KFC Free Dinner – from 9 on May 5 to 21:59 CDT on May 6

Just saw this on Oprah. You’ll get two pieces of grilled chicken, two sides, and a biscuit.
All are for FREE for you!
Download your coupon here: Free KFC Coupon – Oprah.com
This is a Limited Time Download
Coupon download available from 9 a.m. CDT on May 5, 2009, to 9:59 p.m. CDT on May 6, 2009. Coupon is redeemable at participating KFC® locations in the United States from May 5, 2009 to May 19, 2009—excluding Mother’s Day, May 10, 2009.
Nutritional Info can be found here by clicking the link. It is actually not that bad if you look into the nutritional information of this deal. What do you expect more for a free dinner like this?
kfc free dinner
This may be off topic, but who don’t like a FREE DINNER with not that bad Nutritional Info and you may still be healthy after that dinner – May I suggest: lots of exercises after enjoying it!

No Affinity For Obesity

Obesity is defined as being 20 percent or more above one’s desirable weight range (See appendix A again for reference). It is a medical condition that refers mainly to storage of excess body fat. The human body naturally stores fat tissue under the skin and around organs and joints. Fat is critical for good health because it is a source of energy when the body lacks natural energy necessary to sustain life processes, and it provides insulation and protection for internal organs. But the accumulation of too much fat in the body is associated with a variety of health problems.


A calorie is the unit used to measure the energy value of food and the energy used by the body to maintain normal functions. When the calories from food intake equal the calories of energy the body uses, weight remains constant. But when more calories are eaten than the body needs, the body stores those additional calories as fat, causing subsequent weight gain. One pound (1 lb) of fat represents about 3,500 excess calories.

Obesity is partially determined by a person’s genetic makeup. If a child inherited the excessive body fat cells of his obese parents, more likely, he will tend to eat more than his body needs; thus, making him an obese too. Copying poor eating habits of parents also affects a child’s body weight.

Lifestyles also play a key role in the triggering obesity. Eating big servings of food at restaurants and fast foods more frequently than nutritious home- cooked foods could help adding more calories and fats rather than limiting them. Devoting less time for exercise and other physical activities do not control weight gain. And doing untiring recreational activities such as browsing the internet, video games, movies, and television, plus using laborsaving devices of the modern living, such as personal computers, telephones, and remote controls, promote an inactive lifestyle.

Effects and Possible Complications

Obesity increases the risk of developing disease. Possible complications include:

Heart disease

High blood pressure



Gallbladder disease

Breathing problems

Bloating and stomach upsets

Varicose veins

Severe psychological problems

In fact, according to some studies, almost 70 percent of heart disease cases in the United States are linked to excess body fat, and obese people are more than twice as likely to develop high blood pressure. Obese women are at nearly twice the risk for developing breast cancer, and all obese people have an estimated 42 percent higher chance of developing colon cancer. Almost 80 percent of patients with Type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus are obese. The risk of medical complications, particularly heart disease, increases when body fat is distributed around the waist, especially in the abdomen. This type of upper body fat distribution is more common in men than in women.

The social and psychological problems experienced by obese people are also challenging. Discrimination for “fat” people is most likely to occur in educational institutions, employment, and social relationships. Other psychological effects include stress, nervous tension, boredom, frustration, lack of friends, depression, inferiority complex, and poor self-esteem.

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Exercises for Weight Loss

May 4th Weigh-In: 162.0 lb

I think I should start my jounal about weight loss again. A while ago I participated in a weight loss forum and journaled a little bit but did not continue even with lots of courages from peel forum weight loss guys/gals.
Before I also participated in our company’s weight loss activities, like walk around America(write down steps I wlaked in a pedometer, now running out of battery and I need to buy a new battery soon). I also took part in a diet program and take notes of all carbs taken and making sure no much meat to be taken.
I think by keeping an eye on your weigh and keep a diary we can be taking more care of our own health.
This is the weight reading from a scale in a bathroom in my home. I know different scales may have different readings but if I stick just to this one the trend should always be correct.

Why Diets Fail

Are you sick of trying diet after diet with not much to show for it? What makes diets fail so miserably? It’s incredible how many people still teach the myth that eating tiny amounts of food will help with weight loss. What really happens is when we restrict our food intake we could actually gain weight instead of losing it. The human body is designed to regard restricted food consumption with starvation. By regularly cutting down what we eat we send our body into starvation preservation mode.

Studies show that thin people tend to eat a diet that contain plenty of complex carbohydrates (like veggies, cereals etc) and people who are overweight consume diets that have a lot more fat. We need to fully understand how our bodies work in order to create a successful weight loss program. One of the best ways to lose weight is to start a low GI diet where you control just how much high GI carbohydrate you take in in a day, but don’t worry too much about the other foods. You still need to make sure you don’t overeat, by keeping your portion sizes down, and make sure you get a good combination of healthy nutritious foods which are also low in saturated fats.

Chances are there are habits that contributed to the weight gain and the weight gain was not over night but took years to accumulate. Because it took a long time to gain the weight, you should allow some time to get back to your normal weight. People who haven’t figured out the balance between eating right, drinking lots of water, physical exercises and getting proper amounts of sleep are the next customers to those pushing the new fad diet, diet pill or quick weight loss plan. All it takes is a quick browse round your local newsagent to find the latest fad diet or weight loss plan. As we live in a world where we want everything now, it’s much easier to think (or even believe) that a magic does exist that can burn off fat virtually overnight, than to accept that we have power to enhance our lives and live healthier longer lives where being overweight is in the dim and distant past.

Diets are doomed to failure because they do not encourage a healthy balance within your body. Diets will fail because they are structured towards making someone or some company rich rather than making a weight loss plan or system that will actually aid an individual to lose weight.

It’s widely documented that people who are overweight are at increased risk of illnesses and other life shortening health conditions owing to excessive body weight. Saturated fat consumption is one of the major reasons for excess body fat.

People have been led to believe for too many years that they need to deprive themselves of food or rigorously count calories to be able to shed those excess pounds. In actual fact our bodies know perfectly well how to manage weight providing we give our bodies what is needed it needs to stay healthy – such as proper amounts of sleep, plenty of water, eat healthy and nutritious foods, and some regular physical exercise.

Losing weight is not simply about counting calories, you should also not overeat. Moderate portions of nutritious foods are one key to losing weight. Another key to losing weight is not leading a sedentary life but one that involves giving your body the daily physical activity that it craves. Our bodies respond well to physical exertion!

Still Hope to Lose Weight for Wedding

Many women want to look their best in the weddings they attend, and hence constantly look for new and latest ways to lose weight for wedding. Of course there is nothing wrong in it as well because all women are entitled to look as best as they could at any times. When there is a wedding to attend, they usually like to become more beautiful than other days so they tend to be more figure conscious too. Some even go to the extent of trying crash diets and starve themselves to fit in that favourite pretty dress. However, it is very important for you to give more importance to losing weight for wedding in a healthy way. The purpose of this article is to help bride to be and any women who would love to have perfect figure for a wedding by showing them ways on how to lose weight.

Want to know what is the first in the list of healthy ways to lose weight for wedding? Breakfast. Breakfast that is rich in fibre will keep you full for most of the day so make sure to have it. The biggest mistake that most of us make is skipping our meals. This should be avoided at all cost because it will make matter worse because you will tend to eat more later when you are very hungry. To proceed towards that dream dress of yours stick to a healthier option by eating at regular intervals.  As it will ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of overeating because of hunger so is there anything like lose weight fast for wedding? By following a program yes there is.

Your body receives all the essential nutrients required to keep you healthy and glowing and at the same time helps you reduce weight if you include healthier items like fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains in these mini meals.

Many may ask how to lose weight fast for whatever reason or occasion.Of couse there are many people want to loose weight for wedding when there is a wedding in the family, friends or relatives, more so if you yourself are the bride. This is primarily because there are many tasks which need the personal attention of the bride and the family members, making them lose weight. However, if you feel that all these tasks are not helping you to fit in that favourite dress of yours, then it will be in your best interest to take up some exercise. What to know what exercises will make you lose fat and tone up your body? Give swimming, aerobics or dancing a try and you will be happy with the results. In fact exercise in any form will tone up your muscles, will keep stress levels low and will work wonders on your metabolic system to give you that perfect look for the wedding.

Not many of us know that by drinking a lot of water can actually help them lose fat. Drinking at least eight glasses of water regularly will ensure that your body is detoxified on a regular basis and hence will help you lose weight for wedding and at the same time will give you a very healthy glow.

Quickly Lose 10 Pounds

If I’m neither slender nor fit, what can I do? That’s why I have sometimes asked myself the question: How can I lose 10 pounds? – 10 pounds just to start with. According to Internet materials and diet studies, this is not something impossible. Certain top 10 diets can even help you eliminate the overweight in seven days only.

Have a look over these suggestions that could prove pretty useful to answer the dilemma of losing ten pounds without giving one too much trouble. Think for instance how much liquids you drink per day, hydration is vital for diets. An average person should drink about 200 gallons of liquid a year that usually include lots of soda, beer and milk. Tea, coffee and wine should also be added to the list of the 200 gallons.

If you change your drinking habits you have a chance to lose weight. Drink in order to satisfy your needs not your pleasure. You don’t have to drink water only, but the liquids have to be well chosen and dosed properly.

To answer the question – How can I lose 10 pounds? – remember that liquids are excellent appetite suppressants. A pulpy juice will alleviate not only thirst but hunger too, while also bringing nutrients to the body. Although the liquid-based diet might seem a very slow approach, try to focus on its long-term effects – you will get rid of 35,456 calories in one month only. And this is close to the 10 pounds in your question. Tea for instance is an excellent fat burner. Green tea seems to be the best as it contains a natural compounds that increase the metabolic rate of the system. You would be amazed to find out that green tea is able to rid you of 5,000 calories within 4 weeks of use.

And again: how can I lose 10 pounds? Stay as relaxed as possible and approach diet calmly, lots of people have made it that way. But some overweight suffers claim the need for self honesty. Such an approach tells you to set a realistic goal related to the ideal weight and how to reach it. Besides, you should know exactly why you want to lose weight and make sure your reason is a valid one. It may be necessary to change some things in your life so that a diet may really give the expected results.