Why Whole Body Vibration Really Works

There is a scientific background behind whole body vibration that gives it more validity than most fitness crazes. It was first intended to overcome a practical problem for space explorers rather than a weight loss technique. The technology was originally developed by the Soviet Union during the space race with the Americans. Both were looking for scientific and technological superiority. One of the biggest challenges they faced was the limited time their astronauts could spend in anti gravity conditions.

The effect of long term space exposure was one of the main focuses of the Russian cosmonauts. The human bone and muscle structure has been evolving since the dawn of time and it has evolved to cope with the gravity pressure on Earth. Whole body vibration was a result of the soviet scientists looking for a solution to prevent their cosmonauts’ bodies being affected by long space expeditions. Weak muscles were one of the most common side effects of long periods in space as the anti gravity conditions meant they weren’t getting the same use they do on Earth. The scientists decided they needed to find a way to prepare and strengthen the cosmonaut’s muscles before they left. Whole body vibrations using a vibrating plate exposed the muscles to up to 60 vibrations per second. These vibrations made the muscle automatically contract. Up to 60 muscle vibrations every second started to not only strengthen the muscles but also the bones too. After using a vibration trainer they also noticed other positive effects too like better circulation and more energy.

When the cosmonauts returned they realised their muscles were stronger and they no longer experienced the same level of muscle loss as they did before the vibration training. Over the last half century vibration training has been improved upon and adapted. Today, vibration training is very common across a whole host of different occupations from weight loss to physiotherapy.