Fasting to Lose Weight

In the Bible it states that one should fast once a week, that it will cleanse the body. This is very true, but many take fasting too far. It does rid your body of toxins it flushes out waste, fat and other harmful things that get trapped in our intestines. Water is good but you can also drink other liquids, but be sure there is no sugar or cream in them.

How To Minimize Your Weight By Implementing Only A Few Easy Changes

Your self esteem can reach an all time low if you look in the mirror and hate what you see. Whether you are a little overweight or a lot, you know the fat is there, and it makes you feel self-conscious. Many people look for the miracle diets or even half kill themselves dieting and exercising, only to fall back into the same pattern afterward. There are strategies on how to lose weight fast that help with just a few simple changes in your life.

Of course everyone will tell you that exercise is the key. That is true, but really you just want to move your body, do something and not sit around all the time. Skip the car and the bus when you can and walk to where you need to go. Forego the elevator and take the stairs at least once a day if you have the choice. Don’t force yourself to do things you hate, build up a habit so that you automatically do things that are good for your body and that give you natural exercise.

Discriminate against white food. This is probably the easiest yet hardest things to overcome. All those delicious white carbohydrates just calling your name in the form of bread, potatoes, pasta, cakes, and anything else that is white or made with flour. These are not your friends. They may make your feel good, but they won’t make you look good. The exception though is if you do a workout, eating some white carbs after is acceptable and generally needed.

Skip the calorie intense drinks. People tend to forget that they can drink their calories as well as eat them. Drink your coffee and tea without the sugar and cream; grab a diet cola instead of a sugar filled one. And, remember to drink plenty of water.

One tip successful dieters share is eating the same meals again and again. Create a selection of good for you foods that taste great, and mix and match them so it doesn’t get too boring. Add plenty of good proteins like lean beef, egg whites, chicken breasts, and pork. Don’t skimp on the vegetables, things like peas, spinach, and mixed vegetables are full of good stuff and will fill you up without adding the extra calories.

Eating several small meals a day will actually help you lose weight, and eating as much as you want will help by keeping you full of the good foods. Replacing the pasta and rice with vegetables will cut down your calorie intake by at least 200 calories per meal.

The downfall of many who seek fat burning is that they restrict all the “bad” foods. So when they crash, they crash hard, overeating and giving up on the diet because they feel they have no self-control. If you restrict yourself from all those foods, you set yourself up for a fall. Take one day a week and make it your crazy food day. Eat whatever you want, whenever you want. If fast-food is your weakness, then enjoy it. Candy and chocolate calling you, then eat it. One day of eating what you want will actually help maintain your metabolism and prevent you from failing.

Losing weight and dieting can be hard but it doesn’t have to be impossible. These few simple tips on how to lose weight fast will work, and the small changes will make a big difference. You can have great tasting food that is good for you. If you need help just look up some recipes online so you can make the most of every meal and still lose fat.

What You Should Know About Exercises To Tone Your Legs

If you have a flabby and unshapely legs the tendency is you feel embarrass most of the time. Makes you uncomfortable especially if you wear your short dresses and skirts. Below are some helpful exercises to tone your legs. This is not difficult to do, everybody can do it!

Wall Squat with ball

Place stability ball against wall approximately lower back height.

  1. Starting Position: Lean your lower back against ball and take approximately one step forward with each foot~Do this: Allow your lower back to lean against the ball then take about a step forward with each footStarting Position: Place your lower back against the ball then move each foot a step forward. Feet should be slightly wider than hip width apart.
  2. Bend your hips and knees then lower your body until the thighs are parallel to the ground. If possible DO NOT allow knees to extend past the big toe.
  3. Repeat the first position.
  4. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position.
  5. Proper knee Allignment should be noted- you should not let front knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Note: Take a 30 sec rest between sets.

Sidelying scissors

  1. Start by lying on your side and raising both legs slightly off the ground.
  2. kick your legs in opposite directions in a scissor type motion.
  3. Upon finishing the total number required, do it again to the other side. Instructor’s comments: no rest between sides

Adductor Raise

  1. Lie on your side and lean up on your elbow. Your top foot should be over your lower thigh.
  2. Maintaining this position and raise your lower leg keeping it straight.
  3. Repeat for the required number of repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.Instructor’s comments: no rest between sides

High Knee Drill

  1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart.
  2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot back on the ground.
  3. Drive other knee up in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time. Trainer’s comments: do a 5 minutes warm up.

Calf Raise

  1. Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart leaning against a ball or stand on the edge of a step on the balls of your feet with heels hanging over edge. The toes should be pointed forward.
  2. Contract calves by pushing off balls of feet to raise heels up in air (standing on toes)
  3. Lower heels and repeat.
  4. Remember to keep knees slightly bent throughout movement to prevent any knee strain. Trainer’s comments: 30 sec rest between sets.

Hamstring Curl with stability ball

  1. Assume back lying position on floor. Place hands at sides with palms down on floor.
  2.  Starting position: Place heels of both feet on top of stability ball.. Brought your hips away from the floor.
  3. Curl heels toward glutes by flexing at the knee. Hips should remain off floor.
    Repeat the first position
    Maintain your stability with that ball then make use of your trunk muscle and core. To increase difficulty, cross arms hands over chest to take away base of support. Trainer’s comments: rest 30 sec between sets.

If you’re serious about having well toned legs, then taking action right now is necessary.
For more exercises that tone your legs visit us at

The Easiest Way To Burn Stomach Fat

Burning stomach fat is sort of always a difficult accomplishment to realize.  Often , months and months of work out makes the remainder of the body pliable, but the stomach is a different, and a particularly tough story all together.  Let us finally unravel the puzzle, how to burn stomach fat!! 

How to Burn Stomach Fat – Tip 1

First and foremost, you need to realize that your diet is instrumental in making you look the way you do.  So, if you are a regular burger and pizza addict, then we’re going to need to make some drastic changes in your diet, for this fat burning make an attempt to work.  Eat healthier, fat free and fat burning foods.  Reduce the dairy products in your diet and go low on the butter.  Salads and juices have to now be your favorite foods.  Drink a lot of water.  Water is great to flush out the toxins from the system.  Avoid eating anything for an hour before you sleep, this should help you burn your stomach fat. 

How To Burn Stomach Fat – Tip 2

Now, you must know, that stomach fat is just worthless stored up energy.  So, you need to use up that energy with fat burning exercises.  For that, you need to do extensive fat burning home cardio exercises.  In essence, you need to use up more calories than you take in.  So a twenty to thirty mins run on the treadmill and some cycling, might be a safe start.  Along with the cardiovascular, you must do some muscle particular exercises as well .  This will help the flab free stomach ( when you get it ) to also look toned.  So you may also do crunches, which are regarded as the best exercises to burn stomach fat.  This way your muscles will be well toned and your flab free stomach will look perfect. 

A way to Burn Stomach Fat – Tip 3

Stretching is a good way to tone the muscles,as well as help burn the stomach fat.  Regular stretching exercises, before and after your exercises, should help augment the impact and increase the pace at which you burn stomach fact.  More so, it will help you keep your body flexible and also help you to avoid any muscle pulls, muscle cramps or other injuries that may come before or after fat burning exercise programmes.  More so, thanks to the stretching of the muscles, they get toned faster.  Fundamentally, stretching is the catalyst that will accelerate the ‘burning the stomach fat’ process. 
the simplest way to Burn Stomach Fat and shed weight Like Crazy! 

Here is how to burn stomach fat effectively so you can lose pounds fast.  I’m going to give you some simple things you can do.  Do these and you’ll lose weight and get shot of stomach flab. 

If you like step by step action plan on how to How to lose belly fat, go How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat here

3 Powerful Tips For Extreme Weight Loss – Get the Body You Deserve Quickly, Easily, & Naturally!

Do you want to get extreme weight loss but not run the risk of regaining weight back, losing energy, developing digestive issues, nor any other side effect? Okay my friend, read on to discover 3 incredibly powerful tips that will get you the body of your dreams starting today: