Muscle Force Max, Personal Experience Review

For all of you guys out there that just have had a hard time gaining some muscle believe me when I say that I feel your pain. Spending countless hours in the gym lifting 5-7 days a week 3-4 hours at a time.

Doing countless reps or even just doing higher weight lower reps and just not seeing the results? Believe me when I say I feel your pain. I was once like that as well I went 7 days a week did always alternating between upper and lower body and I just was not seeing the results that I needed to see after all that hard work.

I also took quite a few supplements to help me,  I was taking creatine monohydrate to try and help build that muscle also drank protein shakes 2 times a day.  Sure I did gain some weight I went from 150 to about 185lbs. Now while you may say that sounds great! sure there was a little bit of muscle I gained but to be honest most of that was fat.

The only thing that got bigger that I had noticed was my stomach which was not what I was looking for at all.Than a friend of mine recommend a product called Muscle Force max and told me there was a free trial of it. I figured what the heck I really didn’t have that much to lose after all this work and not seeing the results I wanted.

So I got it and now it’s been about 3 months later I still weight 185lbs but now the biggest thing that i’ve gained is certainly not my stomach anymore.  my arms have just gotten Huge 2 inch difference from before  same with my chest my gains have just been awesome.  So for all of you guys out there struggling to gain that muscle and lose that fat I highly recommend you try Muscle Force Max and hopefully you can have the same results that I had.