After trying dozens of different diet plans to shrink my stubborn belly fat, I finally found something that actually worked. Take 60 seconds out of you day to read this article and learn why other diet plans failed while only 1 diet proved to be the most effective for me to lose weight and shrink my stubborn belly fat fast.
How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat – The Basics of Attaining a Flat Belly to Get an Amazing Body
A lot of people have been there – overweight, the sight of unpleasant belly fats, out of shape, and searching for solutions. How to lose stubborn belly fat is perhaps one of the biggest dilemmas obese people have been struggling all this time. They’ve wanted to eliminate belly fats, yet find it difficult to be on track for the whole duration. Now, how do you go about this major quandary? Here are simple solutions to help you lose stubborn belly fats safely and effectively.
When On a Fat Loss Exercise Program Remember to Change Your Exercises Around
Every great plan or journey starts with a single step – which is also true of every one’s weight loss program. If you do not start, you simply will never get there, and we all know that the hardest step is the first step – so here is a couple of little hints and tips to help make those first steps in your fat loss exercise program seem both that little easier and a little more rewarding.
First of all, plan your program. If you are planning this in addition to a healthy nutrition program, always co-ordinate to get the maximum effect. There is absolutely no point in having a series of exercises chosen that demand a high cardio workout from you when you are feeding your body on a high fiber low carb program.
When doing your fat loss exercise, drink plenty of water and/or electrolyte laden liquids to help your body replenish lost hydration.
Eat more smaller, frequent meals during the day. Spread your calorie intake around and you will start to feel less tired in the afternoons and more energized in the mornings simply from doing this.
With a fat loss exercise program, remember also to change your exercises around, especially in the cardio area. Why? If you rely on only one routine to exercise with, your body will be trained to expect it. By changing, even if you only change your routine (20 minutes on treadmill today instead of 35, and an extra 10 minutes on bike as well) and not the exercises themselves, you force the body to react to you.
Keep a training journal. It is something for you to keep track what you are doing and how you feel before and after. It will be really amazing for you when you see and read the differences you will have made after only a short period of time for yourself.
If you at some point decide you want to hire a personal trainer, this will show them exactly what you have being up to.
When done training, and this especially applies to women, eat as soon as you can. Your body will be craving food, and the best way to deal with that desire is to feed it. You should have proteins in the ratio of 3 grams per pound, you should intake 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fats and cut out simple sugars…
The list does seem endless of the little things needed for a complete program to help you with your fat loss exercise, but you’ll get there. To maximize your efforts, you should incorporate a good diet program to reach your weight loss goals.
Omron hj 112 pedometer Reading Now: 11,676 steps.
I took a walk around my subdivision affter work and now my Omron hj 112 pedometer reads: 11,676 steps!
It is a nice walk after dinner. Not that humid outside and the breeze is really pleasant.
Watched American Idol, special edition in memory of Michael Jackson, kind of boring, Just a Karaoke show. I was surprised that a judge called the contestant who picked Michael Jackson’s “Beat it” stupid…
Confession of the day: guilty of having some Lays Original Baked Potato Chips… and lots of roasted peanuts…
Omron hj 112 pedometer Reading Now: 8,206 steps.
Walked across the main street and did a big walk around twice. Each big walking around counts about 3,000 steps. Sweating…
Current Omron hj 112 pedometer Reading: 2,307 steps.
My Omron hj 112 pedometer Reading: 2,307 steps.
Did not walk much just go talk to co-workers and get drinks.
Lunch time now. we’ll have some fruits and more walks.
Current Omron hj 112 pedometer Reading: 1,927 steps.
Just did a small walk outside when grabbing my drink(Japanese Green Tea today, regular, may try strong next time). I just went to otherside wing of the building. Go right after exitting the door, straight about half a mile, go left, then left again, and another left brought to where I was again.
It’s a very sunny day. Birds chirping happily in the trees. There are some shades down the road but most of the time I was exposed to the sun. I am almost sweating when I was back.
Now my Omron hj 112 pedometer reading shows 1,927. So the small walk counted for about 1,300 steps because I noticed that before I wlaked out side my omron hj 112 pedometer reads 685 steps.
It’s fun walking with my Omron hj 112 pedometer!
Today’s trivial Q&A: Where can I get a weight loss tracker for me?
- Q: Where can I get a weight loss tracker for me? What do you recommend?
- A: Well…it’s been a while since I used a tracker or ticker, but I am pretty happy with tickerfactory dot com. If you wanted to track your walking steps using pedometers like Omron hj 112 pedometer, you may try walkertracker dot com.
My step blog for June 28, 2009
As it is too hot outside today, I spent most of the day at home. So how can I reach my 10,000 steps goal for today? I just need to be more creative. First I’ll walk as much as I can at home, go get tea, clothes, for me and for others too. All those small number of steps adds up.
I turn on a dancing DVD/VCD and do exercises with it. When watching TV I do exercises at my traedmill while it is running ads.
I even do “walk” when I am washing dishes. Crazy and fun.
Lastly when the outside cooled off around 8:30PM and my Omron hj 112 pedmeter already showed 8,800 steps , we went outside and took a walk. Oops, while still on the road my pedometer showed 10,700 already _ I reached my 10,000 steps goal today! When we got home, Omron hj 112 pedmeter showed that I walked 11,625 steps – that is, roughly 3.66 miles!
Do This and You Will Start to Lose Weight Immediately! An Absolute Must Read For You
Losing weight is all about correction in lifestyle, eating habits and diets, and exercise. If you can abide by these few regulations you will start to lose weight immediately. But for all of these you need to discipline your self and be firm about following a strict regimen.