that you are over the age of 18, are morbidly obese with a body mass index (BMI) in excess of 40 (or over 35 with one or more co-morbid conditions and that you have already tried traditional weight loss methods (including possible drug treatment) without any success.

It is frequently assumed that people facing weight loss surgery are simply overweight and it is all too easy to forget that people who are severely overweight are often suffering from several other conditions, many of which result from the fact that they are overweight. It is the existence of these other conditions which normally presents a hurdle when it comes to choosing between different surgical options.

Because lap banding is a type of restrictive surgery where the stomach is physically restricted in size to limit the amount of food that can pass through the stomach and digestive system, this form of surgery is probably not going to be suitable if your esophagus, stomach or intestine are abnormal. An abnormality could be inherited or acquired and a common problem seen is a narrowing at some point along the digestive tract.

Problems within the stomach or esophagus which might result in bleeding (such as esophageal or gastric varices – a dilated vein) would also rule out gastric lap band surgery, as will problems at the site where the band is to be placed around the stomach, such as an injury, gastric perforation or scarring.

Problems might also arise if you are suffering from any type of inflammation or inflammatory condition in the gastrointestinal tract like esophagitis, ulcers or Crohn’s disease.

Finally, lap band surgery is not considered suitable for pregnant women or for women who are considering pregnancy. Should pregnancy occur after lap banding the band can be deflated to allow for the higher nutritional requirement however, where deflating the band is not sufficient, the band could need to be removed.

One advantage of lap band surgery is that the procedure is reversible and, if it becomes necessary, the band can be removed returning the stomach to its previous state. This can however also be a disadvantage of the system. Motivation is the key to any type of obesity surgery but is a particular issue when it comes to lap band surgery. Should you have any doubt about how determined you are to succeed then this form of surgery might not be the best choice for you.

What Should You Expect Following Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass has been performed for more than fifty years now and, although there are of course risks the majority of patients are more than satisfied with the outcome and enjoy a a markedly improved standard of living. There is however a price to pay and you will need to lead a very different lifestyle after surgery which could be very difficult if you are not prepared for the change.

Some of the post-operative changes are obvious as the principle behind obesity surgery is to vastly reduce the size of your stomach and to restrict the amount of food which you can eat. This means that the days of sitting down to a big meal are over.

But other consequences of surgery are less obvious.

For example, your days of eating foods that are high in sugar or fat even in small quantities are also over. The results of eating such foods can be very unpleasant as rapid absorption in your newly shortened digestive tract can lead to very disagreeable feelings of faintness.

You will also discover that the change in your pattern of eating leaves you very short of water so that you need to adjust to drinking small quantities of water during the day if you are to avoid dehydration.

This is all very well but just what can you expect from weight loss surgery in terms of weight loss?

Results will of course vary from one person to the next but it is important to begin by understanding just how post-surgical weight loss is measured.

Here you have to begin by calculating how much excess weight you are carrying and this is done by working out your ideal weight. Working in pounds, for a man this will be 106 plus 6 times your height in inches minus 60. As an example, for a man 5ft 10ins tall the ideal weight will be 106 + 6 x (70 – 60) which works out at 166 pounds. For a woman the principle is the same but here a women’s ideal weight is 100 plus 5 times her height measured in inches less 60.

Therefore, if we take the example of our man and give him a weight of 366 pounds then his excess weight is 200 pounds. From this starting point we will measure weight loss in terms of the weight loss as a percentage of excess weight over time. So, if after 6 months he has dropped 100 pounds then his weight loss will be 50 percent.

In general you could expect to drop about 50 percent of your excess weight within the 6 months following surgery increasing to around 70 percent one year after surgery and to in the region of 80 percent after 2 years. For most patients however weight loss will cease after 2 years and some long-term weight gain will appear. Long-term weight gain is generally around 10 to 15 percent of your excess weight.

Once more, in general, if you are excessively overweight you will shed a greater percentage of your excess weight (possibly as much as 90 or 95 percent) while if you are not so heavily overweight you may drop as little as 60 percent within 2 years of surgery.

You will almost certainly not drop 100 percent of your excess weight and are not going to reach your ideal weight as a result of surgery. For this reason, it is sometimes said that weight loss surgery is not a complete success. Nevertheless the vast majority of patients would not agree with this and would say that the improvement in their quality of life is simply indescribable. Something that is clearly evident to anybody who has seen the many gastric bypass pictures posted on the internet these days.