Diabetes: An Increasing Rate in the United States

There are serious health hazards that continue to plague the rest of humanity for the reason that many of us have led unhealthy ways of life and as such, our unwise lifestyle choices have become reflective of the present condition of our health and vitality. There are various diseases and health conditions that are associated with an unhealthy way of life, among these is diabetes. Indeed, Diabetes is another disease that is beginning to afflict the United States as a nation. Aside from obesity, Diabetes is probably the most troublesome health condition that ahs threatened the individuals who have unhealthy eating habits and the likes.  The cases of diabetes are indeed creating an upsurge and there is no sign of slowing down. In fact, recent reports from the U.S. Government reveal that Americans or a full 8 percent of the country’s population is suffering from this complicated disease. At this point, it is indeed clear that diabetes has grown as an epidemic to our population.

Meanwhile, the presented report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that the numbers shows an increase of 3 million afflicted by Diabetes in just two years. This means that at present, there are about 57 million Americans who are straightaway suffering from pre-diabetes. From our standpoint, we daresay that those people who are almost but not quite diabetic should make changes and do them instantly because according to nutrition experts, they are likely to be diagnosed with full-blown symptoms of this condition. This advice is not uncalled for because for a fact, we are aware that it is possible to lower one’s risk for diabetes and it will start from being pro-active.  It is also intensely important to know if you are at risk or not.

The most apparent ideal way to decrease the risk of having diabetes is to start exercising.  Lack of exercise and other forms of physical activity is the cause of almost every health obstacles and it is the most necessary   component of treatments.  It can help control your blood glucose, lower your blood pressure and improve your blood cholesterol levels as well. The chance of heart disease and stroke can be also be reduced by doing cardiovascular conditioning workouts. The benefits of engaging in regular physical activity include increased flexibility, enhanced blood circulation and more efficient use of insulin for the diabetics.

Nutrition experts say that people who are informed that they are at risk for developing diabetes should begin to make modifications in not only the way they eat but also in how much exercise they get. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics can already experience health benefits even with just a little reduction in weight; these health benefits that can be reaped through exercise are: lowered insulin resistance and blood glucose levels. Alongside from exercise, those individuals who are diagnosed with Diabetes may also experience improved health by following a healthy meal plan especially designed for people living with this condition. So do your part to avert Diabetes and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle as early as now.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for http://www.skinnyasap.com/. He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Information and shares his knowledge at http://www.skinnyasap.com/ where he works as a staff writer.