Power Juice That Weight Away.

It just may be a match made in heaven. Your Juicer and weight loss. It is agreed by doctors, nutritionists and fitness experts that the best route to weight loss involves fruits and vegetables.

That is not to say that your favorite candy bar is not more tempting than a snack of carrots, green peppers or an apple.

And that is where power juicing may just step in to save your diet. Juicing may not only reduce your craving for that candy bar, but it can provide you with all the important nutrients that come from fruits and vegetables. All in a tasty, freshly juiced drink. You will feel full, and that craving for the candy bar may well go away – for a while.

Recently, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study linking a low metabolic rate with a low consumption of nutrients. Confirming what those nutritionists and fitness experts already knew. Consumption of the nutrients from fruits and vegetables can increase your metabolic rate, and, your body’s consumption of calories – even while you sleep. A higher metabolic rate equals a slimmer waistline.

And, remember – a larger waistline increases your risk of developing heart disease.

So, want to give juicing a try?

First, visit our website and learn about the Juicing Benefit.

Second, give this recipe for our “Weight Loss Wonder Juice” a try. This juice will work wonders at helping you lose those unwanted pounds.  And you’ll enjoy every drop of it, too!  What an awesome combination!

5 carrots
1 apple
½ cucumber
½ beet
1 stalk of celery

Simply put all the ingredients in your juicer, and turn it on. Easy, healthy and wise. . If you think this juice needs a bit of a zing, you can add fresh ginger to taste!

If you need a juicer, once again, you can visit our website Juicing Benefit to learn about them. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and mini-course!

Happy Juicing!