Tips for Healthier Fast Food Meals

Everyone enjoys eating out once in a while. It’s a great thing to do with your family or friends. The camaraderie is really the main thing and the good food only comes in second. However, during such outings many of us tend to enjoy too much that we end up overeating.

These days, people spend a lot of time eating in fast food restaurants because of it is convenient and the food is inexpensive but tasty. Like it or not, fast food dining has become part of our lifestyle. Unfortunately however, this has also caused a lot of us to become insensitive to the importance of eating the right kind and amount of food.

Weight gain is one of the most obvious bad effects of eating in fast food restaurants, but because it is next to impossible to totally give up this practice, we have put together some suggestions to help you avoid weight gain as you continue to enjoy these convenient meals. Your aim is strike a good balance between eating these foods and keeping yourself in good health. Here’s how:

Drink lots of water—sodas come free with your fast food meals but skip them and just drink pure water instead. Soda causes bloating and gas and is loaded with calories while water is more rejuvenating and refreshing and it has zero calories.

Hold the mayo and the cheese—You would spare yourself a lot of unwanted fats if you have your burgers plain. If you absolutely cannot do without these, ask for lesser amounts at least every time you order. You will feel less guilty about eating your fast food meal if you do.

Load up on greens – There are some fast food chains that offer salads in big servings or top their sandwiches with vegetables to balance off the big amount of fats and salt in their meals. Take advantage of this option by having more greens. You will not only cut down on fat calories, you will also be eating a more nutritious meal.

Go for plain—Choose a plain dressing for your salad instead of those thick ones which are packed with calories. Your greens will lose their weight loss value if you slather them with gobs of mayonnaise-based dressings.

By following the tips above, you can still enjoy your fast food meals without ruining your diet. With just a few tweaks, you can make your fast food meals healthier.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Programs and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.