FAQ – What Is My Ideal Weight?

Before you determine a goal weight and set off on your weight loss journey it is critical that you find the answer to one important question: What is my ideal weight?

It is common for people to latch onto one number and aim for that as a goal weight or to just go by their lowest weight in the past. The problem with this is that most will be unable to ever reach a weight they maintained in younger years, or they will reach it but find it impossible to maintain. Your body changes as you age so it’s important to assess a realistic goal for where you stand right now.

The most common tools used to determine your ideal weight at your current age and height are the body mass index (BMI) calculator and the standardized weight chart. Both can be found online for free. Your BMI is actually a number that will place you somewhere along a continuum ranging from underweight to obese.

Seeing where you fall on the BMI scale may be difficult right now, but it will give you a general idea of where your weight needs to be to fall within the healthy range. You can get the same basic information from a weight chart.

Even more accurate than the scale and BMI is your waist to hip ratio. This will give you a general idea of where you stand right now and how far you need to go, without giving you an actual number. Just measure your hips and your waist and then divide the hip measurement by the waist. Ideally, women should strive for around 0.80 and men for around 0.95.

It is important to note that the amount of muscle in your body will change your shape and can make you appear lighter and thinner even at a less than ideal weight. The BMI and weight charts are not completely accurate because you can be totally healthy at higher weight than the chart predicts, if you have enough lean body mass.

So, ask yourself this question before you start setting goals: what is my ideal weight? The answer will help you aim for something that can actually be achieved.