Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots an Effective Diet Plan?

One of the most popular diets right now is Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and it’s surrounded by an immense amount of hype, but in truth, this diet (like all weight loss plans) is not the silver bullet that it’s advertised to be, but it is a moderately effective weight loss plan for the right type of dieter. 

Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims to be the only diet on the market that will help you lose 9 pounds every 11 days. A clarification: that’s not 9 pounds in 11 days, but rather 9 pounds each 11-day period while on the diet. Obviously, this is a major reason to be wary of this diet plan, or at least wary that its claims might be dubious, even for diets that claim to help you loose weight fast!

When you look into the diet, you begin to understand that this claim is watered down a certain extent due to the nature of the diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiot espouses cheat days, where you are free to eat whatever you crave. Every two weeks, you are entitled to three of these off days.

We all know that during the first four to five days on a diet, the pounds glide off easily, resulting from cleansing  your colon and shedding water weight. On the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet then, you get the benefit of this initial loss during every 2-week period.

Here’s what that might look like: begin the diet and drop 9 pounds in 11 days, and gain 3 back during the next 3 days; lose 9 pounds during the second period and gain 3 back during the off days. The end result is indeed 9 pounds lost every 11 days, but a total weight loss of only 6 pounds every two weeks. Of course, even those numbers would be very difficult to repeat over the long term, but it does demonstrate how the Fat Loss 4 Idiots staff calculate weight loss.

A very positive feature of this diet is the cheat days. During every two week period, you spend 11 days on the diet and 3 days off the diet. This is an interesting approach, and is one that is shared by another innovative diet, the Cheat to Lose Diet. The principle is that you prevent your body’s fat burning hormones at full levels with the off days, and because you can satisfy your cravings at least once every two weeks, the diet is easier to adhere to over the long-term than other diets that help you loose weight quick.

The diet is also very simple for nearly anyone to use because it spends zero time, and I mean absolutely none, informing you about how the diet does what it does. It simply tells you what to eat. On the positive side, this is the quickest, brain-dead-simple way to start a diet; but it is far from ideal for those dieters who are interested in the facts behind why a diet works the way it does. If you are an information consumer, this do-what-I-say approach can grow old quickly.

A final point to note about the diet is the simplicity of it. It’s fast and easy to start, and it’s a low-maintenance plan because Fat Loss 4 Idiots doesn’t place much importance on carbohydrate and calorie counting or even portion size; instead, the program constantly encourages you to “eat short of being full.”

The major difference between the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan and other weight loss programs is that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan is specifically designed to keep your body guessing so it never thinks it’s starving.

You should also note that this is a quick diet loss plan, nothing more. It’s not a complete weight loss program and there is no exercise component involved. If your goal is to lose weight quickly, you are likely aware that you will need to add an exercise component such as intervals and strength training to your overall plan.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots, like many other diets, works if you work it. But Fat Loss 4 Idiots is simpler to work thanks to its low amount of necessary maintenance, regular off days, and easy plans. But you will be wise to stay away from this diet if you want to learn the magic behind the curtains. Personally, I enjoy learning facts, and I need facts to stick with a plan. If you’re similar, you would be wise to consider another diet plan.

The Concern About Being Obease and Solutions

At this day and age, people have given greater repute and esteem to those who are slim. It seems that the world associates being thin to beauty and appeal. Following how things usualy happen, all of these are true, but some of them don’t tay in shape keeping up good health. Therefore, apart from being on the attractive and appealing side, the characteristics of being hale and hearty should also be evident.

At present, disorders linked to being overweight have increased in number and doing something about it should be the primary objective of people who belong in the same circle. Many of the major problems being themselves to light in the form of hypercholesterolemia. It causes a disorder in your blood that allows cholesterol to build up. When this happens it would be difficult for the body to attain normal blood circulation due to fat deposits that also leads to chronic diseases like stroke.

Another disorder linked to obesity is the risk of having heart attack. This becomes the major killer of people from all over the globe and the danger of being overweight has this as an outcome. Concerns about heart attacks come to light when the blockage in your veins makes it hard for the heat to pump blood to other parts of the body. Related to this type of disorder are many respiratory concerns. If your heart is not functioning optimumly, and is in rough shape, then it usually that’s indicitive that the rest of the body is also in bad shape. The part of the throat results in difficulty breathing.

For people who are overweight diabetes adds further risks. Although this type of disease is considered hereditary and might be present at birth still the inability of a person to control intakes of unhealthy foods is considered as one of the primary culprits to acquiring this kind of disease. Diabetes calls for a person with high sugar levels and falling short in averting this type of disease is detrimental.

A constant stressed mood and too much exhaustion is also linked to being overweight. If your body is immobile and has been incessantly inactive then anticipate that you will experience low energy and weariness. Being lazy also results in other negative conditions like depression.

The emergence of these types of health disorders can only be prevented if you allow the change and commitment towards a new and healthy lifestyle. Many people don’t see the good in working out. Jogging or walking for 30 minutes can cause great advantages in the persuit of being healthy. In line with this change of lifestyle also comes the change of eating habits. If you love carbs and have a craving for fatty, oily foods then you need to fight the struggle to eat more organic foods to get into shape and aleviate other health problems. If you want more information read on excela health and consider if you should buy vitamin c supplements.

Rapid Weight Loss – Good or Bad?

No-one denies that we live in a society where looks seem to take priority over any other human quality, and while some get it by nature, some strive hard to get it straightaway. Impatience is not a virtue and having the ideal body without the natural pain that goes with this signifies that it is not always valued. The answer for these individuals lies in the world of rapid weight reduction even though the effectiveness of this is grossly exaggerated.

There is still much talk about the usefulness of these fast weight loss schemes according to available studies. It is believed that there can never be any lasting fast weight reduction program, as it has been repeatedly seen that the weight comes back with a vengeance, as soon as it is ended. According to research information, individuals prescribed these reduced calorie/carbohydrate diets soon get fed up and quickly return to their old dietary vices. In all probability, according to research, what these candidates are losing is water content and not body fat. You see a diet where water loss is the main element can have fundamental after effects but water is generally replace quite quickly meaning that there wasn’t actually any weight reduction after all.

What the reality is that the individual is likely to lose a maximum of two pounds a week, but the real danger is the depletion of water content from the body. One of the latest fads presented to the weight reduction market is the swift weight loss soap, comprising herbs and seaweed, which apparently reduces the body fat while the user is scrubbing it against the body. The components may prove to benefit the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying extra body fats.

Frankly, you will find a new product brought out each day, which promises swift weight reduction by hastening the body’s metabolic process and suppressing appetite simultaneously. Makers also go on to claim that wearing magnetic jewelry also heightens body’s personal healing capacity but then everything sounds rather cosmetic, like a jewelry accessory. According to marketing claims, magnets have a good impact on the magnetic balance of the individual, over and above several other advantages, as mentioned earlier. Nevertheless, till date there has been no validation of these tall claims ever submitted to any medical journal other than a few competitive press releases. In life, there is no gain, where there is no pain, and there is nothing truer than this saying when it concerns rapid weight loss, as it is inevitably followed fast weight gain as well.

For a lot more information on weight loss and different ways you can lose weight please visit

Lose Weight With A Healthy Diet

It is indeed curious to find numerous people who think that the easiest way for weight loss is starving themselves, and though it might show a little in the early days, but you would never find this kind of radical step being approved by any physician. Only healthy weight loss diets are preferred by physicians who warn against desperate moves, as then the body not only gets weaker, but it fails to fight any disease subsequently. The best healthy weight loss diets would advocate two things: keep the calories limited to the exact requirement and supply the body with essential nutrients during dieting.

Most individuals do not take the importance of good sleep too seriously in the overall upkeep of good health, as it is equally important as burning all the excess calories which accumulate in the fat in the body. Sometimes the women’s’ magazines are the real culprit in promoting these fad diet plans, which are not backed by any scientific data or trials and they somehow convince the readers that these are allegedly healthy weight loss plans. Take the example of taking boiled vegetables with chicken, salad and fruits: while this is not bad to start with, it is to be remembered that a healthy weight loss diet would include several other nutrients which simply boiled vegetables may not contain. People who diet with these food groups, commonly lose excess pounds and feel lighter too, but in the ultimate analysis, they succumb to temptation as sticking to this type of diet is nearly impossible as it is very boring.

If you seriously want to stick to your healthy weight loss diet, remember not to have high calorie foods and stick your daily exercise schedule, even if it is thirty minutes of walking each day and get a good nights’ rest. It might surprise you but rest has amazing benefits which the medical fraternity is now realizing and this is a common problem with people who have weight related issues, who love to overeat during dinner, often forgetting what they have done. If you are somebody who does rise in the night to feast, you are doing nothing but damage to your body and will be ruining all the effort you have made, following a healthy weight loss diet program with exercise, to burn off calories. You do not have to follow a healthy weight loss program for very long before your body will start noticing the difference with increased energy levels, better rest and feeling healthier which also means you will be less prone to illness.

One more part of pursuing a healthy weight loss diet plan is the increased feeling of self-worth and self-pride as you notice the improvement of health: as sometimes being negative about yourself can be damaging to health. It is important to note that the body cannot perform magic and slimming down cannot happen like in a dream – most heavy individuals tend to go through overtly rigorous physical exercises to achieve this impossible ambition. Healthy weight loss require regular physical exercise but often heavy individuals try to rush this part too quickly so take it step by step and do some regular physical exercise to start with like swimming or jogging and then when your fitness level has improved, join a gymnasium. The moot point here is that you should take one step at a time and never try to overdo anything until such times that you feel completely comfortable with your workouts.

For more great information about weight loss, healthy dieting and more ways to deal with weight please visit There you will find all kinds of great information.

Certified Hoodia Products – How To Buy Authentic Hoodia Gordonii Products

Weight loss trends nowadays include the method Hoodia as a solution to those flabs and fats on your body. If you really want to get rid of those extra fats, you have to ensure that you buy only certified Hoodia products.

Some products in the market may only contain a little bit of Hoodia or worse, may claim that they are made of Hoodia, when in fact they´re not. These products would not work as expected and may even be harmful to your health.

It is your responsibility to know which are truly certified Hoodia products. Research shows that Hoodia XR Formula manufactured by Great Herbal Labs is one of the certified Hoodia products.

It is composed of Hoodia Gordonii that is 100% natural and is able to provide the user with good results even a few days after the first intake of the product and which has been shown to produce noticeable results after the first dosage.

Another example of certified Hoodia products would be the Liquid Hoodia that boasts of a faster absorption rate because of its form. You still have to make sure it is a certified hoodia product and contains 100% natural hoodia gordonii extract.

The success of certified Hoodia products makes them a target of people who love to make counterfeit products and claim that the products they are selling are the original ones. That is why you have to follow these tips to make sure that what you are purchasing is among the certified Hoodia products:

When purchasing a Hoodia product, look for the lab analysis certificate. You may also check the website of the manufacturer first and see if they have a CITES certification on their site, then you can be sure that they are only selling certified Hoodia products.

Discover the best certified hoodia gordonii products at my hoodia gordonii review site. If you are looking for 1000mg pure hoodia gordonii extract, check out my HoodiaXR review.

Burn Fat by Drinking Green Tea

Although there are a number of products that contain antioxidant properties, it is green tea that is probably the most famous even though it has many other beneficial health properties. Green tea weight loss products are readily available in many forms and considered by many as one of the best products to take to shed excess calories.

The affect on the human metabolism is quite amazing as it actually slows down the process of aging if used over a long period by aiding cell regeneration. However, weight loss treatments using it rely on the laxative and toxin purging qualities of the plant that speed up the metabolism. The way to stop fat from forming is by burning calories faster than they can be put on as excess weight, and this is where the product excels.

Despite the success of green tea weight loss products, they cannot work on their own so the user must be responsible for what food they eat and any exercise they perform. Many people seem to think that its use will solve all their weight problems but the fact you are taking the product implies you are trying to improve your health by eating more healthily.

The greatest benefits are seen when people who drink green tea, do so before they go to sleep even though it can be used at anytime. Weight loss products containing this product can take some getting used too and often there may be some bowel irritation for a couple of days but it will pass. This is quite normal because the green tea weight loss product is improving the metabolism to remove the harmful toxins before they do any damage. Indications that it is working can generally be seen within seven days of use providing other aspects of the diet are followed like drinking plenty of fluids combined with physical activity, fruit and vegetables.

One very successful combination of green tea products is that which includes ginseng root extract. Ginseng has also been used in Chin and Tibet for many thousands of years and helps by adding vitamins and minerals to supplement those already being used in the detoxification process.

When ginseng is used in association with green tea it stimulates the immune system and fortifies the user, representing a valuable energy source, during the stressful period when you are returning to normal weight. So far no adverse side-effects have been discovered with tests of up to half a year showing good safety levels for products containing green tea and ginseng.

For a lot more information on weight loss and different ways you can lose weight please visit

Health Risks For The Overweight

Obesity manifest to being the primary source of major health risks that root from an unhealthy lifestyle. Myriads of weight loss programs continue to proliferate in the market yet, the apparent state of millions of overweight people are incessantly evident. The problem then is that it is a major concern for people worldwide. Tons of people have problems with their weight. I myself like sitting in front of my computer checking out my market software.

Health risks for the overweight come in range of numerous causes. That being said, knowledge of these hazards should be known by people so they can fight off heath problems before they start. Being obese is considered a possibly life threatening condition that can only be cured through hard work and a proper diet.

Obesity causes risks of heart attack and strokes. If you are overweight you definitely have high blood pressure and this serves as a contributing factor leading to high cholesterol buildup and the inability of the heart to function well. Heart attack is the chief killer of people from all over the world and not doing any means to resolve this problem will certainly pave the way for further perils in ones health.

Do you often snore when you sleep? Do you hear an uncontrollable and almost unbearable loud noise? If this so, then you are suffering from sleep apnea. That type of health problem is common among obese individuals. When sleeping, usually people will slow breathing and making the airway smaller. Sleep apnea is the result of inflammation of fat surrounding your neck which makes it difficult for a individual to breathe properly. If that is what happened, then you should seek out a doctor. Sleep apnea is not a minor health problem as this will pave the way for auxiliary diseases if not given utmost attention.

An additional concern for obese people that may appear is type 2 diabetes. This happens when cells that produce insulin now have a hard time doing their job and thus can’t regulate blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes then you suffer things like high blood sugar that does stuff like cause other system failures in the body. If this remains untreated other infections such as amputation and the loss of sight might emerge.

Being overweight can also increase your risk of cancer. Cancer can be caused by being heavy, and it also leads to many types of conditions like Colon and liver cancer, or many more. The gall bladder disease is also apparent to people who experience weight gain. Gallstones come from cholesterol upsurge and if you are on the overweight side then higher possibilities of acquiring an enlarged gallbladder is possible.

You wouldn’t want all these health risks to happen to you, would you? If you confirm that then you need to check for ways to stop yourself for getting more and more overweight. Exercise and a good diet cannot be of use in the short term, but rather they should be looked at as a lifetime commitment. If you want a really good weight loss program I suggest checking out mytrack.

How to Lose Fat Naturally

Losing fat has always been a constant problem for overweight individuals. Many nurture the dream of achieving six pack abs or a perfect slim figure like fitness models, but seldom succeed in achieving this dream. The main cause for such failure is that they embark on ineffective methods of losing fat. Therefore, a result-oriented approach would mean following a structured and effective fat loss program, and of course, the best among them would be a natural fat loss program.

The first step towards your goal would be to minimize the amount of junk food in your diet. It’s best to cut it out all together, but reduce it as much as you can. Simply trying to reduce your caloric intake without worrying about the quality of your diet will do more harm than good. It will only backfire in the sense that it will result in a decrease in metabolic rate and sometimes lead to malnourishment and other severe health issues.

Therefore, eat a healthy diet by avoiding junk food and food containing high cholesterol and fat. In the same way, eating a low calorie meal five to six times a day instead of having rich food two or three times a day will work wonders. Fat burning foods should also be included in your diet as much as possible. Celery, cucumber, onions, citrus fruits, lettuce, carrots, garlic and apple cider vinegar are some of the fat burning foods that form part of a successful fat loss diet.

Routine exercise should be combined with this new healthy diet in your attempt to lose fat naturally. Cardiovascular exercise and resistance training are the two most common types of exercises. Through simple physical aerobic exercise, one can burn the excess calories in the body. These exercises not only burn excess fat, they also makes you fit physically and mentally. Similarly, weight lifting is an equally effective way to lose abdominal fat to get those six pack abs.

Another natural remedy, which is generally overlooked by most of us, is to push fluids. By drinking enough water, the body will be able to metabolize fat in a much better way and thus contribute to weight loss. By drinking plenty of water frequently, about 62 calories can be dropped from the body. This amount increases significantly if you drink ice water instead of room temperature water, since your body has to work harder to stay warm.

Maintaining a stress-free mind also forms an integral part of a natural fat loss programs. This is because stress and strain tend to directly affect obesity. Regular practice of relaxation exercises will help to keep a cool mind amidst various stressors of life. Moreover, reduced stress means better control over your mind, which in turn, will help you stick to the fat loss program.

Natural fat loss programs use plenty of psychology too. One such strategy would be to switch over to smaller plates. There is a tendency to fill your plate full while eating. So if the size is small, the quantity you put on the plate will automatically be less. Similarly, avoid watching TV while eating food. Studies show that people who eat while watching TV tend to eat more than those that avoid distractions while eating.

As you can see, natural fat loss can be achieved by one, two, or a combination of all of the aforementioned methods. The choice is yours! Choose the methods that work for you and your lifestyle to achieve that perfect figure, which you always wanted to have.

Margerie McNab spent countless hours researching all of the fat loss programs on the market. Please visit, you will find several programs that we have found to be the best.

Want to Lose Weight? Drink Green Tea

The uses of green tea are still being discovered by science because this wonder drug contains ingredients that enable it to be used as an antioxidant, in addition to those incorporated in dietary supplements. People requiring a natural product to burn calories will not find anything to compare with green tea weight loss supplements.

When used for extended periods it helps to re-generate human body cells and as a consequence actually slows down the normal aging process. While this is an added benefit, weight loss products rely on its ability to work as a natural laxative and use it as a product that purges toxins from the system. The product increases the metabolic rate and the number of calories burnt so less fatty tissue forms.

This said, green tea weight loss supplements still need the help of the person using them because if you are eating large amounts of junk food every day without any physical activity then you will still put on weight. For it to work, adjustments to diet and mental attitude are necessary for a person to become healthier, it is not just a case of losing weight.

If you use green tea as a drink then the best time to take this is just before you retire for the night. It is quite normal for most people to find they’re stomach and bowel upset during the first few days after using the product but this should not last much longer than this. This effect is quite normal especially for new users and is down to the way that green tea weight loss supplements speed up the metabolism so calories do not have time to become fat tissue. increasing your liquid intake, regular exercise and eating fruit and vegetables then expect to see good results within your first week.

The attributes of green tea can be further enhanced when it is used in combination with extracts from the root of ginseng. Considered to be the root of life in China and Tibet, ginseng root brings the vitamin and mineral supplement the body needs during a detoxification period.

Increasing the energy and vitality level of the user, ginseng is a valuable addition to green tea products especially for people trying to get back to what should be their normal weight. Green tea and ginseng have not been found to have any harmful side-effects even during periods of up to six months at a time.

For more great information about green tea and weight loss please visit There you will find all kinds of information about weight loss and what you can do about it.

Lap Band Surgery Information

There are many questions that people have about Lap Band surgery. For many, it is a great solution to their weight problem and can actually improve their health by helping them to lose the excess pounds. The key, if you feel that you would make a good candidate for the procedure, is to be informed of how the process works and the necessary changes that must occur in your life. In order to enjoy Lap Band success you absolutely must know the details of how the program works and how the actual surgery works.

Lap Band surgery was approved by the Federal Drug Administration in June 2001. The Lap Band system employs a technique of constricting the stomach at a certain place. The stomach pouch will hold roughly two to four ounces of food at a time. This gives the person the feeling of being full after a few bites. You will eat less, yet still have the feeling of being full.

During the procedure, Lap Band patients are given general anesthesia. The next step is for the bariatric surgeon to make five two to three inch incisions in the abdomen. These small incisions allow the doctor to work with a scope rather than being forced to make a larger incision. The smaller incisions mean that there is less recovery time and the healing process is much faster than with past, invasive, weight loss cure surgeries.

After the lap band procedure is finished you will be wheeled into a recovery room. The expected hospital stay is only two to three days depending on how well you recover. After you have awakened from the anesthesia and are coherent there will be a visit from a nutritionist. You have to stick to their rules. There will be many changes in your dietary lifestyle that are important in order for you to stay healthy and lose weight.

You cannot expect your lifestyle to ever be the same again. You have to make fundamental changes in order to maintain weight loss and keep yourself healthy. This means being mindful of what you eat and how often you eat. Some of your favorite foods will be off limits to you. You have to concentrate on the quality of the food you eat, as well as the quantity. So throw away those empty calories and put more protein into your diet. It also means that caffeine is a definite thing you must avoid.

Hopefully, with dietary changes and exercise, you will be one of the Lap Band patients to enjoy tremendous success. No longer will you be ashamed of being overweight. The Lap Band surgery will truly change your life if you follow the regime of your doctor and nutritionist.

All surgery comes with a risk so its always advisable to exhaust all other avenues first. Try a diet plan that has a proven track record and as made it into the top 10 diet chart.

You can check out the Top 10 Diets as an alternative to lap band surgery by clicking here.