The Connection between Anthocyanins and Cholesterol Levels

Knowing what we do about weight loss and nutrition, it still is difficult for us to lose weight through the use of these knowledge and information, probably because what we know is not enough and as such, we should be vigilant, enthusiastic and eager to fish out for more information regarding the subject.

There are many people who are obsessing over weight loss pursuits that they are even welcome to the idea of using weight loss products that have unsafe formulations, just so they can experience a boost in weight loss. While we are not against the use of weight loss products, the idea of using a formulation that may cause potential threats to the health is something that does not sit well with us.

According to a recent study conducted by a group of researchers in Texas, increased intakes of antioxidant anthocyanins, found in berries, may improve levels of HDL and LDL cholesterol, according to results of a new study. This means that hypertensive people can have lesser risks of attacks and seizures. Further, this also means that health and wellness can be further realized just by ingesting berries.

Berries are fruits and they can be found almost everywhere. Additionally, berries are also sweet and delectable. Some people opt for sweet treat to satisfy their sweet tooth, but now, this study just gave dieters another reason to patronize a healthy dose of sweet treat… not through sugar-filled cookies and desserts, but through berries. Meanwhile, the fact that this study delves on beneficial effects of the antioxidant compounds on lipid levels it also synonymous to the fact that berries are also great for the obese and for the diabetics because they are the ones who are primarily the victims of hypertension.

They say that being healthy is one way of lengthening an individual’s life span. In that case, we should all make the necessary lifestyle changes that can equip is to further enhance our health. After all, it is only natural for us to take good care of ourselves and of our health and wellness, too.

For all those American men and women who want to make drastic changes in their lifestyle, we are recommending a gradual change through simple yet viable changes such as shifts in dietary preferences. As such, we can also start this new lifestyle by incorporating a healthy dose of berries at least once a day. For all the beneficial properties that it carries, berries are surely a great way to jumpstart your pursuits for health, wellness and of course, weight loss.

The study conducted about berries was already conducted a decade ago. The result of this new study, therefore, only strengthens the facts that barriers are indeed great additives on our daily diet.

About the Author
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Dieting Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.