A Simple Way To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Do you think that you could fit in just a few minutes a day to start getting rid of that belly fat? There are some other ways that you can get rid of stomach fat if you can’t find time to go to the gym. How about an invigorating game of golf, or a fast game of tennis.

If your time is limited it is recommended that interval training be incorporated rather than a slower longer workout. By using this method it will be effective in getting rid of stomach fat.

To get started then set aside 10-15 mins per day to start on your higher intensity program, and get burning those calories, instead of them being stored on your stomach.

It is necessary to get the heart rate up, allow some recovery, then increase the pace again. Hopefully you will warm up first and what better way than 2-3 minutes with the skipping rope. This can be made more interesting with all kinds of rhythms that can be made by speeding and slowing the rope, jumping double time, crossing the rope over, alternating the feet and the like. The only limit is your imagination. If you have ever seen a boxer dancing in the ring, then this is the action you should incorporate when using the rope.

In the next 2 mins set yourself up for a squat exercise, when crouched down place your hands on the ground, thrust your legs out and do a push-up, move your legs back underneath, stand back up and repeat. When you are not fit this can be physical so begin slowly.

Go back to another 2 mins of skipping with an increased pace so that the heart rate is again increased and you may begin to have a small sweat up.

If you would like to repeat these steps for the entire exercise session that is fine. How-ever you may want to lift the intensity by putting in a few side-rotates when you are down for the press-ups. If the arm on the top is extended upward it will assist in strengthening the core group of muscles. Keep the body working by repeating on both sides.

You could elevate one leg and then the other while you are down doing a press-up to increase the difficulty level. This really is a bonus for your back, abdominals and overall core muscles.

The variations are endless but another one may be to jog around a little between squats before finishing the workout with some slower gentler skipping which will give the heart a chance to recover slowly. Daily completing these exercises will improve your overall health and move that stomach fat.

Now that you have begun your new exercise program check out all the other information available at:


Or for lots more information, check out the link below:-


How to remove Belly Fat Like Bruce Lee

When Roper (John Saxon) is next in line to fight Lee (Bruce Lee) and is asked by Han (Shih Kien) to get on with it, Roper looks at the superbly cut Lee’s body and chuckles his now in the smash hit Enter the Dragon. That is the kind of awe that people around the world held Bruce Lee in. How to remove belly fat like Bruce Lee? Simple, eat like Bruce Lee, exercise like Bruce Lee, and think, like Bruce Lee!


How to remove belly fat by eating like Bruce Lee? When I say eat, I mean your diet, and it is very important. A balanced diet of not eating too much of fat containing food like whole organs in beef or mutton but eating lean cuts should be your motto. Refined flour is something you must avoid. Same way, whole grains are far more preferable to refined grains. Dairy products are better avoided but if you must have them, go for non-fat milk or yogurt. Three meals a day make the stomach start its grinding suddenly and make it go full steam thereby reducing its efficiency to burn belly fat. Well, some said Bruce Lee is a vegetarian. But no one knows exactly.


Next method on how to remove belly fat like Bruce Lee is exercise, exercise, and exercise some more. Stomach crunch is seems to be the best how to remove belly fat like Bruce Lee. One of the best tips that become Bruce Lee’s big secret, is that you should always curl your body up as if you are rolling a newspaper up especially when doing the stomach crunch. When sit up and down, you should avoid doing it like a see-saw, but you should better curl your upper body up, which is starting with your head, then neck until to your chest. Keep your abs hard and you don’t forget to put your attention concentrated on them.


Third step is embracing Bruce Lee’s mindset and thinking on how to remove belly fat. Bruce Lee said it is very important to do it fast when you concentrating on a good body shape. When you can no longer perform any more big and full repetitions, continue with smaller movements, such as abs crunches, which give you an improved muscle development and definition. Bruce Lee was also a firm believer in static concentrations, which involve tightening the stomach muscles for short bursts and then relaxing. By adopting Bruce Lee’s mindset on reducing belly fat, you too, can learn how to remove belly fat like him.


Now that you already learn the three steps on how to remove belly fat like Bruce Lee above, you may want to start planning your way to remove belly fat starting today!


Read about my real story, how to reduce belly fat correctly and i finally got a flat tummy and losing 33 pounds in 30 days

Learn Forward Looking Goals Setting

A great step in anyone’s life is when a person learns to establish goals to identify what they want to be or to have. That’s probably why so many people decide they want to get a better body for the New Year. Everyone wants to have rapid weight loss.

Of all the great fitness or athletic goals you can choose from, it’s important to define what you’re looking for. Successes will never come to you unless you know what you’re going to look like.

You’ll notice that many people never get anywhere in life,whether it’s their body, their finances, their career, or their education.Everyone interested in fitness should take some time to get counselled about what might be appropriate goals and then write them down.

Part of this should be finding practical ways to keep you committed to your goals even when you want to ignore them.

Many people drop their exerise routine the first thing after needing a little bit more time even though the exercise time is the most important.You can solve this type of issue by including your training period as one of your obligations, just like a sales meeting or doctor’s appointment. So, when will you lose 20 pounds?

There needs to be a roadmap that will take you to your goal: meeting your daily appointments are just part of that.The way you get more than a rut to move onward toward goals is to begin at the achievement of the goal and work in reverse to the present day.

You start from the end and work back and define each incremental step that is necessary as well as the day they must become realized.

There will be a specific time in your mind when you know you’ll have what you want. If you go the other way, the time you need to reach each goal is indefinite.By nailing down all the steps and increments in reverse, you take all the guesswork out of your goal. You can work with goal setting in the weight loss forum.