Are There Any Proactol Side Effects?


It is a given that in every action taken, there is definitely an equal reaction. So if you’re curious if there are any Proactol side effects, the answer is yes. There is one huge reaction in taking this product, and that is fat loss!


Proactol is all organic, made in the UK and now obtainable in the North American market. This product makes use of the weight loss capablities of the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica. The dried out leaves are used as the main ingredient of the product.


The soluble and non soluble fibers are the ones accountable for giving the weight loss effect. Let me clarify further.


Weight reduction in two methods


When the non soluble fibers enter the body, the find the fatty ingredients inside and coat them with gel like materials. These make sure that the fatty elements are not soaked up into our bodies. The less fat we absorb, the less effort we do to burn it off.


Soluble fibers contribute in a different way. Once inside the body, it sends messages to the brain signalling that it is by now full. This will make sure we don’t eat each time we want to. It is even a basic agreement among specialists that snacks in between meals are one of the biggest contributers to weight gain. With this process, the number of calories ingested are controlled.


A Couple Of Proactol Facts


It is approved by the EU Directive and the FDA


As a weight loss product, it has passed the regulations of the EU directive, thus safe Proactol side effects.


In the North American market, the strict rules utilized by the FDA to monitor the safety of any item did not hinder the introduction of Proactol to its new market. Just like in Europe, tests were done in North America to ensure that the product is secure as well as gauge its effectivity. Again, Proactol showed that it can pass any medical test thrown at it, as well as prove that it is truly worth every penny spent.


It is supported by medical specialists


Aside from passing stringent clinical test in both sides of the Atlantic, Dr. Joerg Gruenwald, a medical specialist, and author of at least 150 medical research publications associated with fat loss endorses the item.


Now for someone with recognition such as him in the healthcare industry, it would be very unlikely for such a person to put his expert reputation on the line to endorse something that does not deliver its promise.


To quote what he said:


“Coronary Heart Disease and Diabetes are all too often found in people with excess fat, unhealthy eating routine and lack of exercise.


However, it is especially this high risk group that finds it difficult to take charge of their weight and eating habits.


So, it is very motivating to see that a product such as proactol offers a healthy way to slim down and get your diet in order.


It also addresses issues beyond weight reduction, such as lowering cholesterol and managing blood glucose fluctuations.”


Now I don’t know about you, but when physician of such caliber says that a certain product actually works and is good for you, it is a bit difficult to brush it aside.


So to end, I think that I made it clear in this article that there are a few negative effects. The only Proactol side effectsare you losing excess fat, and a much healthier body. And with their 6 months money back program, what have you got to lose aside from excess weight?