Five Habits That Can Contribute To Being Overweight

Is your lifestyle contributing to your weight gain? For healthy people – weight gain is caused by simply consuming more calories than you burn. Unfortunately for most of us, our healthy lifestyle education comes in the form of a blaring commercial that is trying to convince us that eating this “lite” food or using that “miracle exercise machine” will lead to a healthy fitness lifestyle!

In truth, a healthy, lean lifestyle takes effort and education. Hopefully, this advice on these five bad habits will get you started on a path to meet your weight loss goals.

  1. Skipping meals and then overeating when you make time to eat. Skipping meals leads to blood sugar fluctuations, moodiness, and fatigue. Habitually skipping meals also causes you to eat more when you do find the time for it. You feel extremely hungry after you skipped your meal so you “binge” and then feel worse. Try to eat healthy meals and snacks at regular intervals or eat small portions throughout the day.
  2. Not moving your body. The body is designed to move. Period. A regular fitness schedule can brighten your day and actually give you more energy once you get used to it. Daily activity prevents muscle atrophy and any movement (walking, doing dishes, cleaning, playing with the kids, etc) is better than no movement.
  3. Drinking cola or sugar drinks when you are thirsty. Soda is about 150 empty calories filled with sugar and caffeine and not one ingredient that your body needs to survive. True that some energy drinks can replenish your electrolytes in the short term, but that sugar fix will wear off. Bottom line, when your body is thirsty, the best option is always water.
  4. Snacking on empty calories. Being fat free or low carb does not make it healthy. Empty calories (calories void of nutritional value) do nothing for your body. If you absolutely need a snack, try keeping fruit, vegetables, nuts, or protein bars on hand to curb that craving. Even water can help fill you up until the next meal.
  5. Watching an abundance of TV. A recent article stated that you use less energy while watching TV than while sitting still! Anything is better than sitting on the couch all day in a vegetative state. There are even exercises you can do while watching tv!.

Most of us have developed at least one of these habits and are totally unaware of how unhealthy and destructive they can be to our lifestyle. Of course, I’m not telling you to never watch TV, or never snack – merely trying to raise your level of awareness and prevent you from sabotaging your diet efforts. Observe your habits and ask yourself how they are contributing to your current fitness level. You may be surprised what you see but you will then have the knowledge to get started and achieve your ideal weight.

The Facts About Lap Band Surgery You Should Consider

Being overweight is not easy. Oftentimes, you feel alone and that the world is a place for thinner people. But with obesity on the rise it is more prevalent than you might think. Globally, there are three hundred million people who are considered obese and a billion people who are overweight. Those numbers are staggering when you consider the health complications that can occur. But, if you have tried dieting and exercise to lose the excess pounds and have met with no success, then it is time to consider Lap Band surgery.

If you are considering Lap Band surgery, then you should know that it has a great success rate. People are losing their desired amount of weight and keeping it off. There are also less complications and a shorter hospital stay when compared to Biliopancreatic Diversion and laparoscopic Roux en Y procedures.

If you have tried several of the traditional top 10 diets without success and you are considering the Lap Band procedure, then there are a few things you have to keep in mind. The first is that it will mean a dietary change for life. There are a number of do’s and don’ts with this type of surgery. You have to constantly be mindful of what type of food you are placing in your body. Instead of three meals a day, you will most likely be eating small, three ounce meals, ten to twelve times daily.

The second thing to consider is that there are Lap Band complications. This will most likely occur in the first few weeks as patients try to learn and adapt to their low diet. Overfilling the stomach is the number one complication for most patients. They simply do not take into account that the stomach pouch is one-third the size it used to be. So there will not be any gorging at Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

The third thing to consider, post surgery, is that you still have to exercise. This is not some miracle cure that will happen overnight. You will still need to exercise in order to keep your heart and the rest of your bodily systems healthy. The surgery may work as a weight loss cure but you will still need to follow a diet and exercise regime.

And finally, there is the excess skin that you cannot exercise away. You may have to undergo plastic surgery after weight loss. These are all factors that should be considered when you are entertaining the idea of Lap Band surgery. You will find success if you follow your doctor’s orders and stay within your nutritional guidelines. You can make a success of this surgery if you put the energy into succeeding.

How Behaving Like an Idiot Led Me to Lose Weight

For the first time in my life that I have consciously decided to be an idiot. I’m an “idiot” when it comes to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. Once I started following it, I felt that this was a diet plan that could actually work. The directions on the website are easy to follow, and a membership in the plan provided me with a diet plan that I could actually follow. I can stick with the plan and still enjoy many of my old foods. This diet program helps a person to jump start their weight loss and to keep it going by following a simple, yet satisfying meal plan that, when combined with exercise, is really effective.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is an effective plan because the foods used in the meal plan are name brands that you can find at virtually any local food store. The plan promotes being able to lose up to 9 pounds in 11 days, over and over if you need to. One of the key ideas in this plan is that if you starve yourself to lose weight, it does little more than force your body to shift into starvation mode, and if you eat more you can teach your body to burn more. It makes sense, doesn’t it? The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet offers good nutrition and good common sense.

Everyone who has gone on a diet to lose weight has first-hand experience with that fact that if the food on the plan is food they do not like they won’t eat it, and the weight loss system will fail. A person who feels deprived gets depressed and loses the motivation they need to keep following the plan. In order to accomplish your weight loss and fat loss goals, you need to learn a new way of eating that you can stick with.

This plan has showed me a more balanced way of eating, one I can stick with. This plan has shown me that extreme eating isn’t necessary and the combinations of foods that I eat are more important than the amount of food I eat. Now I lose weight by eating frequently while choosing the right combinations. I’ve begun losing weight and I feel great, full of energy and hopeful for the future.


My success with Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not attributable to chance. All the positive testimonials and stories on the website confirm this. Here at last is a weight loss system that truly delivers solid results and lets you lose weight while eating a wide variety of foods.

Why You Should Not Get Cheap Hoodia

Hoodia diet pills are among the most recent diet craze supplements to hit the marketplace and it’s not surprising why. Advertised all-natural, ‘100 percent vegan diet tabs’ that have been used for centuries and they are certainly appealing to people who want to lose weight. They may be attractive to the eyes of those people who had been perpetually dieting thus trying out for some newly promoted products is something that they just can’t help doing.

If you’re interested to know more about it, here is some comprehensive info about Hoodia dieting pills. Unlike Dietrine Carb Blocker, the way these tabs work is tapping your mind, to make you think that you are already full, so that you do not have any appetite for more food, and this makes you lose weight. Made from the Hoodia plant, which has been used by ancient man to ‘kill hunger’ during wars and long battles. It’s been said that Hoodia dieting pills contain the utmost concentration of a chemical substance that is responsible for blocking hunger signals to your brain called the Molecule P57.

Hoodia Gordonii Plus is fast and effective diet pill. It is said that it can aid you lose weight wihout fasting. On contrary, it is not a wonder pill. Unless you have tried everything, then you should not consider it. But if you face trouble losing weight, then check out Hoodia Gordonii Plus feedback.

How much do Hoodia Gordonii dieting tablets price? The price of Hoodia diet pills vary from retailer to retail merchant, but most preparations start at around , going up to as high as 0 (for stronger combo preparations). If you still want to try something that is the cheapest before going into the higher dosage with a lot expensive price, you can resort to purchasing a bottle with 400-milligram capsules (for 90) which can be enough to last for almost three months. Normally, you will pay about to more to get 60 tablets of 750 milligram caps. Available in the same price range are elixir preparations, which claim to be especially effective in suppressing cravings for junk food and night time hunger. You can also purchase Hoodia caps with fat-burning abilities in its special formulation at a price of less than which is said to be best taken before meals at 2 to 3 times a day.

If you can stretch your budget to more than 0, then buy combo formulations. In terms of speed as well as efficacy, these are considered to be better than the normal preparations. These fortified Hoodia diet tablets do not only contain Hoodia Gordonii, but also Biogenic amines, Cinnamon twig extract, Spirulina, and enzyme blends, to name a few.

How does Hoodia work ? It seems like the compounds in Hoodia trick the brain that you are always full and you don’t feel hungry. The effect usually starts in less than 2 weeks but many people experience the appetite suppressing effects within one day. You can learn more about Hoodia at Cloud 9 Hoodia800 review.

Be aware of phony products: The addition of such fillers like Caffeine, Epherda and other similar ingredients is done by some deceitful producers to marketplace a lot of Hoodia dieting tablets without using as much of the important ingredients as required. Just before you make any purchase of Hoodia dieting pills, be keen in finding out whether the producer is trustworthy since many of them can deceive you due to the scarcity in Hoodia Gordonii which is principally the reason why fraudulent acts are done. Pick those who sell only high-potency products and have access to Hoodia farms (mostly in South Africa), enabling them to produce top-quality dieting tabs with the right dosage.

How to Lose Waist Fat – 3 Sure Fire Ways

Call it what you may love handles, muffin top, or spare tire, waist fat is one of the first areas that you want to skinny down. Unfortunately, it is one of the first areas to usually fatten up. If you learn how to lose waist fat you can take care of those troubles. Of course there are many who proclaim to know what the best ways to lose waist fat are but are using outdated information. This article debunks some of those rumors and reveals little known tips to lose waist fat.

Lose Waist Fat Tip 1

You probably have heard the phrase you are what you eat. Diet is usually the key to any weight loss success. If you choose a diet plan steer clear from the fad diets. With fad diets you will assuredly gain weight as fast as you lose it. Diets that work the best have a variety. Specifically, alternate between a carbohydrate and protein in your diet. While switching between carbs and protein, make sure to do it every ten days to optimally have your body burn calories. Here is a recommended diet

Lose Waist Fat Tip 2

Exercise when put together with a great diet is a sure fire combination. There is no better exercise to lose waist fat then Latin dancing. Because the waist is in constant motion when latin dancing, it burns more fat in that region. You are bound to lose waist fat as a result. there are other exercises that arnt as effective but still are great a targeting the waist line. So if dancing is not an option try doing side bends or oblique tilts.

Lose Waist Fat Tip 3

Not many people know that sleeping regularly affects your weight. studies have proved that sleeping patterns and obesity have a correlation. Bad sleeping habit affects the health in many ways but more often affects your metabolic rate or burning calories. When your metabolic rate is slowed down, calories are stored as fat. Most often the fat that the body stores is put right at the waist line. So get into the habit of sleeping at a certain time and waking up at a certain time with at least 6-8 hours. Not only will you feel healthier, you will lose waist fat a lot faster. Give these tips a try when trying to lose waist fat and you will see greater results guaranteed.

This article is only a summary of the many weight loss methods at Weekend Weight Loss. For more tips and advice on how to lose weight quickly and effectively, click here.


Best ways to lose 20 pounds fast

lose 20 pounds in one month

You realized that if you lose 20 pounds fast it will bring back your self esteem. It will also make you wear better clothes and look better in them too.  How would you like to look good in a bikini again? Boost your confidence in joining more physical activities. If you have children, it can even set a good example to eating healthy and rouse them from spending countless hours in front of the Tv or computer.

It’s not easy to lose weight, more so, when you need to shed off at least 20 pounds. But it is doable and you can start with 5 easy ways.

1. Get physical. Exercise is very important in losing weight. Join a sports club. Walk whenever possible. Run, swim, play tennis, come up with physical activities with your family (How about joining the marathon or strolling the park regularly?). Remember that even low impact physical activity is better than watching TV all day. Stop being a couch potato.

2. Go for a healthy diet. Who doesn’t love fried foods? We all do. In fact you can still continue to eat fried foods but use the healthy oils like olive or canola. Add up foods that boost metabolism such as fish, lean meat, skinless chicken, vegetables, fruits, nuts, chilis, there are plenty of delicious options to choose from.

3. Drink plenty. Water that is, at least 8 glasses a day. If you are fond of green tea, you can benefit from its antioxidants and same goes for coffee. Avoid soda and other sugar-laden drinks. Remember, sugar is empty calories.

4. Start a health journal. Give it a name. My health list. My sexy secret. Whatever. This is important in keeping track of your progress and learning the right combination of food and fitness activities will come easily because you can pinpoint what went wrong in your diet or exercise.

5. Think positively. Use some visualization to help see yourself 20 pounds lighter.  Follow the saying “act as if” and act as if you have already lost the 20 pounds.  Act as if you were in better shape and strolling down the street with more confidence.  You may laugh now but try it for 30 days and see what a difference it can make in your life.

There are many more ways to lose 20 pounds fast.  Visit Lose 20 Pounds Fast for more helpful weight loss tips.

The Straightforward Way To Pure Weight Loss

If you want to attain pure weight loss you need to get rid of the fat in your body.  This can be done most effectively by keeping the muscle you have and only burning the fat.  In the following paragraphs you’ll discover just how to keep the muscle you have and burn the fat you don’t want in a healthy manner.

Be advised, you are going to have to do a little work if you expect to see results.  No pill is going to do it for you.  These pills or supplements can aid in the burning of fat but should not be the only thing you do in an effort to acquire pure weight loss.

Do you really want to know the secret to sustained weight loss?  It’s simple, exercise and a healthy diet.  I understand that this isn't exactly what you had in mind.Generally speaking, individuals would rather mow the lawn that go on a diet or exercise for that matter.  Listen, it’s not that bad, it is really easier than you think.

Your not going to be required to go cross country skiing for an hour if that is what your fearing.  On the contrary, your body will begin to burn it’s fat stores after 16 minutes, give or take a minute or two.The amount of time can vary depending on the individual and their own particular body type.  What happens is that you body will burn carbohydrates in the first 15 minutes of exercise.  To obtain fat loss, you will want to go past this time period for an additional 10 minutes at the least.

The key here is that you don’t want to burn muscle because it burns the most calories in your body.As muscle is lost, the body's natural fat burning mechanism is deminished.  You ideally want to gain muscle to aid in the burning of fat.  That’s why it’s not a good idea to crash diet, your body will lose muscle and dampen it’s ability to get rid of what you really want to see go, fat.

Let me preface by saying that it can be easy to get discouraged when the results don't come as quick as you want. You have to fight those feelings off.  This is more normal than you would suspect.  When you take on a pure weight loss program you will be burning the fat and be replacing it with muscle in the beginning.Try not to panic, just because there is no apparent loss in weight you may still begin to fit into some of those old clothes.  Really.

Another thing you need to consider it to try other things than just aerobic activity.  It is a good idea to work a little weight training into the picture also.  This can kick start your metabolism if it gets stuck in a rut.  Remember, muscle burns fat so muscle is good.